
donderdag 26 april 2018

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....

Roger Waters gebruikte een concert in Barcelona om zijn gehoor uit te leggen hoe terreurgroep White Helmets, bij het publiek bekende mensen probeert te rekruteren, zoals hem overkwam......

Sinds dat concert heeft Waters onder andere een e-mailwisseling tussen vertegenwoordigers van de White Helmets en zijn team openbaar gemaakt.

Waters werd eerder al in 2016 door een Saoedisch-Britse miljonair, Hani Farsi benaderd om mee te werken aan een fondsenwerving voor een aan de White Helmets gelieerde groep 'The Syria Campaign', van wie de leden hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook tot de leden van de White Helmets behoren.....

The Syrian Campaign is een dochtermaatschappij voor public relations organisatie 'Purpose' in de VS, een organisatie die stelt onafhankelijk te zijn, maar dat allesbehalve is, sterker nog: Purpose is bezig met een missie om westerse interventie in Syrië te uit te lokken en pleitte eerder al voor een 'no-fly zone' boven Syrisch grondgebied........ Gelukkig dat er nog veel mensen zijn, die het deze organisatie onmogelijk maken om in het openbaar campagne te voeren (in de VS, een voorbeeld video in het hieronder opgenomen bericht).

De schrijver van dat artikel, geplaatst op Activist Post, John Vibes legt nog eens uit wat er mankeert aan de White Helmets, zoals het feestvieren met terreurgroepen na een overwinning, of het helpen met executies..... Ook zijn White Helmets leden in het verleden al betrapt met wapens in de hand, als waren deze terroristen op dat moment niet als White Helmets waren uitgedost......

Verder komt het op poten zetten van de White Helmets nog eens voorbij, de organisatie werd door een Britse officier in Turkije op poten gezet, met geld van Turkije, de VS en Groot-Brittannië.......

Goed dat er nog veel echte hippies als Waters zijn, mensen die zich inzetten tegen onrecht, mensenrechtenschendingen, valse propaganda om illegale oorlogen goed te lullen en die daadwerkelijk actie ondernemen tegen zaken die hier toe bijdragen (dit geldt overigens gelukkig ook voor punkers en alternativo's die niet verzakelijkt zijn, maar hun oude idealen trouw zijn gebleven!

Pink Floyd Frontman Leaks Email Exposing How White Helmets Recruit Celebs With Saudi Money

APRIL 21, 2018

Earlier this week, The Free Thought Project reported that Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters stopped a concert in Barcelona to warn the crowd about pro-war propaganda that is coming from a group in Syria known as the White Helmets.

In the days since Waters has taken several interviews to further explain his views, the most interesting of which was with a group called the Grayzone Project, where exclusive Emails were featured, showing conversations between Waters’ team and representatives of the White Helmets.

Waters’ first encounter with the White Helmets was actually long before his April 13 concert, back in October 2016 when Saudi-British billionaire Hani Farsi invited him to a lavish fundraiser that he was holding on behalf of the White Helmet affiliated group “The Syria Campaign.”

The Syria Campaign is a subsidiary of the New York-based PR agency, Purpose, which claims to be impartial in the Syrian civil war. But as Alternet reported, they are on a mission to provoke western intervention in the region and have even openly called for a no-fly zone. The Syria Campaign works very closely with the White Helmets and likely has many of the same members.

Last year, the Syria Campaign paid actors up to $600 each to participate in a pro-White Helmet flash mob and orchestral performance at New York City’s Grand Central Station.

This astroturfed interventionist extravaganza cost ~$30-50k to pull off 
Participants in astroturfed White Helmets concert & flashmob were paid up to $600 each by a public relations firm, Ubers were paid for too

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Despite the firm’s best efforts to fill the crowd with people at least pretending to be in favor of their message, anti-war activists still showed up to protest the event, holding up signs that read “Hands off Syria!” “This is U.S. war propaganda,and “No U.S. bases in Syria.

