
vrijdag 4 januari 2019

People of Brazil: my sincere condolences with 'your' fascistic, psychopathic president Bolsonaro......

Per 1 januari jl. is de fascistische psychopaat Bolsonaro president van Brazilië, arm volk.......

While in Brazil for the swearing in of Jair Bolsonaro, met with the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Birds of a feather, as they say... Cartoon by

Durante a posse presidencial, Bolsonaro prometeu “restabelecer a ordem no país” e afirmou que vai combater a “ideologização das crianças” e a "desvirtuação dos Direitos Humanos". Leia + no Charge:
Translated from Portuguese by 
During the presidential inauguration, Bolsonaro promised to "restore order in the country" and stated that it will combat the "ideologization of children" and the "distortion of human rights". Read + no Charge:

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