
maandag 15 mei 2017

2017: Indonesische homo's veroordeeld tot 100 stokslagen.........

Afgelopen donderdag ontving ik van Miranda B., lid van het Care2 team, een petitie die is gericht aan de Indonesische president Joko Widodo.

De petitie is opgesteld n.a.v. de veroordeling van 2 homoseksuele mannen tot 100 slagen met een stok, dit alleen vanwege het feit dat ze homo zijn..........

Kortzichtige buren hadden de mannen betrapt toen zij seks hadden...... Nadat de 2 waren afgetuigd door dit geteisem, werden ze overgedragen aan de politie............

I.p.v. de buren die zich zo hadden misdragen te arresteren, werden de 2 mannen gearresteerd.....

De 2 werden later veroordeeld tot de barbaarse straf van 100 stokslagen, een verschrikkelijke vorm van martelen.......

Homoseksualiteit is geen aandoening of een perversie, het is een normale aangeboren geaardheid....

'Opvallend veel aandacht voor deze zaak' in de reguliere Nederlandse media (maar niet heus), 'logisch voor zo'n futiliteit ga je de handelsbetrekkingen tussen Nederland en Indonesië niet op het spel zetten.....' Geld voor alles tenslotte!! Vandaar ook dat de zwaar wanpresterend demissionair minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, PvdA sierdrol Koenders, niets over deze zaak losliet, laat staan dat hij de Indonesische ambassadeur 'op het matje heeft geroepen........'

Mensen, het is 2017, hoe is het in godsnaam mogelijk dat dit soort zaken nog steeds voorkomen??? Lees en teken de petitie ajb en geeft het door aan familie, vrienden en bekenden!
Stop de jacht op homoseksuelen!!

Indonesia: Release Gay Men,
Don't Torture Them!

On March 28, two young men were arrested in Indonesia. They face 100 lashings with a cane, and have been imprisoned for more than a month. And it's all because they're gay.

Demand Indonesian President Widodo revoke the punishment on these young men! Sign the petition now.

Vigilante neighbors were suspicious of the pair, aged 20 and 23 years old, and intentionally burst in on them while they were having sex. After beating and mocking the couple, the vigilantes turned them over to the police. Now, the young men are awaiting trial as the first people ever to be charged under Indonesia's new anti-gay laws.

As members of the Care2 community, we need to speak together with one voice to demand freedom for these two men. No one should face persecution, detainment or flogging based on who they are or whom they love.

Indonesia's new laws promote hate and violence towards the LBGTQ community, which is both unacceptable and terrifying. This case will set a precedent that could become a horrifying norm for gay people all across Indonesia. We must speak out now before this couple and others are tortured and imprisoned.

By pressuring President Widodo, we can send a strong message that the world is watching and will not stand idly by while people are persecuted for their sexual identity. Please join your fellow citizens around the world by signing this petition to stop homophobic punishment in Indonesia. These two young men are counting on you.

Demand Indonesian President Revoke Punishment on Gay Men

Two men have been imprisoned and face 100 lashings with a cane. Their crime: being gay.These two young men were arrested by vigilantes who burst on them having sex and arrested them. They have been detained for 10 days already. 

They are the first people to be charged under the new anti-gay laws in Indonesia. These laws promote hate and violence towards the LGBT community. No one should face persecution based on their sexual preferences. 

Any punishment is an affront to humans rights and must be stopped. By pressuring President Widodo we can send a strong message that the word is watching and will not stand idly by while people are persecuted for their sexual identity. 

Please join thousands of other concerned citizens in signing today to stop homophobic punishment in Indonesia. By signing today you are sending a strong message that no one should be discriminated against based on their sexual preferences.


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