
zondag 6 oktober 2019

Irak: zware corruptie en werkloosheid brandstof voor grote demonstraties, intussen 100 doden....

In Irak is het al even bal, men pikt het niet meer: de enorme werkloosheid van 25% en de immense corruptie terwijl het het volk aan van alles ontbreekt....... Wat betreft de corruptie gaat het om 450 miljard dollar aan publieke gelden die verdwenen in de zakken van de machthebbers......

De politie schiet op demonstranten en de belangrijkste sociale media zijn geblokkeerd, een geliefd instrument van overheden die het niet zo nauw nemen met de mensenrechten.... Overigens ook in het westen zijn een ongelofelijk aantal sites en blogs op zwart gezet...... Langzaam maar zeker verandert de situatie dan ook in het westen, waar de machthebbers steeds minder steunen op de democratie en processen die daarbij samengaan..... Men wil alle kritiek afdoen als fake news (nepnieuws) en manipulaties, terwijl juist de reguliere media zich hier schuldig aan maken, de voorbeelden zijn in grote hoeveelheden te vinden en zijn niet te missen!! (als je regelmatig de sociale en reguliere media volgt en ziet wat men in de reguliere durft te zeggen en schrijven over bijvoorbeeld de illegale oorlogen van de VS en haar oorlogshond de NAVO, rijzen de haren je te berge)

Bij de protesten in Irak zouden intussen 100 mensen zijn omgekomen door optreden van politie en leger.......

Het westen en dan vooral de VS (met hulp van andere NAVO-lidstaten, waaronder Nederland) hebben Irak naar de kloten geholpen, enorme vernielingen, meer dan 1,5 miljoen in feite vermoorde burgerslachtoffers en voor de rest één grote chaos....... Een waanzinnige prestatie....

Ongelofelijk maar waar, hare VVD leeghoofdigheid Hennis-Plasschaert is met een politieke benoeming gebombardeerd tot VN 'secretaris-generaal' voor Irak..... In plaats van haar excuus aan te bieden voor het door haar niet op tijd ingrijpen op de situatie in Irak, heeft ze haar ernstige zorgen uitgesproken over de situatie in Irak...... Ach ja dat krijg je met politieke benoemingen van nitwits op plekken waar deze figuren ver van zouden moeten worden gehouden..... Zij was NB voorstander van de illegale oorlogen die de VS alleen deze eeuw al is begonnen, zoals deze oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië* en Syrië.....

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Alex MacDonald en Sylvain Mercadier, verscheen eerder op Middle East Eye en werd door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Iraq Protests: At Least 9 Dead After Police Open Fire on Crowds, Embassies Sealed Off

October 2, 2019 at 1:37 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— Riot police opened fire in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Wednesday morning as a second day of demonstrations over corruption, unemployment and other grievances began in the city.

At least nine people have been killed, including one police officer, since Tuesday, AP and AFP news agencies reported, while another 250 people have been injured.

The violence prompted an appeal from Iraqi President Barham Salih for “restraint and respecting the law” to prevent further bloodshed.

Police opened fire on protesters on Wednesday in the al-Shaab neighbourhood of north Baghdad and in Zaafaraniya in the city’s south, AFP news agency said.

The Iraqi government also moved to blocked access to Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and other social media platforms from around midday amid the upheaval.

Later on Wednesday, Iraq imposed curfews on three cities, Nassiriya, Amara and Hilla, in the country’s south, Reuters reported.

The country’s security forces blocked off several roads in the capital, including a bridge to the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad, which is home to government buildings and foreign embassies, Reuters reported.

The Green Zone was reopened to the public in June for the first time since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

On Tuesday, Iraqi riot police used live ammunition and tear gas to disperse protesters who gathered around the central location of Tahrir Square.

(In het origineel is hier een andere video te zien, die ik niet kan overnemen)

Medics and security sources on Wednesday confirmed that a third Iraqi demonstrator died from wounds sustained when police fired tear gas and live rounds to disperse protests in Baghdad. The 55-year-old man was reportedly wounded in Tuesday’s demonstration.
Protests have also broken out in other parts of Iraq.

