
dinsdag 22 december 2020

De heksenjacht in de Labour Party nadat Jeremy Corbyn wegens 'antisemitisme' werd geroyeerd: zelfs Joodse Labourpolitici worden uit de partij gezet

Jeremy Corbyn werd al ruim voor de laatste Brtise parlementsverkiezingen schandelijk uitgemaakt voor antisemiet, een uiterst smerige leugen, die zowel werd verspreid door de reguliere (massa-) media, inclusief en niet zelden zelfs geleid door de zogenaamde onafhankelijke BBC, als door de neoliberale politici van de partij, waardoor Labour zelfs de verkiezingen verloor....... (ook de reguliere media hier hebben de antisemitische leugen in de lucht gehouden en doen dat nog steeds.....) 

Een paar maanden geleden werd Corbyn uit de partij gezet en nu is het de beurt aan iedereen die naar links ruikt...... Het is zo zot dat ook Joodse leden van de partij nu uit die partij worden gezet, niet omdat Starmer, de nieuwe leider van Labour (en een aanhanger van oorlogsmisdadiger Blair) deze mensen verwijt antisemiet te zijn (tja dat gaat een beetje moeilijk als deze mensen zelf Joods zijn), maar omdat ze zich 'gedragen' als socialisten, ofwel ook de Joodse partijleden die Corbyn steunden ondanks de smerige antisemitische leugens worden geroyeerd als lid....... Moet je nagaan de oprichter van de partij was zelf een socialist......

Hajo Meijer, een concentratiekamp overlevende en eertijds belangrijk lid van Een Ander joods Geluid, zou zich bij wijze van spreken omdraaien in zijn graf als hij de beschuldiging van antisemitisme aan het adres van Corbyn zou horen, hij was bevriend met de voormalig Labourleider.......

Corbyn heeft intussen stappen genomen om een echte socialistische partij op te richten en het ziet ernaar uit dat een groot aantal Labour kiezers achter hem staan, niet vreemd als je ziet dat labour is verworden tot een volledig neoliberale partij, waarvoor Blair de eerste grote stappen heeft gezet.......

Het volgend schrijven over de heksenjacht in Labour op alles wat socialistisch lijkt is van Rachael Swindon, lees het ajb en geeft het door, ook in Nederland ziet men Corbyn als een antisemiet, zoals gezegd een uiterst smerige leugen...... Jammer dat Rachael zo hamert op het sociaaldemocratische karakter van de partij en dat dit behouden moet blijven, terwijl we overal hebben kunnen zien waar sociaaldemocratische politiek toe leidt: partijen die zich voordoen als licht socialistisch, terwijl de dagelijkse werkelijkheid neoliberaal beleid laat zien, neem onze PvdA (ik heb het grootste deel weggelaten van Raechels irritante kerstwensen die ze aan haar schrijven toevoegde):

“The Labour Party Is A Democratic Socialist Party” - Someone Tell The Witch Hunt

Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:53 PM PST

@Rachael_Swindon <>

(Grootoplichter Starmer)

Let’s get straight to the point. 

There’s a witch hunt in the Labour Party. 

But of course, it’s not witches that are being hunted, but decent, loyal socialists. People like you. Call it a socialist hunt if you like. I’m not seeing any suspensions from the hard-right of the Party, are you? 

The illegitimate Socialist Hunter in chief, David Evans, and his beige sidekick, Keir Starmer, have dragged the Labour Party to the right, and now they want all traces of socialism removed. Just to remind you, the Labour Party was founded by a Socialist, its greatest Prime Minister was a Socialist, and if you flip your membership card over, the very first line says, “The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party.”  

So what gives Starmer and Evans the right to attack the democratic foundations of the party while simultaneously attempting to remove any trace of socialism? 

What gives Starmer and Evans the right to tell you, their funders, what you can and can’t talk about? Seriously, this is alarming, it is authoritarian, and it has no place in any movement that prides themselves on membership engagement and grassroots democracy. 

