
woensdag 22 juli 2020

De 'nieuwste anti-Chinese propaganda': de deportatie van Oeigoeren naar concentratiekampen

Afgelopen week doken er foto's op van 'Oeigoeren' die klaar staan voor deportatie met treinen naar concentratiekampen...... Met deze claim wordt China gedemoniseerd als een afspiegeling van nazi-Duitsland met de deportaties van Joden, Roma, Sinti, homo's en politieke gevangenen naar concentratiekampen en de daarop volgende massamoorden op deze minderheden....

Nieuw? Nee, de beelden zijn al van vorig jaar september maar blijkbaar genoeg voor de CIA en ander westerse geheime diensten om China nog meer als een kwaadaardige natie voor te stellen, zeker na alle Coronahysterie en de claim dat China verantwoordelijk is voor die virusuitbraak..... Inderdaad claims van geheime diensten die een enorm archief hebben vol leugens, valse beschuldigingen, plus de daarbij behorende haat- en angstzaaierij, propaganda bedoelt om buitenlandse regimes aan de kaak te stellen die niet aan de leiband van Washington wensen te lopen......

Gaat het om Oeigoeren die naar een concentratiekamp worden afgevoerd? Dat is maar zeer de vraag, het enige bewijs is de claim van de CIA en de geheime dienst van Australiƫ en nogmaals die staan bekend om hun leugens, verdraaiing van feiten, alles overgoten met een dikke saus van angst en haatzaaierij.....

CaitlinJohnstone schreef een artikel over deze zaak en stelt terecht dat de Chinese overheid geen lieverdje is, maar om dan vervolgens de CIA en andere van dergelijke westerse geheime diensten te geloven, gaat om 'in het jargon te blijven' 10 stations te ver...... 

Vergeet bij dit alles niet dat de VS concentraiekampen heeft voor vluchtelingen, kampen die worden geleid door ICE, een uiterst omstreden organisatie, waarbij men ouders nog steeds hun kinderen afneemt (die vervolgens op grote schaal worden misbruikt door ICE beambten in de kampen en andere facilieiten waar deze kinderen worden opgesloten...)..... 

Lees het artikel van Johnstone, waarin zij veel dieper op deze zaak ingaat en bedenk daarna zelf wat wel of niet te geloven, maar onthoudt dat geheime diensten vooral goed zijn in liegen, waarbij het eigenbelang van deze diensten voorop staat, immers met veel van hun claims kregen deze diensten, ook in het recente verleden, extra bevoegdheden en geld....... Anders gezegd: de geheime diensten hebben er alle belang bij om angst en haat te zaaien, daar ze hiermee (een groot) hun macht kunnen vergroten..... (en dan nogmaals: terwijl deze geheime diensten bekend zouden moeten staan als notoire leugenaars, bewijzen te over, neem alleen al de leugens voorafgaand aan de illegale oorlogen die de VS deze eeuw is begonnen, of wat dacht je van de belachelijke leugens dat Rusland de verkiezingen in de VS en referenda als die voor de Brexit heeft gemanipuleerd, geen flinter aan bewijs, maar nog steeds als waarheid gebracht door de reguliere westerse media en politiek!!)

I Don't Always Believe CIA Narratives. But When I Do, I Believe Them About China

Caitlin Johnstone <>

My social media notifications have been lighting up the last few days with virulent Chinagaters sharing a video which purports to show Uighur Muslims being loaded onto a train to be taken to concentration camps. It's actually an old video that had already surfaced last year, but it is magically making the rounds again as a new and shocking revelation in 2020 now that western China hysteria has been officially kicked into high gear, at exactly the same time the US enacts one of the most dangerous and incendiary escalations of recent years in the South China Sea.

So this old video from of inmates transfer from Kashgar to Korla is making rounds on social media again. It 1st surfaced in Sept, 2019 but appeared to be older video from 2018 based on image analysis. Thread:
Embedded video 
(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht, zie het origineel)

Everyone tagging me in this video presents it as a self-evident "gotcha" moment, in exactly the same way Russiagaters spent years tagging me in every HUGE BOMBSHELL WALLS ARE CLOSING IN item of thinly sourced narrative fluff in their debunked conspiracy theory that the Kremlin had infiltrated the highest levels of the US government.

