
zaterdag 14 oktober 2017

Guantanomo Bay, het bekende concentratiekamp van de VS, hongert gevangenen uit..........

Concentratiekamp Guantanamo Bay hongert gevangenen uit, o.a. om te voorkomen dat ze in hongerstaking gaan.

De VS houdt nu al meer dan 15 jaar mensen onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden vast in Guantanomo Bay. Mensen die worden verdacht van terreur, waarvan de meesten  niet eens zijn aangeklaagd, laat staan dat ze worden berecht........ Zo bezien is Guantanamo Bay niets anders dan een smerig concentratiekamp........ 

Voorgaande wordt nog versterkt door het beleid van de VS deze 'verdachten' uit te hongeren...... 

Shelby Sullivan-Bennis is de (mensenrechten-) advocaat voor Khalid Qasim, die na een (illegale) ontvoering door de VS, al 15 jaar zonder aanklacht illegaal wordt gegijzeld door diezelfde VS. Zij heeft de woorden  van Qassim opgetekend, die in onderstaand artikel van Information Clearing House werden gepubliceerd.

Deze mensen hebben er niet voor gekozen om te worden ontvoerd en gegijzeld door de VS, de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde..... Dit dient opgemerkt te worden, daar velen stellen, dat deze mensen er zelf voor kiezen telkens weer in hongerstaking te gaan, alsof het normaal is mensen zo te behandelen, alsof het normaal is dat men dit gelaten over zich laat komen.......... 

Zoals al vaker gesteld op deze plek: het is de hoogste tijd dat de VS wordt aangeklaagd door het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag!! Dit wegens: oorlogsmisdaden als illegale oorlogsvoering, het strafrechtelijk executeren van verdachten (waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers vrouwen en kinderen zijn), martelen, ontvoeringen, gijzeling en andere mensenrechtenschendingen....... Hoe is het mogelijk dat de VS hier keer op keer mee wegkomt? Hoe is het mogelijk dat niemand in de VN hare VS kwaadaardigheid Haley keihard uitlacht als ze weer met smerige en uiterst doorzichtige leugens komt, zoals nu weer over Iran dat volgens deze ploert zelfs een gevaar zou zijn voor de VS, terwijl de VS de regio van Iran in de fik heeft gestoken en daar sinds 2001 al meer dan 2 miljoen mensen heeft vermoord...........

Lees het ontluisterende verhaal over de hel waarin Qasim moet leven en geeft het ajb door (de reguliere westerse media doen dat niet):

I Am In Guantánamo Bay. The US Government Is Starving Me To Death

I am in so much pain that I know it can’t go on much longer. As each night comes, I wonder if I will wake up in the morning

By Khalid Qassim

October 13, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  I haven’t had food in my stomach for 23 days. The 20 September was the day they told us they would no longer feed us. They have decided to leave us to waste away and die instead.

I am in so much pain every minute that I know it can’t go on much longer. Now as each night comes, I wonder if I will wake up in the morning. When will my organs fail? When will my heart stop? I am slowly slipping away and no one notices.

There is a man who is in charge of all the medical staff. I don’t know his name but they call him the senior medical officer. He was the one who called us all in and told us they would stop feeding us. As soon as he took over I knew he was bad news and now he has decided to end our lives.

I started hunger strike because I was so frustrated, so depressed – I have been locked up here so far from my family for 15 years. I have never been charged with a crime and I have never been allowed to prove my innocence. Yet I am still here. And now Donald Trump says that none of us – the 26 “forever” prisoners who have apparently committed no crime, but merit no trial – will ever leave here so long as he is in charge.

Some will say I brought the pain on myself. But how can that be? I did not ask to be brought here. I did not do anything that justified being kidnapped and hauled half way around the world. It is true that there have been times when I thought I would be better off dead. This was the only peaceful way I thought I could protest. What I really want, for me and for the other men here, is justice. Certainly, I never wanted to die in the pain I’m now in.

They have stopped feeding us before but this time feels different. They want to stop the hunger strike by any means. They keep repeating: if you lose part of your body that is your choice; if you are damaged, that is your choice. They intend to leave us until we lose a kidney or another organ. They will wait until we are damaged. Maybe until we are too damaged to live.

Just over a week ago, on 29 September, I collapsed and they called a “code yellow” – that’s what they call it. I’ve seen it before but this is the first time the code has been for me. Still I got no treatment. Still they continue to starve me. I can’t walk anymore. My hip joints are swollen and it is too painful. I am so tired and so weak.

The worst thing is, the medical staff aren’t recording anything. They don’t check how close I may be to death. The nurses are writing nothing down. They don’t reply when I ask them if they’ve recorded my missed meals. They should be there to care, but they don’t care.

These days have been the most terrifying of my 15 years in this place. We are used to torture here but this is so slow and so cruel. The people who are supposed to look after us are hurting us. I have been reduced to pleading for my life. I am asking for anyone out there to talk about what’s going on here. To ask why Trump is letting us slowly die. I don’t have many days left.

  • These words were dictated by Khalid Qasim from Guantánamo Bay to his attorney, Shelby Sullivan-Bennis, of the human rights organization Reprieve. Khalid Qassim has been held at Guantánamo Bay for 15 years. He has never been charged with a crime or had the chance to prove his innocence at trial. Khalid comes from a small town in Yemen and travelled to Afghanistan in search of work in 2000. He was detained by Afghan police and handed over the US forces in a case of mistaken identity. It emerged later that the US offered large financial incentives to local law enforcement to hand over Arab prisoners for interrogation.
This article was originally published by The Guardian -
© 2017 The Guardian

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