
maandag 12 juni 2017

Theresa May beloofde een krachtig en stabiel Groot-Brittannië............ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

The Canary bracht afgelopen vrijdag een uiterst humoristisch stuk, waarvoor de verkiezingsbelofte van May werd gebruikt, de belofte dat op 8 mei, de dag van de verkiezingen, zij Groot-Brittannië kracht en stabiliteit* zou brengen (door een verkiezingsoverwinning van haar inhumane neoliberale partij, de Tory Party ofwel de Conservatieven)..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Lees dit uiterst humoristische artikel, op 9 juni jl. geplaatst op The Canary:

UK enjoying its increased strength and stability

UK enjoying its increased strength and stability

Theresa May promised the UK that on 8 June she would bring strength and stability.
It’s 9 June today.
And the country is getting a taste of what she promised:
Strong and err…

Following the successful general election that May called for some reason, she gave a rousing speech – the mighty leader telling her adoring fans:
So… well the thing is… err… is it hot in here or is it just me?
May then announced that she was forming a coalition government with the DUP**. A political party which is famous for its… strong views. The DUP issued the following statement in response:
Global warming is a gay conspiracy to make eejits believe in dinosaurs” .

Despite May having provided us with such strong stability, there are rumours that Boris Johnson is trying to oust her:


Despite May having provided us with such strong stability, there are rumours that Boris Johnson is trying to oust her:

I've just seen Boris Johnson on his way to plot the overthrow of Theresa May.

Which is perhaps unsurprising, as Johnson’s campaign was, if anything, even stronger than May’s:


Onwards and upwards!

Regardless of which colossal Tory powerhouse takes us forward, it’s clear that after this election, the EU will be forced to give us a good deal. If only to get away from us. Much like when a person gets out of a fight by pretending to be ‘loco’ and beating themselves up.
Although so far, our European neighbours have not commented on the election:
German government spokeswoman says it will not comment on the outcome of the General Election out of respect and politeness

Almost as if there’s no way of doing so without saying ‘WTF’, ‘LOL’, or ‘why do you keep doing this to yourself?’

* Deze uitspraak heeft een paar varianten, zo noemde May het ook 'rust en stabiliteit' brengen. Deze uitspraak deed ze om te verdedigen dat ze aanbleef, hoewel ze voor de verkiezingen nog stelde, dat ze af zou treden, bij een verlies van haar partij.........

** DUP is de Democratic Unionist Party, een Noord-Ierse partij, opgericht door de fascist en dominee Ian Paisley.

Zie ook: 'Boris Johnson wil (sociale) media controleren en censureren.......'

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