
maandag 18 juni 2018

Dagboek Hebron: de voortdurende Israëlische terreur 1

Het Hebron Freedom Fund (Working for Peace and Justice) is begonnen met een dagboek waarin zoveel mogelijk de dagelijkse ellende wordt beschreven, die Palestijnse burgers van Hebron ondervinden van het uiterst gewelddadige Israëlische leger en de psychopaten die zich kolonisten noemen (en daar godbetert nog trots op zijn ook....). Beiden illegaal aanwezig op de West Bank en dus ook in en nabij Hebron.........

Beste bezoeker, zoals je ongetwijfeld weet is het niet mis waar deze Palestijnse mensen mee te maken krijgen, echter de dagelijkse werkelijkheid is nog veel erger dan je je kunt voorstellen: opsluiting in het eigen huis, blokkades waar de burgers keer op keer worden vernederd door Israëlische militairen, ontzegging van toegang voor Palestijnse boeren tot de eigen landbouwgrond, landjepik, terreur ook door de illegale bezetters ofwel de kolonisten van de West Bank, ontvoering, gijzeling (vasthouden zonder vorm van proces, wat zelfs kinderen overkomt.....) en veel te vaak zelfs (massa-) moord......

Ik zal deze nieuwsbrieven in de vorm van een dagboek blijven overnemen, zoals het zich laat aanzien zal dit dagboek door het Hebron Freedom Fund één keer per week worden bijgewerkt.

Working for Peace and Justice

Things are ever-changing in Hebron. Settlers and the State of Israel are constantly trying to advance their land-theft activities. Soldiers enforce the apartheid system in Hebron with violence and racism. We know you care and want to know what is going on in Hebron and how the Palestinian families who live there are coping. So, from now on Hebron Freedom Fund will provide regular newsletters. Here is the first:

Updates from Hebron: June 1-15, 2018


An Israeli military patrol vehicle hit Hebron teenager Muhammad al-Zaru, near the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the Old City of Hebron.


Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian construction worker Rami Wahid Sabarneh. A husband and father of four, the 37-year-old was from the Hebron-area town of Beit Ummar. The military claimed he was attempting to carry out a vehicular attack, a assertion witnesses have vehemently denied. Israeli soldiers prevented an ambulance from reaching Sabarneh to provide him with medical aid. 


In the morning Israeli Occupation Forces arrested 39-year-old Suzan Al-Oweiwi, an elected member of the Hebron municipal council from her house. 

In the afternoonIsraeli settlers entered and tried to occupy a Palestinian house in the old city of Hebron. Thankfully, after few hours, they left the house. 

In the evening, the Israeli Military claimed they were searching for a “suspicious looking” Palestinian in the Tel Rumida neighborhood, shooting four rounds of live ammunition and two flares into the air, one of which started a fire. During their search, they declared the area a closed military zone, preventing residents from adjacent neighborhoods from entering the area.

The soldiers detained 45-year-old Ashrf Said and his young son on their way to pray, during the holy month of Ramadan. After being released and allowed to continue on, another soldier threatened Said with his M16.

On their return, father and son were again stopped. Soldiers violently searched Said's body. When our human rights observers/volunteers tried to translate for him, they were also threatened. See the video taken by Youth Against Settlements. 



Early in the morning, the Israeli military welded shut the front doors of Sami Zahda’s house, on the beginning section of Shuhada street which Palestinians are still able to access. Left inside were Sami, his wife and their 3 & 4 year old sons. The building’s landlord tried to appeal to the soldiers, explaining that the only other exit was too dangerous to use.

Due to pressure from the local community and human rights groups, at 4pm the soldiers finally unsealed the front door.

However, by evening, a large group of settler children, encouraged by the adult settler population, had congregated on the stoop of the house, harassing the family and the rest of the Palestinian population. Rather than ensuring safety for all, the soldiers accommodated the violent activities of the children and declared the entire area a closed military zone.  

Welding shut Palestinian front doors in Hebron is part of a wider strategy of closure and coerced resettlement spanning back 25 years in order to kill the Palestinian identity of Hebron

JUNE 10 

In the early hours of the morning, the Israeli military once again welded shut the doors of the Zahda family house, despite protests of surrounding Palestinian families and the illegality of these actions under international and even Israeli law. 


Israeli soldiers threw large rocks and a bottle of juice at the Youth Against Settlement center in Tel Rumeida. The soldiers' actions followed a gathering at the center for Iftar breaking of the fast. 


Upping their harassment, the Israeli Military arrested Youth Against Settlements spokesperson Mohammad Zoghayer on his way to the center, claiming that he appeared "suspicious." Thankfully, he was released the next day.


Eid Mubarak (a happy holiday) to all

Friday marked the Muslim holiday of Eid al Fitr, the end of the Ramadan holiday month and the beginning of a new year.

As Eid approaches, the commercial streets of Hebron's old city are filled with uncharacteristic life (throughout the rest of the year the devastating impact the occupation has turned the old city into a ghost town). Families prepare for the celebration by buying new clothes and stocking their pantries with supplies for the Eid al Fitr feast. A favorite stop is al Sahel al Akhdar sweets, where they’ve been producing Ramadan treats, like these Suhoney pistachio borma, for the past 25 years. We encourage you to come to Hebron where you can enjoy these sweets for yourself. 

We thank you for all your solidarity with the Palestinian community of Hebron. If you feel inclined, please make a donation now to help us continue our work, such as this newsletter. Our mission is to support Palestinian families in Hebron living under some of the most difficult circumstances of the occupation.

In gratitude for your support, 

Everyone at Hebron Freedom Fund

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