
vrijdag 14 april 2017

Trump heeft een nieuwe rode lijn voor Syrië opgesteld.......

Trump heeft niet één rode lijn als het gaat om Syrië, maar meerdere. Zo heeft hij nu ook 'vatenbommen' (of vatbom, of barrel bomb) toegevoegd aan de rode lijn.......

Na de terreuraanval van de VS op een Syrische luchtmachtbasis, als vergelding voor een niet door het Syrische leger begane aanval met gifgas op Khan Sheikhoun, beging stuntelaar Spicer, de Witte Huis woordvoerder z'n zoveelste blunder. De hufter stelde openlijk, dat het beleid van de VS er vooral op gericht is, de Assad regering te destabiliseren, i.p.v. de terreur van groepen als IS en Al Qaida te bestrijden.........

Rex Tillerson, de VS minister van BuZa, liet afgelopen week weten, dat de VS zal ingrijpen als er elders 'onschuldige burgers' het slachtoffer van staatsgeweld worden........ De hypocriet, alleen in de illegale oorlog van de VS tegen Irak, zijn al meer dan 1,5 miljoen slachtoffers vermoord, hoofdzakelijk burgerslachtoffers, waaronder veel vrouwen en kinderen..........

De hoogste tijd, dat de wereld een dikke rode lijn opstelt voor de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, de VS: een verbod de rode lijn te overschrijden, die voor de VS begint waar de territoriale wateren van de VS eindigen en waar de grenzen van de VS zijn getrokken!!

Hier een artikel van Shahtahmasebi op Anti-Media, dat ik gisteren ontving (zie ook de berichten, die u onder de links in rood kan vinden, zoals die over Sean Spicer):

Trump Has A New Red Line In Syria

Trump Has A New Red Line In Syria

April 13, 2017 at 9:44 am

(ANTIMEDIA) — Trump administration officials have been making stunning admissions in the days following the recent military strike on the Syrian government.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer experienced a Freudian slip when he accidentally said America’s goal in the region was to “destabilize Syria” — before he realized what he had said and attempted to backtrack. Then, he accidentally said it again. And just one day before Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left for Moscow, he told reporters the U.S. would come to the defense of innocent civilians “anywhere in the world.” Spicer elaborated on Tillerson’s sentiments.

When you watch babies and children being gassed and suffer under barrel bombs, you are instantaneously moved to action,” the press secretary said. “I think this president’s made it very clear that if those actions were to continue, further action will definitely be considered by the United States.”

The reference to barrel bombs, something the U.S. has accused Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad of using for almost half a decade, is a new addition to an already complicated red line concocted by Obama and pursued further by the Trump administration.

When Spicer was pressed about whether the administration now believes more conventional modes of warfare may also constitute a red line, he replied:

I think the president’s been very clear that there were a number of lines crossed last week … The answer is if you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, I think you will see a response from this president. That is unacceptable.”

However, the White House later said that Spicer was referring to barrel bombs carrying industrial chemicals like chlorine. But as the Guardian notes, this would still represent a substantial expansion of the U.S.’ rules of engagement in Syria.

No one seems to see the irony in the fact that Tillerson stated the U.S. would come to the defense of innocent civilians “anywhere in the world,” all while it massacres Iraqi civilians without so much as a blink from the corporate media. Or the fact that the U.S. is directly enabling Saudi Arabia to commit a war of aggression in Yemen, even though legal experts have warned that American contribution to the war makes the U.S. a co-belligerent in Saudi Arabia’s vast list of war crimes.

Instead of questioning Trump’s sincerity, much of the mainstream media is worshipping him for his militant stance on Syria.

Meanwhile, U.S. officials are clearly sneaking more pro-war rhetoric into their statements, establishing new red lines they know they can certainly document. Of course, if the evidence is lacking, they could just as easily manufacture the necessary evidence on the ground using the rebels’ sophisticated propaganda network.

Even if it is the case that Assad should be removed at all costs in order to bring peace to Syria, no one seems to be remotely concerned with the question of what comes after he loses power. In a country rife with extremists ranging from ISIS and al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria to the 65,000 fighters willing and able to take ISIS’ place, no one seems concerned with who or what will replace him.

Would a puppet government installed by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, and Turkey be able to hold onto power in Syria in the face of these extremist groups? Won’t the subsequent government have to use extreme violence to quell any uprising from these groups, as well?

Or will these groups make up the government?

No matter how you view the situation, this story does not have a happy ending. If Americans are naïve enough to believe the Trump administration cares about human rights and is motivated to take action based on humanitarian concerns, they probably deserve what’s to come.

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