They are one hundred percent certain that the video shows Uighurs being loaded onto a train to go to a concentration camp, solely because that is what the bit of text over the video tells them that that's what they are seeing. They aren't looking at the actual data and thinking critically about it, they're looking at the narrative and believing it on blind faith. Which, in a post-Iraq invasion world, is an absolutely insane thing to do when presented with information about a nation that is targeted by the US-centralized empire.

In reality there's nothing in the video which tells us that these are Uighur people being sent to a "re-education camp" and not merely a conventional prison transfer of convicted criminals, the likes of which take place in the far more populous US prison system all the time. It's an unknown. We are told by the BBC's Andrew Marr (the same Andrew Marr whose phony journalism Noam Chomsky derided years ago) that it has been "authenticated by western intelligence agencies and by Australian experts", which in practice are the same thing, and that's really the extent of the evidence. Again, this is an insane source to take on faith in a post-Iraq invasion world.

There are in fact an abundance of reasons to be highly skeptical of the establishment narrative about what is happening to Uighurs in Xinjiang. But that isn't the point that I am trying to make here.

This thread is a reproduction for posterity of a good thread by @OohTheChilliOil, an account deleted by Twitter for unknown reasons, on the "Uighur Genocide". The only archives I've been able to find of this thread are damn near unreadable, so I'm piecing it back together here:
View image on Twitter

The point I am trying to make here is that the only sane response to any narrative that is being promoted by western intelligence agencies and their media stenographers about governments which have resisted absorption into the imperial blob is intense and unrelenting skepticism. These organizations have such an extensive and well-known history of lying about exactly this sort of thing that they have left us no choice but to withhold belief from anything they say absent a mountain of independently verifiable evidence if we want to have a fact-based relationship with reality.

None of this means that China has a wonderful government. It doesn't even mean that all the bad things we're being told about what the Chinese government is doing are false. It's entirely possible that that video shows exactly what we're being urgently told to believe it shows. There's simply no way to be sure one way or the other in an information ecosystem that is so severely tainted by propagandistic narrative manipulation.

Surely the Chinese government is far from sinless. It seems to be a constant that power structures which keep secrets and use propaganda will always wind up doing ugly things. 
But this doesn't mean you go believing whatever cold war-facilitating story we are fed by western power structures about it. Not if we want to avoid being duped into serving as pro bono CIA propagandists, unwitting tools of a murderous war machine.

There is a slow-motion third world war underway between the US-centralized power alliance and the nations like China which have resisted being absorbed into it, and that war is being largely facilitated by propaganda. If one doesn't wish to become a propagandist themselves, one ought to withhold belief from the stories they are told about the terrible, awful things the unabsorbed nations are doing which require extensive sanctions, subversion and interventionism in response.

This doesn't mean you believe the opposite of what you're told, it simply means you refrain from believing either way and remain agnostic until presented with hard verifiable proof. 
Believing damaging narratives about US-targeted governments is exactly as stupid as believing the words of a known compulsive liar about someone you know he hates.


China is such a curious anomaly in the narrative matrix. Many who are normally skeptical of claims by western governments immediately swallow anything they're told about China. 
They not only believe all such claims, it never even occurs to them to seriously question them. Like they seem to be genuinely unaware that skepticism of establishment China narratives is even an option. The claims just slide right into the "believe" file in their mind, completely unchecked by anything resembling critical thought.

I argue with people all over the political spectrum about China online, and an astonishing percentage of them have clearly put exactly zero research into critically examining these claims, even if they're people who are normally relatively critical of western foreign policy. 
They're often completely unaware that whatever claims they're advancing are not just disputed but have large amounts of evidence against them. This is because they've done no research whatsoever into finding out what they were told is even true. They'll do that research on Iran, they'll do it about Russia, they'll do it about Syria, but with China all skepticism immediately goes right now the window. It's the weirdest thing.

Always be intensely skeptical of claims made about governments targeted by the known liars who run the US-centralized empire. Always, always, always, always. If you advance imperialist propaganda, then you are just as culpable for the bloodshed and suffering they help facilitate as the people who are actually launching the missiles.

Stay skeptical, my friends.
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Caitlin Johnstone | July 22, 2020 at 2:13 am | Tags: caitlin johnstone, china, propaganda, skepticism, Uighur, war | Categories: Article | URL:
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