
vrijdag 19 juli 2019

Ilhan Omar gelooft dat Trump een fascist is

Ilhan Omar is het congreslid voor de Democraten, waarvan het beest Trump stelde dat ze maar terug moest naar het land van herkomst als ze het niet eens is met o.a. zijn 'vluchtelingenbeleid'. Waar Trump het land waar Omar vandaan komt, Somalië, typeerde als een door misdaad vergeven land...... Blijkbaar is Trump (weer eens) vergeten dat de situatie in Somalië deels aan de VS is te danken en dat er geen land op de wereld is waar zoveel mensen worden vermoord als in de VS zelf......

Omar gelooft dat Trump een fascist is, waar ik zou willen stellen dat de VS fascistisch wordt geregeerd door de Trump administratie, alleen de reactie van Trump op Omar geeft al aan dat dit een werkwijze is die zonder meer thuishoort in een fascistische dictatuur.....

Als Wilders hier met zijn minder Marokkanen oproep, zweepte Trump zijn toehoorders zo op dat ze begonnen te schreeuwen dat Omar terug gestuurd moet worden. Later zij Trump dat hij dit scanderen niet bedoeld had, terwijl zelfs een imbeciel wel de relatie zal leggen tussen wat Trump heeft gezegd en de reactie van zijn figuurlijk blinde en dove fans.....

De VS kent concentratiekampen voor volwassenen en kinderen. De grote gekleurde minderheid zit onevenredig vaak in de gevangenis, daar zij veel eerder een zware straf krijgen opgelegd, deze minderheid wordt daarnaast etnisch geprofileerd door de 'politie' in de VS, waardoor ze veel eerder worden gearresteerd dan witte burgers, deze minderheid is als in de gevangenis oververtegenwoordigd onder de werklozen en tot slot: deze minderheid wordt nog steeds op alle mogelijke manieren gediscrimineerd........

Dit alles anno 2019...... Ongelofelijk!!

Ilhan Omar on President Trump: “I Believe He is Fascist”

July 18, 2019 at 8:09 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— Ilhan Omar called Donald Trump fascist after the US president stood by as his supporters launched into a racist chant against the Democratic congresswoman.

Omar condemned Trump for what happened at the rally in North Carolina a day earlier, when the crowd chanted “Send her back!” after the president’s latest tirade against the Somali-born representative from Minnesota.

We have said this president is racist. We have condemned his racist remarks. I believe he is fascist,” Omar told reporters on Thursday.

I want to remind people that this is what this president and his supporters have turned our country – that is supposed to be a country where we allow democratic debate and dissent to take place.

And so this is not about me. This is about us fighting for what this country truly should be.”
Omar is Somali-American and came to the United States as a refugee. She is one of the first two Muslim women ever elected to the US Congress last year.

Earlier on Thursday, Trump – who has faced a barrage of criticism for recent racist comments he made against Omar and some of her Democratic Party colleagues – attempted to distance himself from the chant.

I felt a little bit badly about it,” Trump told reporters at the White House, as reported by Reuters.

I would say that I was not happy with it. I disagreed with it. But again I didn’t say that. They did. And I disagreed with.”

But a video widely circulated on social media showed the president standing silently at a podium as his supporters shouted the racist phrase.racis

He paused for several seconds during the chants, which also came after Trump launched into a tirade against the congresswoman.

Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down,” Trump said at the rally.

They never have anything good to say. That’s why I say: ‘Hey, if they don’t like it, let them leave. Let them leave’.”

Trump earlier this week also tweeted that Omar and other progressive Democrats should “go back” to the “crime-infested places from which they came” – a comment that draws on a historical white supremacist trope against people of colour.

While Trump did not specify anyone, his comments were interpreted to refer to four congresswomen known as “The Squad”: Omar, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

The congresswomen were elected to the US House of Representatives last year and have been some of Trump’s most prominent critics.

Tlaib is Palestinian-American, Ocasio-Cortez’s parents are from Puerto Rico, and Pressley is the first African-American woman elected from the state of Massachusetts.

The Democratic-controlled House passed a symbolic resolution on Tuesday condemning Trump for his “racist comments” against the lawmakers, which it said “legitimised fear of new Americans and people of colour”.

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, a Michigan Democrat whose district includes large Arab and Muslim communities, welcomed the passage of the resolution, condemning Trump for using “hatred and fear” to divide Americans.

Throughout the course of our country’s history, language that is xenophobic, racist, sexist, intolerant, prejudiced, or discriminatory has divided and pitted us against each other,” Dingell said in a statement.

By MEE and agencies Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo
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