
zondag 9 juli 2017

Iraq: Will Tony Blair Finally Stand Trial for His Part in the “Supreme International Crime”?

I think most people who have dealt with me, think I’m a pretty straight sort of guy, and I am.” (Tony Blair, BBC “On the Record”, 16th November 1997.) 

On 15th September 2004, the then UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, in an interview with the BBC World Service, asked if the invasion was illegal, stated:

Yes, if you wish.” He continued without caveat: “I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN Charter. From our point of view and from the Charter point of view it was illegal.” 

Blair, his Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw and his Attorney General Lord Goldsmith did not face a Nuremberg type trial – and surreally, Blair, after his 2007 resignation was appointed Middle East Peace Envoy. Straw and Goldsmith went back to business as usual. 

However, after fourteen years, maybe two million deaths, the decimation by ISIS, the US, and the UK of Iraq’s (Mesopotamia’s) history, culture stewardship and witness, over millennia, to one of the world’s great, ancient civilizations, there is a chance that Antony Charles Lynton Blair, Jack Straw and Lord Goldsmith may yet face a Court of Law.

Voor het hele artikel:
Iraq: Will Tony Blair Finally Stand Trial for His Part in the “Supreme International Crime”?

Tijd dat ook Bush en z'n moorddadige kliek worden vervolgd. Wat betreft Nederland zouden minstens Balkenende en de Hoop Scheffer vervolgd moeten worden. Het gaat hier immers om enorme oorlogsmisdaden!

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