A health official also told AFP that two demonstrators were shot dead on Wednesday in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar province, while five protesters and 11 members of the security forces were wounded.

Sources told Alhurra that a local government building in Dhi Qar province was also burned down.

The violence shocked many who viewed the capital Baghdad, which has seen a revival of its social life since the declared defeat of the Islamic State group (IS) in March 2019, as being in a state of recovery.

A statement issued by the Iraqi interior and health ministries on Tuesday blamed “a group of rioters” for the unrest, adding that around 40 members of the security services were among the wounded.

Salih, however, said on Twitter that peaceful protest was a “constitutional right for all citizens” and said the demonstrators had legitimate grievances.

Our sons in the security forces have the duty to protect citizens’ rights and to maintain public security,” he said.

Iraq’s youth are looking towards reform and job opportunities, our duty is to meet these legitimate aspirations.”

The United Nations issued a call for calm on Wednesday and expressed “deep concern” over the violence that had taken place during the protests.

The special representative of the United Nations secretary-general for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, expresses grave concern over the violence that accompanied some of the demonstrations in Baghdad and other governorates,” it said a statement.

She calls for calm and deeply regrets the casualties among both the protesters and security forces.”

Corruption and Unemployment

According to official figures, since 2004 almost $450bn of public funds have vanished into the pockets of politicians and businessmen.

Iraq is currently ranked as the world’s 12th most corrupt country according to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index.

In addition, youth unemployment in Iraq is running at around 25 percent, according to the World Bank, in a country where the vast majority of the population is under 30.

Protests have been widespread across . This video is from Dhi Qar province.

Security forces taking a very heavy handed approach to dealing woth them as reports show that live ammunition, tear gas and water cannons are being used against them.

Embedded video
Protests also broke out in
View image on Twitter
View image on Twitter
Hundreds gathered for a funeral procession in for Mohammad al-Saidi, one of the victims of last night's unrest. Al-Saidi is from city
(Let op: voor de videos bij deze Twitterberichten zie het origineel)

The government is fucking stupid. We are not given any rights,” Oussama Walid, a protester from the al-Washash neighbourhood, told Middle East Eye on Tuesday.

[The media] must explain what’s going on here to the world to have a change. Try to explain, help us, help the people.”

Abd al-Salam Shaker, missing one leg and sitting in a wheelchair in the heart of the protests, said the government was made up of “a bunch of thieves”.

Although the problems facing Iraqis have existed for years, this week’s protests – which also took place in northern and southern Iraq – appear to have been sparked by the decision to remove Lt Gen Abdulwahab al-Saadi from his role as head of the elite Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS).

Saadi is widely popular in Iraq for heading the CTS, which was at the forefront of the fight against IS.

Seen as a non-corrupt and non-sectarian Iraqi nationalist, Saadi – a Shia – commanded support from across Iraq’s ethnic and religious groups.

One protester, who did not want to be identified, said he was just waiting for Saadi to come and “lead the protests”.

Our aim is to push for a powerful leader. I myself believe that he can lead us. I’m sure that he’s interested to come forward, but he needs the people to show they are behind him,” he said.
Salam al-Massudi, another protester, went further.

We want Saadi to be appointed prime minister of the government,” he said.

By Alex MacDonald, Sylvain Mercadier Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo
* Door de illegale oorlog tegen Irak is niet alleen het eens rijkste land van Afrika in zware armoede en chaos gedompeld, maar hebben we ook oorlog in Mali gecreëerd, alweer een waanzinnige prestatie....

Zie ook:

Nearly 100 Protesters Dead as Calls Grow for Iraqi Government to Resign

Iraq: At least 1 killed at mass anti-government protests in Baghdad
Zie ook:
'Irak gevangen door VS agressie richting Iran en daarnaast een opstand in eigen land' (en zie de links in dat bericht naar meer artikelen over Irak en Iran)

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