
dinsdag 10 april 2018

Ahed al-Tamimi (nu 17 jaar) nog steeds vast na slaan militair en ondergaat intimidatie van ondervragers.......

Terwijl Israël weer het ene bloedbad na het andere aanricht in de Gazastrook, zit Ahed al-Tamimi nog steeds vast voor het slaan van een Israëlische militair, alsof die ook maar één moment in levensgevaar is geweest door dat slaan......

Het slaan door Ahed was het gevolg van het door Israëlische militairen in het gezicht schieten van haar 15 jarige neef met een rubber omvatte kogel (de jongen is zwaar verminkt door deze laffe schoftenstreek.....)

Intussen is al een paar keer melding gemaakt van intimidatie van Ahed door mannelijke ondervragers (waarbij geen familie of advocaat aanwezig was, dit is tegen de regels en kinderrechten.......)

Hoe is het mogelijk dat de wereld blijft toekijken en niets onderneemt tegen de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israel, terwijl men bij elke leugen over Assad of Rusland 'op de achterste poten gaat staan...'

Lees het volgende verslag over de ondervragingen van Ahed, een totaal overbodige ondervraging overigens, immers Ahed ontkent niet een militair te hebben geslagen, haar moeder heeft dit zelfs gefilmd en op het internet geplaatst...... Men wil zogenaamd achter de identiteit komen van de medestanders op foto en filmmateriaal, alsof deze mensen al niet vaak genoeg zijn lastig gevallen en gefotografeerd door het psychopathische Israëlische leger....... (het is al een paar jaar lang wekelijks ellende in de plaats, Nabi Saleh waar Ahed en haar familie wonen)

Ahed werd onder meer slaap onthouden, geïntimideerd door schreeuwen en zelfs seksueel geïntimideerd, zaken die een beschaafd land niet eens zou gebruiken tegen volwassen verdachten, laat staan tegen kinderen......

De moeder heeft voor het plaatsen van de video op het internet 8 maanden cel gekregen.......

Nogmaals: waar blijft de internationale gemeenschap met haar verontwaardiging en roep om een boycot van Israel??

Video of Ahed Tamimi's interrogation shows intimidation, harassment

Tamimi family makes footage public to show tactics used by Israeli authorities to elicit confession from the teenager

Ahed Tamimi stands for a hearing in the military court at Ofer military prison in the West Bank village of Betunia on 1 January 2018 (AFP)
Monday 9 April 2018 12:34 UTC
Last update: 
Monday 9 April 2018 12:56 UTC

The family of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teenager who garnered international attention after being detained and sentenced to eight months in prison for slapping an Israeli soldier, released on Monday footage of the 17-year-old girl being interrogated by Israeli officers in the days following the arrest.
Because she is a minor, Israeli authorities are required to hand over excerpts of footage of interrogations to Tamimi's lawyer upon request. Her family later decided to make public excerpts of the video they had been provided.
Tamimi’s lawyer, Gaby Lasky, filed a complaint with the Israeli general attorney last Monday in light of the footage showing an interrogator telling the teen she has “eyes like an angel”.
Lasky has accused the interrogators of sexual harassment amounting to a "gross violation of the law", made worse in light of Tamimi’s age.
Video screenshot of Ahed Tamimi under interrogation by two Israeli officers in December (video)
The video shows Ahed’s defiance and sense of confrontation through her voice, through her silence and by slapping their soldier,” Ahed’s father, Bassem Tamimi, said at a press conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Monday. “This defiance is the message of our new generation. The single purpose of this interrogation was to break the symbolism of defiance that she represents by trying to have her let go of her right to remain silent. She did not.”
Bassem Tamimi said his daughter was interrogated every day during the first 10 days of her detention, with the exception of the day when she was taken to court, adding that interrogations lasted up to 12 consecutive hours.
He added that she was subjected to solitary confinement, sleep deprivation for up to 34 hours, and lengthy and difficult transfers between prison and the court in the “bosta” - the Arabic term for the vans carrying prisoners.
The footage seen by Middle East Eye shows Tamimi being interrogated on 26 December, a week after her arrest, at a police station in Shaar Binyamin, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.
Tamimi, then 16-year-old, is seen sitting on a chair in a winter coat, with one Israeli interrogator sitting behind a desk out of the camera’s range, while another, reportedly from the Aman military intelligence, sits next to her, at times scooting closer to her during the interrogation with his legs seemingly open - a stance commonly used by Israeli interrogators to intimidate women, according to several former female Palestinian prisoners who have spoken to MEE.
In breach of regulations regarding the detention of minors, Tamimi is interrogated without a lawyer or guardian present, nor is a female officer seen at any point in the room, despite their presence being mandated during the interrogation of women.
The interrogators try in turn intimidation, guilt, and bizarre attempts at establishing a rapport throughout the video, while Ahed keeps silent looking back and forth between the two men and occasionally burrowing her face into her collar, only speaking up to say: “I hold the right to remain silent.”
In one particularly jarring instance, the Aman interrogator leans towards Tamimi and shouts at her that she looks like his sister.
My little sister is blonde and her eyes are like yours… When she goes to the beach, yeah? Like a hamburger,” he says loudly in broken Arabic, laughing. “For real, how are you in the sun? Like my sister? Red, red, red?”
The interrogators also try to induce guilt in Tamimi, telling her that she would be responsible for any harm that might befall residents of her village, Nabi Saleh, should she keep refusing to identify people in videos shown to her.
We will take everyone if you don’t cooperate,” the Aman interrogator says, as Ahed shifts uneasily in her chair. “It’s in your hands. It’s in your hands.”
I don’t want to have to bring those children here. Children. Please,” he adds. “You say something, maybe we don’t need to.”

