
dinsdag 29 juli 2014

Kauai, een paradijselijk Hawaïaans eiland, wordt langzaam veranderd in de grootste gifbelt ter wereld, lees de petitie en teken a.u.b.!

Op het Hawaïaanse eiland Kauai, zijn de grote chemische bedrijven bezig, dit eiland te veranderen in de grootste giftbelt ter wereld. Om hun gentech rassen te kunnen  testen, maakt men gebruik van het grote aantal oogsten, die op dit eiland mogelijk zijn. Genetisch gemanipuleerde zaden, die dusdanig veranderd zijn, dat ze grote hoeveelheden gif tolereren, worden daar massaal onderworpen aan zeer grote hoeveelheden gif, zodat de bodem verzadigd is van die troep, maar ook de oppervlakte van het eiland wordt erdoor vervuild, gif dat door diezelfde bedrijven wordt gefabriceerd.........

Stop Poisoning Paradise! Stand With Kaua'i in their Battle Against Excessive Pesticide Use

The island of Kaua'i, Hawaii, is a world treasure -- ecologically unique, rich in spirit and culture, and famous through to ancient times for its dramatic beauty and brave defenders. It is also Ground Zero in the fight against Chemical Companies and the excessive use of pesticides in our food, on our lands, and directly on workers and people in nearby communities.
Dow, DuPont Pioneer, Syngenta and BASF, four of the largest Chemical Companies in the world, have turned parts of Kaua'i into one of the most toxic chemical environments in all of American agriculture. Exploiting 3-4 growing seasons a year and lax oversight, they experiment with extremely excessive amounts of the most toxic agricultural chemicals in their bid to develop pesticide-tolerant crops (i.e. the food we eat).

Globally their aim is to increase profits by selling more chemicals and patented seeds that only work with their chemicals. Locally, the people and land of Kaua'i and other places around Hawaii are bombarded almost daily with neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and mixed pesticide-cocktails with unknown and untested impacts.

But the World is Watching. We need to show these companies that we will not stand by as they exploit people and the land for their own profits. Sign the pledge today to stand with Kaua'i and Hawaii in telling the chemical companies to stop poisoning paradise, and join the global movement to stop them in their drive to hook our food system on their chemicals.

Hier de link naar de petitie.

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