
maandag 26 juni 2017

Corrupte Braziliaanse president Temer, laat inheemse stammen uitmoorden............ Koenders (PvdA) nog steeds doodstil.....

In Braziliƫ heeft de uiterst corrupte regering Temer de subsidie voor FUNAI stopgezet*, een organisatie die stammen (veelal stammen die nooit contact hadden met de 'beschaafde wereld') in het oerwoud moet beschermen tegen het geteisem dat de oerwouden platgooit dan wel verbrandt teneinde daar een paar jaar bijvoorbeeld soja te kunnen telen voor o.a. onze gigantische veestapel (Nederland is nummer 2 importeur van gentech soja). Dat is dan ook de reden, dat de wezenloze PvdA sierkwast Koenders z'n mond over deze zaak houdt.

Gisteren ontving ik van Survival International, een petitie met daarin een schreeuw om hulp van sjamaan Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, lees het onthutsende verhaal van Yanomami, teken de petitie en geef het ajb door:

Davi Yanomami asks: "Please help us"

A genocide is unfolding in our country, Brazil. 

Our government is destroying us indigenous peoples, our country’s first people. In the name of profit and power, our land is being stolen, our forests burned, our rivers polluted and our communities devastated. Our uncontacted relatives, who live deep in the forest, are being attacked and killed. 

Our government is axing the protection of our land, it is changing the law to allow agribusiness and mining to take over, and it is trying to silence our opposition. This is the most aggressive attack we have experienced in our lifetimes. 

But we won’t be silenced. We do not want the riches of our land to be stolen and sold. For as long as we can remember, we have looked after our lands. We protect our forest, as it gives us life. 

We indigenous brothers and sisters of more than 200 different tribes are coming together in protest. From the heart of the Amazon rainforest, we are crying out to you. At this time of emergency, we need you. Please tell our government that our land is not for stealing. 

Please help us! And help our planet. 

Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, Yanomami leader and shaman 

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If you have time to adapt the text it'll make even more impact.

Bcc: (optional, but useful for our records)Subject: Stop the attack on indigenous peoples 

Your Excellency,

Your government is putting indigenous peoples’ lives and lands in extreme danger.

I am outraged by the proposed bills and constitutional amendments, including PEC 215, which could block the protection of indigenous territories, and escalate violent land conflicts which are already killing Indians nationwide.

And I am extremely concerned that you are holding back funding for the government teams protecting uncontacted tribes’ land from invasions. Their presence is often the only barrier to the genocide of indigenous people.

I urge you to ensure immediately that your government upholds Brazilian and international law and protects the lands of indigenous peoples nationwide.


* Zie; 'Koenders: genocide anno 2017 >> Braziliaanse stammen Amazoneregenwoud krijgen doodvonnis opgelegd.......'

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