Bassem Tamimi, Ahed's father, speaks at a press conference on 9 April 2018 (MEE/Chloé Benoist)
Bassem Tamimi highlighted on Monday that the footage showed tactics used regularly by Israeli forces on Palestinian children, denouncing them as violating international humanitarian law.
This all comes in the context of the occupation trying to target Palestinian childhood,” Tamimi said at the press conference, hailing Ahed’s commitment to staying silent as “confronting the interrogator without fear entering her heart”.
Ahed was 16 when she was arrested for slapping an Israeli soldier who would not leave her family's property in her hometown of Nabi Saleh, on the same day as Israeli forces shot her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed Tamimi in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet.
A video of the incident went viral on Israeli social media, showing her slapping, kicking and hitting two armed Israeli soldiers. Her mother, Nariman Tamimi, was also detained and sentenced to eight months in prison for filming and sharing the aforementioned video.
Ahed’s trial gained international media coverage and human right groups, including Amnesty International, have campaigned for her to be released.
The international attention prompted the Israeli court to hold hearings on Tamimi’s case behind closed doors, ostensibly to uphold her right to privacy as a minor, despite the Palestinian teenager waiving her right, arguing that public proceedings would protect her from what she has publicly called an “illegitimate court”.
Several rights organisations have denounced the incarceration conditions for Palestinian children over the years - pointing to the systematic prosecution in front of military courts, with a nearly 100 percent conviction rate.
According to Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP), three out of four minors are subjected to physical violence during arrest or interrogation. According to Prisoners’ rights NGO Addameer, 356 Palestinian minors were detained by Israel as of March.

Reports by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Israeli rights groups B'Tselem and HaMoked have found that Israeli forces use unnecessary force while detaining children and "routinely" interrogate them without the presence of a parent or lawyer. Several minors reported being slapped, kicked, hit and blindfolded during their arrest or interrogation, or made to sign documents in Hebrew despite not speaking the language.

Free Ahed Tamimi and all other Palestinian kids!

Boycot Israëlische producten!

Zie ook: ''Rechter' houdt Palestijns meisje van 16 jaar in gevangenschap, verder een invalide in rolstoel vermoord: 'leve het dappere Israëlische leger....''

       en: 'Bevrijd de 4 Tamimi vrouwen, inclusief een meisje van 16!

       en: 'Israël: gevangenschap voor slaan van militair en vrijspraak voor doelbewust levend verbranden van een Palestijnse baby.......'

       en: 'Israël zet snelle reactiemacht op poten tegen anti-Israëlische kritiek'

       en: 'Israël heeft de energielevering aan Gazastrook alweer gestopt, plus commentaar van de uitermate pro-Israëlische BBC.......' 

       en: 'Why Liberal Zionists Have Nothing to Say About Ahed Tamimi’s Slap and Arrest'

       en: 'Jerry Seinfeld valt keihard door de mand als zionist...........' (Seinfeld, 'een liberale zionist')

       en: ''Heldhaftige Israelische militair', die op verdenking van het gooien met stenen, een 15 jarige jongen vermoordde, gaat vrijuit........'

       en: 'Ahed al-Tamimi in Volkskrant 'uitgelegd' als terrorist, die klappen uitdeelt.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

       en: '16 jarige Ahed al-Tamimi is volgens militaire rechter te gevaarlijk om op borgtocht vrij te laten........'

       en: 'Israël martelt 60% van de gevangengehouden Palestijnse kinderen.......'

       en: 'Israël sluit waterkraan voor Gazastrook, een enorme schending van mensenrechten en een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid.....'

       en: 'Israëlische rechtbank besloot proces tegen 17 jarig meisje Ahed al-Tamimi achter gesloten deuren te houden >> voor haar eigen bestwil..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

      en: 'Israël weigert 17 jarig meisje Ahed al-Tamimi vervroegd vrij te laten........'

      en: 'Israël gebruikt nieuw chemisch wapen tegen Palestijnse demonstranten in de Gazastrook'

       en: 'Netanyahu misbruikt geheel hypocriet de Holocaust voor oorlogshitserij tegen Syrië en Iran........'

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