
woensdag 30 december 2015

Thatcher probeerde persoonlijk aids voorlichting tegen te houden........

Het lieverdje van veel neoliberale homo's, hare gitzwarte kwaadaardigheid Thatcher, heeft in 1986 tevergeefs geprobeerd een aids voorlichtingscampagne tegen te houden. Wel heeft deze feeks deze campagne weten te vertragen......... Een en ander was gisternacht radionieuws (1.30 u. onze tijd) op BBC World Service.

Hier een artikel over deze zaak, overgenomen van de Financial Times. De link naar het artikel werkt soms wel dan weer niet, vandaar het hele artikel:

December 30, 2015 12:01 am

UK national archives: Thatcher sought to tone down campaign warning about Aids

Emily Cadman and Kate Allen
Health secretary Norman Fowler in front of a poster reading 'Aids - Don't Die Of Ignorance' in November 1986
Health secretary Norman Fowler in front of a poster reading 'Aids - Don't Die Of Ignorance' in November 1986

Margaret Thatcher personally intervened to try to tone down what her advisers saw as “distasteful” adverts warning about the dangers of HIV/Aids.

As her government began to grapple with the emerging public health crisis, newly declassified files reveal the tension between doctors’ advice to place advertising frankly discussing sexual behaviour and the prime minister’s concern that such details would offend people.

In February 1986 David Willetts, an adviser to Thatcher and later a minister in David Cameron’s government, sent a memo warning that Norman Fowler, health secretary, was “proposing to place explicit and distasteful advertisements about Aids in all the Sunday papers”.

He concluded the “problem is now so serious that we must do as he proposes”. However, Thatcher scribbled on the memo comments such as: “Do we have to have the section on risky sex? I should have thought it could do immense harm if young teenagers were to read it.”

Health officials around the world were scrambling to deal with the threat of HIV/Aids, which had emerged in the US only a few years before.

In late 1986, the government estimated that 30,000 people in Britain were already infected, with 10 to 20 people being infected every day. With no cure, the concern was that these numbers could rapidly spiral into the hundreds of thousands.

The tension between delivering effective public health advice and the fear of giving offence — for example, through references to anal sex — crop up throughout the papers. At one point, Thatcher checked for assurances that the proposed advertisements would not fall foul of the Obscene Publications Act.

Despite her reluctance, public health officials were adamant, with the chief medical officer insisting that passages on avoiding the riskiest sexual practices “contained the essences of the message that he needed to get across; and that in his professional judgment their inclusion in the publicity was vital”.

While Thatcher eventually backed down about the content of the adverts, she later refused Mr Fowler’s request for a ministerial broadcast to explain the campaign as “not appropriate”. The ensuing public health campaign was run out of the Cabinet Office, not Number 10.

The following year, the unprecedented health campaign was launched with a leaflet drop to every household accompanied by hard-hitting TV adverts with the image of the word “Aids” being chiselled on to a tombstone and the slogan: “Don’t die of ignorance.”

At the time, misconceptions about Aids were rife. Many believed it could be caught from toilet seats or was confined to gay men, drug abusers or haemophiliacs who had received tainted blood transfusions.

The campaign, with its clear message that risky sexual behaviour put anyone at risk, was widely credited as having helped slow the spread of the disease and was imitated by several other countries.

A notable impact was also registered on other sexually transmitted infections: the number of diagnoses of gonorrhoea in England and Wales dropped from about 50,000 in 1985 to 18,000 in 1988.

In contrast, concerns are growing today that cases of STDs are again rising in the UK among a generation who do not remember the hard-hitting campaigns of the 1980s. 

Wat een geweldige politicus was het hè, die Thatcher........

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