
zondag 16 juli 2017

Mosul, de duizenden doden door VS bombardementen >> Mosul Families Complain Overuse of Airstrikes Killed Thousands

Zoals al vaker opgemerkt in dit blog: de Irak-coalitie (o.l.v. de VS) bleef tot het eind toe West-Mosul bombarderen (vooral door de luchtmacht van de VS), terwijl men wist dat dit tot een ongelofelijk aantal doden zou leiden, zeker daar in de oude binnenstad de huizen dicht op elkaar staan en de oude huizen al niet stevig waren.

De reguliere media hebben hier geen aandacht aan besteed, terwijl ze bij de bevrijding van Oost-Aleppo dagelijks uit de hysterische bol gingen, over het 'barbaarse optreden' van Rusland en het Syrische leger. Echter in tegenstelling tot de 'bevrijders' van Mosul, besloten de Russen en het Syrische leger al 2 maanden voor de uiteindelijke bevrijding te stoppen met bombardementen op Oost-Aleppo, waardoor het leven van duizenden inwoners werd gespaard. Ook daarvoor geen aandacht in de reguliere (massa-) media........

Information Clearing House (ICH) kwam een paar dagen geleden met getuigenissen van bewoners uit West-Mosul, die aangeven dat er veelal zelfs zinloos werd gebombardeerd, daar er geen of amper strijders van IS aanwezig waren in hun wijken dan wel huizenblokken........

Het aantal door de VS met hun bombardementen vermoordde burgers in West-Mosul moet ongelofelijk groot zijn. echter het bergen van de lijken zal nog maanden duren.......

Hier een deel van het ICH artikel, daaronder kan u klikken voor het volledige artikel, daaronder kan u klikken voor een vertaling:

Many bodies are still buried in the rubble with parts of the city inaccessible thanks to streets choked with debris, writes Patrick Cockburn in the latest of his series from Iraq

There were very few Daesh [Isis fighters] in our neighbourhood, but they dropped a lot of bombs on them,” says Qais, 47, a resident of the al-Jadida district of Mosul. “We reckon that the airstrikes here killed between 600 and 1,000 people.”

He shows pictures on his phone of a house that had stood beside his own before it was hit by a bomb or missile that had reduced it to a heap of smashed-up bricks. “There were no Daesh in the house,” says Qais. But there were seven members of the Abu Imad family living there, of whom five were killed along with two passers-by.

People in west Mosul say that the intensity of the bombardment from the air was out of all proportion to the number of Isis fighters on the ground. Saad Amr, a volunteer medic, worked in both east and west Mosul during the nine-month siege. He says that “the airstrikes on east Mosul were fewer but more accurate, while on the west there were far more of them, but they were haphazard.”

Nobody knows how many civilians died in Mosul because many of the bodies are still buried under the rubble in 47 degrees heat. Asked to estimate how many people had been killed in his home district of al-Thawra, Saad Amr said: “we don’t know because houses were often full of an unknown number of displaced people from other parts of the city.”

Some districts are so badly damaged that it is impossible to reach them. We heard that there had been heavy airstrikes on the districts of Zanjily and Sahba and, from a distance, we could see broken roofs with floors hanging down like concrete flaps. But we could not get there in a car because the streets leading to them were choked with broke masonry and burned out cars.

Mosul Families Complain Overuse of Airstrikes Killed Thousands

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