
woensdag 9 augustus 2017

VS laat genetisch gemanipuleerde koolmotten vrij in de bestrijding van deze motten..........

New York (staat) wil genetische gemanipuleerde motten vrijlaten i.h.k.v. roofdier bestrijding op koolsoorten............ Dit zonder een diepgaand onderzoek naar de gevolgen die deze genetisch gemanipuleerde motten hebben in het milieu, zoals op andere dieren die deze motten eten........ 

Bovendien zullen veel boeren die ecologische gewassen telen, hun certificaat verliezen, doordat het gif waarmee deze manlijke motten, de vrouwelijke motten bij de voortplanting vergiftigen, in het milieu en op plantmateriaal terecht zal komen...... 


Een  diamondback moth of koolmot, zoals wij deze noemen.

Lees het hieronder staande onthutsende bericht, dat ik afgelopen maandag van Beyond Pesticides ontving. Helaas kunnen wij als niet VS burgers (dat zijn we eigenlijk wel, gezien het beleid van onze opvolgende regeringen, maar dan derderangs burgers) de petitie tegen deze Frankenstein motten niet tekenen. Heb toch de links laten staan voor VS burgers hier of voor het geval u familie, vrienden of bekenden hebt, die wel het VS staatsburgerschap bezitten (wijs hen er a.u.b. op). We zouden wel moeten kunnen tekenen, daar onze aarde maar klein is en we als mensheid met z'n allen verantwoordelijk zijn voor wat er ook op dit soort gebieden gebeurt, zelfs als dit aan de andere kant van de aarde is!

Oppose Release of Genetically Engineered Moth in NY

Help stop a dangerous plan hatched in New York to control a caterpillar in cabbage. Under the plan, up to 10,000 genetically engineered (GE) male diamondback moths (DBMs) will be released each week during the cabbage planting cycle (which runs about three to four months). According to USDA, “The males are genetically engineered with a lethal gene that they pass on to females when they mate.”
Because of the widespread release, this plan –a first of its kind in food crops– will contaminate organic farms with genetically engineered material. And, this is all being done based on a cursory environmental assessment, without an in-depth environmental impact assessment.

This is an issue that affects all of us –not just New Yorkers–because the moths do not respect state boundaries, and this action would set a precedent for other states.

Following a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) on Cornell University’s proposed release, there is an urgent need to ensure that the state of New York addresses contamination issues that APHIS failed to consider. At the top of the list is possible contamination of organic crops, which could threaten the standing of organic products with consumers and holds the threat of decertification. Other  contamination concerns are raised by scientists at the Center for Food SafetyFood and Water Watch, and GeneWatch UK.

>>Act now to tell Cornell University, the New York Department of Conservation, and New York Governor Cuomo to stop releases of genetically engineered diamondback moths until a throrough environmental impact study is performed!

The FONSI absolves APHIS from the duty to perform an in-depth environmental impact statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York (NOFA-NY) points out that this is the first food use of this particular kind of GE technology –using a genetically engineered male to produce inviable female offspring— and, as such, deserves the full investigation of an EIS, rather than the more cursory evaluation of the environmental assessment that led to the FONSI.

In addition to NEPA, New York state law requires a state agency to conduct a review under the 
State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) when it uses its "discretionary" authority to approve, fund, or directly undertake an action that may affect the environment. In order to release the insects, Cornell must receive a permit under New York Environmental Conservation Law §11-0507 from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), as it did for the release of caged insects in the past. 

However, DEC has denied responsibility for permitting the action. As a university with a state extension service, Cornell is subject to SEQR. If Cornell or DEC does not perform the required EIS, enforcement is up to citizens. According to the DEC website, “[C]itizens or groups who can demonstrate that they may be harmed by this failure may take legal action. . . . Project approvals may be rescinded by a court and a new review required under SEQR. New York State's court system has consistently ruled in favor of strong compliance with the provisions of SEQR.” NOFA-NY has made a strong showing that organic growers may be harmed by this release.

>>Act now to tell Cornell University, the New York Department of Conservation, and New York Governor Cuomo to stop releases of genetically engineered diamondback moths until a throrough environmental impact study is performed!

Organic growers may be harmed if the moths escape from the research plots. The engineered trait is designed to leave behind dead moth larvae and pupae resulting from the mating of the engineered males with wild females. These residues, if left on organic crops (cabbage, broccoli, and other brassica plants), could threaten the standing of organic products with consumers and threaten decertification. In addition, there are plausible scenarios that would result in release of viable DBMs, which could increase damage to crops.

In general, the environmental assessment performed by APHIS ignored a number of important issues, including: contamination of crops with GE dead insects; the impacts on the ecological balance of native brassicas; the lack of research on the migration of DBMs from site to site; impacts in the future if engineered DBMs are released in commercial agriculture; other alternatives besides “no action,” such as the systems approach used by organic growers; the lack of adequate monitoring and buffer zones; food safety; impacts on predators; antibiotic resistance as a result from the use of tetracycline in breeding the moths; other ecological effects; and movement of the DBM across international borders.

Voice your opposition to the release of genetically engineered DBMs to Cornell University (which proposes to release the moths), DEC (which is responsible for state permits of releases of wild animals), and Governor Cuomo (who is responsible for ensuring that state agencies meet their responsibilities.)

>>Act now to tell Cornell University, the New York Department of Conservation, and New York Governor Cuomo to stop releases of genetically engineered diamondback moths until a throrough environmental impact study is performed!

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