
donderdag 13 juli 2017

Londen door beleid May niet veilig voor fracken............

Gisteren berichtte the Canary dat een deel van Londen kans loopt om te worden omgewoeld voor schaliegas winning. Ondanks dat schaliegas gepaard gaat met meerdere boorpunten op een kleine plek, er een enorme hoeveelheid water chemisch wordt verontreinigd bij het fracken, grondwater bewezen wordt verontreinigd, er grote hoeveelheden methaangas (een sterk broeikasgas) vrijkomen en het als in Groningen aardbevingen veroorzaakt, had de regering Cameron en daarmee de huidige regering May geen bezwaar tegen deze vorm van gas- en oliewinning......

Telkens weer wordt gesteld (ook in Nederland) dat schaliegaswinning lucratief is, echter dat is een grove leugen. Als alle kosten meegerekend zouden worden, valt de winst behoorlijk tegen, sterker nog alle kosten in rekening genomen, 'levert' het juist een groot verlies op.... Zo zijn er de kosten voor het schoonmaken van het bij Fracken gebruikte water (in de VS mag dit gewoon geloosd worden in de oceaan), het herstellen van de plekken waar geboord is en het verstevigen van de huizen tegen aardbevingen, zoals in Londen zou moeten gebeuren.........

Bovendien wordt er nooit rekening gehouden met de enorme kosten die de klimaatverandering, mede aangejaagd door gaswinning (zoals gezegd het lekken van methaangas) en het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen, met zich mee zal brengen........ Daarnaast geeft de VS kapitalen aan subsidie voor schaliegas en schalie-oliewinning, iets dat in GB waarschijnlijk ook gebeurt......

The Canary

Now even London isn’t safe from one of Theresa May’s most despicable plans

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor theresa maydu


One of Theresa May’s government’s most controversial policies could be coming to London. And it’s a move that has already sparked outrage among politicians and residents alike. Because the plan seems, on the face of it, like an absolute catastrophe.

You fracking what?

An energy company has claimed it’s found natural gas deposits worth millions of pounds beneath an industrial estate in North West London. And the company, London Local Energy (LLE), is looking to extract the fuel by fracking the area.
LLE has developed its theory that an area below Artesian Close Industrial Estate in Willesden could hold gas deposits after researching the discovery of oil at Stonebridge Park in 1912. And LLE now wants an exploration licence from the the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) to drill underground. But currently the OGA is not accepting any new bids for exploration licences.

Frack London

This hasn’t stopped LLE theorising over the possibilities of fracking London. Chief Executive Nick Grealy said:
We want to speak to everyone about this, including businesses and residents. If everyone said ‘no, this is not a good idea’ then at least we have tried. But we need to have this conversation. Fracking is not a dirty word. Why does fracking have such a stigma when 90 per cent of people don’t know what it is? The shale revolution in the US is barely 10 years old but now over 70 per cent of US gas comes from shale.

Very fracking concerned

But locals disagree. Business owner Mordechai Chachamu said “I do not see any prospect of this happening. Once people in the neighbourhood hear about it they will be in revolt”. And Brent Labour councillor Zaffar Van Kalwala said he was “very concerned” about the prospect of fracking in Willesden:
which is one of the most densely populated areas in London. Residents are already having to deal with high levels of air pollution. We should instead be focusing on building for the future and leading the way on renewable energy by providing jobs and opportunities, especially for young people in a cleaner and greener London.

Fracking pros and cons

The idea of fracking taking place in London may be worrying to many people. And campaigners would say that the public should have every right to be concerned. Because fracking has been linked to:
  • Contamination of groundwater.
  • Methane pollution and its impact on climate change.
  • Air pollution impacts.
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals.
  • Blowouts due to gas explosion.
  • Large volume water use in water-deficient regions.
  • Fracking-induced earthquakes.
But supporters of fracking say that the process:
  • Gives greater access to oil and gas supplies.
  • Has direct and indirect economic benefits.
  • Gives countries energy independence, making them less reliant on imports.
  • Increases employment, and can also decrease air pollution.

No fracking way

As The Canary has been documenting, attempts at fracking in Lancashire have prompted a backlash from locals and campaigners alike. This includes accusations of the police and private security firms using “brutal” and “violent” force to try and stop protests. If this can happen in a small, Lancashire village, then any fracking that is attempted in London will likely be met with a considerably larger opposition. Because, amongst other concerns, the potential risks surrounding water contamination and earthquakes could be huge.

But with the OGA not permitting exploration licences at present, currently LLE’s idea is going to stay just that. And the gas will continue to remain in the ground. For now

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