What gives either of them the right to drag the Labour Party membership, against its will, kicking and screaming towards the land of social conservatism? 

Nothing. They have no right. 

Starmer was elected upon a false prospectus. A man that pretends to stand up for everyone, stands up for absolutely nobody - apart from a few lobbyists - and he seems much more at ease failing to call out white supremacy, or failing to vote against torture, or ordering the suspensions of brilliant lefties, for the crime of being a socialist, or blowing smoke so far up Boris Johnson’s arse you can see it coming out of the Etonian Ewok’s nostrils. Revolting. 


He is no Labour leader. He’s not even a Liberal Democrat leader. He makes Ed Miliband look like one of us ffs.

Look at the state of our politics. You’ve got that over-privileged, over-promoted, utterly clueless bag of bum wind Johnson, leading the Tory Party - and allegedly running the country. 

Then look at Labour and The Lib Dems. Both are led by fully paid up members of the establishment. Sir Ed Davey (I think that’s his name), and Sir Keith Starmer (I know that’s his name), are both knights of the realm. 

Can you see why Scotland, and Wales, want to escape from this utter horror show? Do you really blame them? I’d push for a Democratic Republic of Swindon if it meant escaping Tory rule, because that’s all that’s on offer down here. The only decision we have to make is our preference of Tory - blue, yellow, or red. This is a recent thing. The last Labour leader, regardless of how you felt about him, offered a genuine, progressive alternative. 

The last Labour leader, Mr Corbyn, is a victim of the socialist hunt himself. This will not end well for Starmer and Evans, whatever the outcome. They have forced themselves into a corner, with help from extremist organisations intent on dictating Labour Party rules. 

Anyway, I must ask you, do you remember when Jeremy Corbyn suspended more than 50 CLP chairs and vice-chairs, for exercising their democratic right? And when he was suspending left-wing Jews without reason? Do you remember when the Labour Muslim Network issued a damning report into Islamophobia in the Labour Party, under his leadership? Do you remember when thousands of BAME party members left in their droves because of the leadership's inability to deal with racism? 

No, nor do I. And that’s because it never happened. 

If any of that happened during the Corbyn years we would still be talking about it now, it would’ve been on the front of every single paper, it would’ve lead BBC and SKY News, LBC, and another vote of no confidence would’ve gone in from the Parliamentary Labour Party stooges. 

But all of this has happened under the leadership of Keith Starmer, and the media silence is absolutely deafening. If it wasn’t for the likes of Canary, Skwawkbox and others, we wouldn’t have a clue what’s going on.

Can you imagine if Jeremy Corbyn had a media that wasn’t intent on destroying him? 

We might even be twenty points ahead by now. 

The socialist hunt isn’t showing any signs of slowing down in the near future. More prominent party members are usually ‘lucky’ enough to find out through a media briefing, but the standard party members just get a letter out of the blue, often with no adequate explanation as to why they are being suspended. 

Starmer and Evans will need to drop the Poundshop Stalin act, because they look fucking ridiculous.


I am told more than 240 CLPs have indicated solidarity for Mr Corbyn, with more than a third of them going against the democracy clampdown issued by the leadership and passing motions of support for the former Party leader.

More than a third of CLPs passing motions nominated Starmer for the Labour leadership. These are his own CLPs, not putting up with this control-freakery. 

I think Starmer and Evans underestimated the likelihood of a resistance to their purge. The left doesn’t roll over for anyone, Keith and Dave, I can assure you. 

Labour members on the left need to organise. CLPs need to continue passing motions of support for Mr Corbyn, and continue to pass motions of no confidence in Starmer and Evans. Social media activists need to keep supporting independent media. Share their articles, help them grow, because they are on the side of justice and equality, and they will hold power to account, rest assured. 

Anyway, that’s me done for another Sunday. I’m off to watch my son play football, which may well be the last opportunity for quite a few weeks, if Covid has its way. 

Take care, and if I don’t speak to you before, have a lovely and very happy Christmas x 



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