
vrijdag 29 juni 2018

Peuter vluchtelingen moeten eigen zaak bepleiten in VS rechtszalen, de VS: het land van de 'ongekende mogelijkheden....'

Als je denkt alles wel gehad te hebben over de meer dan schunnige, inhumane manier waarop de VS omgaat met vluchtelingen, wordt je verrast door een volgend staaltje onwerkelijk en schandalig overheidsbeleid in de Verenging van Politiestaten die men de VS noemt....

Anti-Media bracht het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Elliot Gabriel, eerder geplaatst op MintPress News, waarin Gabriel ingaat op het meer dan idiote feit dat zelfs peuters van 3 jaar hun eigen zaak moeten bepleiten voor 'rechtbanken' in de VS.......

Kinderen die maar één ding willen: terug naar mama en/of papa, voor een rechtbank dagen en horen...... De 'rechters' in de VS moeten de oren van hun kop schamen dat ze niet al lang hun werk hebben neergelegd tot deze afschuwelijke gang van zaken van tafel is......

Overigens dateert het opsluiten van kinderen die werden gescheiden van hun ouders al uit de tijd van Obama*, de 'vredesduif......' 

Het voorgaande is de zoveelste schending van het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag door een westers land (en bepaald niet de eerste keer door de VS, zoals weer eens blijkt...)...... Moet je nagaan: de VS is in 9 van de 10 gevallen aan te wijzen als de diepe oorzaak achter de vlucht van mensen uit Latijns Amerika...... (en uit het Midden-Oosten, al is de VS daar, met hulp van andere NAVO landen in 100% van de gevallen verantwoordelijk voor de vluchtelingenstromen.......)

Het voorgaande geeft ten overvloede nog eens aan dat de rechtspraak in de VS zo krom is als een hoepel en aan dat land levert Nederland zelfs eigen burgers uit...........

Immigrant Toddlers Ordered to Appear in Federal Court Alone

Immigrant families line up to enter the central bus station after they were processed and released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Sunday, June 24, 2018, in McAllen, Texas. David J. Phillip | AP

June 28, 2018 at 11:21 pm
Written by Elliott Gabriel

(MPN— Immigrant children as young as three years old are being forced to hold their own in deportation proceedings in federal court, judges have reported, further confirming how the cruelties of the U.S. immigrant enforcement regime have been largely unhindered by the local and global controversy it’s provoked.

The practice began under former President Barack Obama, but has widened under President Trump to encompass an ever-larger group of youth — who are often toddlers, unable to understand the dire circumstances that they’re in.

Speaking to Texas Tribune, Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles executive director Lindsay Toczylowski said:
We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child — in the middle of the hearing — started climbing up on the table … It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

Continuing, she noted that the children are scarcely able to put into words the conditions – frequently violent – that force the families to leave their homes and make the treacherous journey to the north:
The parent might be the only one who knows why they fled from the home country, and the child is in a disadvantageous position to defend themselves.
The kids don’t understand the intricacies that are involved with deportation and immigration court … They do understand that they have been separated from their parents, and the primary goal is to get back with people they love.”

Over 2,000 children are slated to face the proceedings in the absence of their parents, who alone have the vocabulary and the knowledge to properly explain to authorities what the context was that drove them to seek asylum or enter the United States.

While a federal judge ruled earlier this week that the reuniting of separated families must be a priority for the Trump administration, immigration lawyers are saying that this won’t help those parents who have already been sent home while their children languish in U.S. detention facilities. The lawyers also note that no actual model for such a reunification exists yet.

The revelation is just the latest indication of the enormous human costs of Trump’s stepped-up and “zero tolerance” immigration enforcement, mass confinement and deportation regime.

Confusion Reigns but the War on Migrants Must Continue

Now the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency has signaled that it will cease handing parents over to authorities until the administration can figure out how to make good on their prosecution without ripping their children from their arms.

Such a move would, in effect, be tantamount to the “catch and release” program opposed by Trump, which saw unauthorized migrants being released and told to return to face a judge in the future.

The government has been unable to cope with the demands placed on its detention and concentration camp facilities, leading to a crisis of overcrowding, rights abuses, and even calls by President Trump to suspend due process and asylum-protection rights for unauthorized immigrants.

Tweeting on Sunday, Trump said:
We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came [sic].”
Cannot accept all of the people trying to break into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!”

The CBP move also comes shortly after the Department of Defense confirmed that it had been tasked by the administration to hold migrants in camps within 45 days as an initial step toward managing the encampment of a migrant “family population of up to 12,000 people.”
If facilities are not available then camps meant to contain around 4,000 people each will be built at three separate locations, according to the Pentagon.

Trump appears to be faced with no good options, as the anger and outcry over his policies continues to build. The existing laws and restraints on the immigration enforcement regime that he inherited from past administrations have been a mere inconvenience for the president as he pursues this latest escalated war on migrants.

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project head Jorge Baron told Reuters:
Here, I think he is making it clear, he just doesn’t want anybody here. He wants people to just be sent back, no matter what.”

* Onder Obama werden kinderen van vluchtelingen overigens ook al gescheiden van hun ouders en werden ze in kooien opgesloten (ofwel in concentratiekampen)...... Hier een paar foto's uit die tijd, die democraten dachten te kunnen gebruiken als bewijs voor de inhumane opvang door de Trump administratie:

Children Drugged, Given Forced Injections at Texas Detention Facility: Lawsuit

Pentagon Accepts Trump’s Call to House 20,000 Children on US Military Bases

Zie ook:
'Jeff Sessions: 'asielzoekers zijn alleen welkom in de VS als ze kunnen bewijzen dat ze overleden zijn t.g.v. geweld..........''

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