The White Helmets were founded in Turkey by a former British MI5 officer named James Le Mesurier. The group has received at least $55 million from the UK government and an additional $23 million from the U.S. government, both of whom have regime change interests in the region. According to data agency Gov Tribe, the U.S. government has given at least $339.6 million in foreign aid to groups attempting to bring about a “transition” in Syria.

The “transition” that the White Helmets and affiliated groups are hoping to bring in Syria is far from peaceful and well-intentioned. Members of the WH have been filmed and photographed standing and celebrating with Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists after battles, helping to conduct public executions, and they were even caught carrying around headless bodies.

The Syria Campaign has attempted to cover up these atrocities by dismissing video evidence as “Russian propaganda,” a familiar excuse that has been parroted by government representatives in the U.S. and the UK.

The event that Waters was invited to in 2016 was officially sponsored by one of Farsi’s holding companies, called the Corniche Group.
According to the company’s website,

For the past fifty years, the Farsi family has been active in Europe and the Middle East in urban planning, real estate, property development, the arts, and philanthropy. Led by Hani Farsi, the son of visionary civic leader and philanthropist Mohammed Said Farsi who is credited with shaping modern Saudi Arabia into a global business power player.

The invitation that Waters received said:
I am writing to invite you and a guest to join Hani at a fundraising dinner that he is hosting on Monday 21st November on behalf of The Syria Campaign…The Asfari Foundation provided the start-up funds for The Syria Campaign and we will be joined on the evening by Sawsan Asfari…Their work with The White Helmets has helped these rescue workers attract more than $15 million in government funding and turned them into household names – narrowly missing out on the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

Waters said he did his research and was suspicious of the motives that these interests had, so he never responded and avoided getting involved in those efforts. Instead, Waters did his own research on what was going on in Syria and used his platform to speak out against U.S. intervention.

Unfortunately, a handful of other celebrities did take the bait and signed on to publicly support the White Helmets and the Syria Campaign. These names include George Clooney, Ben Affleck, Daniel Craig, Justin Timberlake, Aziz Ansari and Zoe Saldana.

I was quite suspicious after I was invited to that [White Helmets] dinner. And now my worst suspicions have been confirmed,” Waters told the Grayzone Project. “I would encourage the celebrities who’ve signed to endorse the White Helmets to stop supporting them because we know what they are. I don’t blame them for having bought into it. On the face of it, it felt plausible that the White Helmets were just good people doing good things.

But now we know they’re trying to encourage the West to drops bombs and missiles illegally in Syria.”

Then just last week before his recent concert, Waters was approached yet again through e-mail, this time by a French photojournalist named Pascal Hanrion who described himself as a “militant with the Syrian White Helmets.”
The Email read:
Good afternoon, my name is Pascal Hanrion, I’m photo reporter and climber. I’m a militant with the Syrian White Helmets to denounce crimes against humanity in Syria, especially against children. Last Sunday, I made an important happening in Paris, climbing to the top of center Georges Pompidou museum. I am in Barcelona to do the same, in relation with a very powerful Syrian network. Please, could I meet Roger Water to ask to invite me few seconds on the stage tomorrow during the concert to send a message with him to the children of Syria ‘you are not forgotten!’

As I reported earlier this week, Waters did not give this man his requested time onstage but instead addressed the audience himself with a message of peace and non-intervention.

These Emails give a behind the scenes look at how pro-war PR firms attempt to harness the power of celebrity to promote political ideas that these celebrities often know very little about. These agencies are depending on busy artists or musicians to take them at their word in regards to life-and-death political issues, but luckily at least a few of them seem to be doing their research.

John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. John just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through his experience, if you wish to contribute to his treatments consider subscribing to his podcast to support

This article first appeared at The Free Thought Project.

Zie ook:
'White Helmets: naast gebruik van terreur ook schuldig aan orgaanhandel, vernietigende VN video presentatie'

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'EXPOSED: Syria’s White Helmets are Al Qaeda’s ‘Civil Defence’'


'SYRIA: The White Helmet Propaganda Heist – Vanessa Beeley Speaks to Rhymes Media Group'

'EXPOSED: The White Helmets – Al Qaeda with US funding'

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