
maandag 20 juni 2016

Nederland tekent verdrag met Libische junta over de kustbewaking, vluchtelingen worden gemarteld en doodgeschoten........

Het is mij vorige week geheel ontgaan: Nederland en het IOM (International Organization for Migration, een onderdeel van UNHCR) hebben een verdrag gesloten met de Libische, door het westen gesmede junta, over 'kustbewaking'. Zogenaamd om verdrinkende vluchtelingen te kunnen redden, terwijl de opzet overduidelijk het tegenhouden is van vluchtelingen, die zich middels wrakke boten richting Italië begeven.......

De huidige Libische kustwacht zou voor 18 maanden lang steun van Nederland en het IOM krijgen, terwijl deze kustwacht bestaat uit een stel smerige psychopaten, die er niet voor terugdeinzen mensen zonder enige aanleiding neer te schieten........

O.a. volgens Amnesty International worden vluchtelingen als beesten vastgehouden en gemarteld in 'detentiecentra', daar kunnen de meeste Nederlandse politici en zeker het inhumane afbraakkabinet Rutte 2 prima mee leven, zoals ze dit ook in het geval van Turkije geen probleem vinden....... Kortom een verdere schending van het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag en daarmee van de mensenrechten......

Ik vond dit bericht afgelopen zaterdag op De Doorbraak, die het van FFM haalde, hier het artikel zoals op De Doorbraak gebracht:

A few days ago, the IOM announced that: “The Netherlands and IOM Libya have signed an agreement for an 18-month project aimed at enhancing the Libyan Coast Guard’s capacity to save lives at sea and supporting the humanitarian repatriation of vulnerable migrants from Libya.

This is what “saving lives” looks like: Refugees shot at by Libyan coastguard before being detained in ‘shocking’ conditions back in Libya.

The Libyan coastguard is intercepting and returning thousands of people to detention centres where they suffer torture and other abuses” – Magdalena Mughrabi.

The guards would beat us if we said we’re hungry… They would make us lie down on our stomach and two would hit us with [a] hose… I saw a Chadian man, they shot him for no reason in front of me” – Eritrean man on conditions at Abu Slim detention centre.

The EU’s plans to work more closely with Libya on tackling people smuggling risk fuelling rampant ill-treatment and indefinite detention in shocking conditions of thousands of refugees and migrants in Libya, said Amnesty International today.

The EU recently announced plans to extend its “Operation Sophia” anti-smuggling naval mission in the Mediterranean for another year and to train and share information with the Libyan coastguard following a request by the new Libyan government. However, testimonies gathered by Amnesty during visits to Sicily and Puglia in Italy last month reveal shocking abuses by the Libyan coastguard and in immigration detention centres in Libya

Amnesty spoke to 90 people who survived the treacherous crossing from Libya to Italy, including at least 20 refugees and migrants who described shootings and beatings while being picked up by the coastguard or harrowing torture at lawless Libyan detention centres for refugees and migrants (see Beatings and killings in Libyan detention centres below) At least 3,500 people were intercepted at sea by the Libyan coastguard between 22 and 28 May and transferred to detention centres. Abdurrahman, 23, from Eritrea, described the abuse he endured when the overloaded boat he was travelling on – with capacity for 50 people but carrying 120 – was intercepted by members of the Libyan coastguard in January. He said:

They made everyone get off and beat them with rubber hoses and wooden sticks. They then shot one man in the foot – he was the last one coming off the boat so they asked him where the driver was. When he said he didn’t know they said ‘that means you are the driver’ and they shot him.”

Lees verder op: Libya: more violations by coast guards and IOM collaboration (FFM).

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