
donderdag 6 juni 2019

Red net geboren kalveren en andere jonge dieren van marteling en moord

Een Franse locatie waar dieren op transport even rust kunnen krijgen, is een hel voor dieren, waar vooral jonge dieren het slachtoffer zijn van een behandeling die niet anders kan worden gezien dan een smerige vorm van marteling, die niet zelden uitdraait op de dood van het dier, zo blijkt uit video opnamen.....

Animal Petitions is daarom een petitie gestart om de Ierse minister van landbouw te bewegen een verbod in te stellen op veetransporten met jonge dieren als kalveren...

Beste bezoeker, lees en teken de petitie ajb en geeft het door!

Save Newborn Calves From Trauma-Filled Torture Factories

Target: Michael Creed, Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Goal: Ban inhumane live exports of calves and other young animals.
A French location billed as a needed respite for live export animals has revealed itself as an apparent living nightmare. Video footage obtained from animal welfare activists appears to show horrific brutality committed against Irish-born calves held at this post. Repeated beatings with batons, unrelenting kicking and punching, and painful ear yanking are apparently laid bare for the world to see in the shocking videos. Some of the victims seemingly cannot even stand or even move without dragging their maimed legs behind them.
In just the short time activists caught these alleged abusers in the act, 5,000 plus calves imported from Ireland (many just weeks old) were left in the ‘care’ of the Tollevast-based control post. These baby animals had already endured a likely traumatic ride on live export trucks. The post should have been the one haven where the vulnerable calves could receive needed rest and nourishment. Instead, their heads were allegedly rammed into feeding devices and the only ‘rest’ they appeared to receive occurred after they collapsed from shockingly inhumane abuse. One poor calf can be seen laying on the ground while a worker apparently jumps repeatedly on his battered body.
While some employees allegedly seen in the videos were arrested by French police, the post where these horrific happenings occurred is still deemed a “high-quality” location. In fact, it recently benefited from European Union-loaned money to “expand” its operations. Meanwhile, laws regarding live exports are not strictly enforced; the rates of calves being sent to these essential torture chambers from Ireland increase an estimated 30 percent each year. Advocates believe the most fundamental solution to this growing form of animal cruelty is an outright ban on the export of un-weaned animals.
Sign this petition to support an initiative that could save the lives of millions of young animals.

Dear Mr. Creed,
It is heartbreaking to see how these vulnerable animals, still unstable on their legs and dependent on their mothers’ milk, undergo horrific violence during transport.” The alleged inhumane torture detailed in the aforementioned Tollevast, France live export case are far from isolated incidents of animal cruelty, however. These living beings, ripped from their homes at the most vulnerable time of their lives, deserve far better than barbaric mistreatment.
Male calves are often discarded like trash by dairy farmers. They do not benefit from the comfort and nourishment provided by their mothers. Instead, they are crammed into cramped vehicles and driven to locations where they often endure even more trauma. At the French post alone, videos allegedly document repeated baton strikes, kicks, punches, head bashing, ear dragging, and—in one grotesque case—a worker jumping on a prone calf as if the baby animal were a trampoline. These calves are so young in some instances that they cannot even walk without wobbling, yet their ‘caretakers’ seemingly feel compelled to rush them through transport and treat them as living stress relief punching bags in the interim.
One of the inspectors who authored the shocking details of the Tollevast case stated most succinctly: “Our demand is to ban the long [haul] transport of unweaned animals because in this transportation, there cannot be animal welfare.” Watch even one still shot of the horrors that appear to take place in these  supposedly ‘high -quality’ live export facilities, and you will agree. The images shock the conscience, but they must spur change.
Take the action needed to spare countless young animals from a fate worse than death.
[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: R0Ng
Hier nog een video van kalveren die in een slachthuis wachten op hun dood, alleen omdat ze van het verkeerde geslacht zijn, het manlijke...... In de melkindustrie moeten koeien om de zoveel tijd kalveren werpen, daar ze anders geen melk meer geven..... De kalveren worden voor het overgrote deel binnen een paar dagen bij hun moeder weggehaald (waar de moederkoe dagenlang loeit om haar kalf en de kalveren hun moeder en moedermelk missen....), voor de manlijke variant is geen functie, anders dan als kalfsvlees te dienen in de schappen van jouw supermarkt......

Stop de grootschalige dierenmishandeling en eet of gebruik geen vlees of zuivel! (ook beter voor je lichaam, het milieu en het klimaat)

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