
woensdag 19 juli 2017

VS grenzen over de wereld >> The Long Reach Of The US Border

Information Clearing House (ICH) bracht gisteren een artikel over de vele VS bases over de wereld. De schrijver, Belen Fernandez stelt dat met al die bases het grondgebied van de VS internationaal grenst aan een groot deel van de landen die onze aarde rijk is. Daarmee is de VS een (uiterst gevaarlijk) imperium, groter dan de wereld ooit zag........

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The Long Reach Of The US Border

No matter where you are in the world, you are likely to stumble upon the US border-without-borders.

While it might be tempting to blame US President Donald Trump and his special brand of counter-reality for the frenzied expansion of the US border into international spaces, the concept of the border itself evolved some time ago into something encompassing much more than physical territorial limits

Just ask the victims of the post-9/11 "war on terror", which has eliminated countless human lives for the ostensible purpose of securing the US homeland.

While the US has over the decades repeatedly been up in arms over perceived enemy intrusions into its own 'backyard' - see, for example, the Soviets in Cuba or the more recent ruckus over Iran's supposed infiltration of Latin America - the country persists in trampling over other backyards at will.

Beyond the matter of forcing international airlines to get on board with every US whim in terms of security measuresand other life-complicating activities, there's nothing like ubiquitous military bases to reinforce the notion that the world in fact belongs to America.

In his 2015 book Base Nation: How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World, American University's David Vine reported that, as of that year, the US "controlled approximately 800 bases" outside the country.

This had resulted in a situation in which, he said, "we probably have more bases in other people's lands than any other people, nation, or empire in world history".

Vine went on aptly to note that, for most Americans, "the idea of even the nicest, most benign foreign troops arriving with their tanks, planes, and high-powered weaponry and making themselves at home in our country - occupying and fencing off hundreds or thousands of acres of our land - is unthinkable".

Thanks to imperialism's gloriously hypocritical logic, of course, America's disproportionate global footprint hasn't stopped the US political establishment from regularly accusing selected nemeses of meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

Hier de link naar het volledige artikel:
The Long Reach Of The US Border

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