
woensdag 17 februari 2021

De grootste uil ter wereld, de Blakiston visuil, dreigt uit te sterven

Met een spanwijdte van 1.80 m. is de Blakistons visuil (Bubo blakistoni) de grootste uil ter wereld...... Maar zoals zo vaak, ook deze soort dreigt uit te sterven door menselijk handelen....... Het kappen van oerbossen in Japan (Hokkaido) en Rusland (in het uiterste oosten van Siberiƫ) is de oorzaak voor het verdwijnen van deze wonderlijk mooie dieren, die voor het leven een paar vormen......

Er zijn nog maar 1.900 van deze prachtige dieren over, waarvan er slechts 400 in het wild weten te overleven.......

Lees enteken de petitie van Care 2 ajb en geeft het door!!

Only 1,900 of these huge owls remain alive today

We must save the largest owl in the world before it goes extinct!

Sign Now 

The largest owls on the entire planet are one step away from extinction. Residing in Russia and Japan, fewer than 1,900 individual Blakiston's fish owls are left alive in the world, and only around 400 living completely wild. These creatures are an awesome sight to behold, with an adult wingspan around six feet wide — the height of many adult humans! These sweet animals match up in pairs for life, and they call back-and-forth to their mates in beautiful "duets" that last for hours on end. But now, their duets could go completely silent.

Climate change and logging-induced habitat loss have been ravaging this species. Their main homes are inside dead trees within old-growth forests. But such forests are prime chopping spots for logging companies eager to gobble up as much timber for profit as possible. That's why experts are begging government officials to take action to curb logging in old-growth forests now! Otherwise, the Blakiston's fish owls will be the world's largest no more. Tell authorities in Russia and Japan to protect the critically-endangered Blakiston's fish owls' habitat and save them before it's too late!

Thank you,

The Care2 Petitions Team 


(Hier de petitietekst:)

The largest owls in the entire world are one step away from extinction. Living in Russia and Japan, fewer than 1,900 individual Blakiston's fish owls are left alive in the world — and only around 400 are living completely wild, without human assistance.

These sweet animals match up in pairs for their entire lives, and they call back-and-forth to their mates in beautiful "duets" that last for hours on end. These creatures are an awesome sight to behold as well as hear: adult Blakison's fish owls have a wingspan around six feet wide (the height of many adult humans!) and a torso the size of a fire hydrant.

But climate change and habitat loss due to logging have been ravaging this species. And now, the remaining 1,000 or so could truly be the last of their kind.

Sign the petition to demand that the governments of Russia and Japan step in to protect the Blakiston fish owls' habitat now!

These northern-residing owls love to hunt for fish and frogs in icy rivers which are being massively disrupted by our warming climate. As more ice melts and spring arrives earlier and earlier, the mating and migration patterns of these life-sustaining fish and frogs are changing, too. And that has caused tragedy and heartbreak as little fluffy baby owls and their mated parents starve to death, searching for food that never seems to arrive.

On top of that, these owls increasingly have nowhere to live. Their main homes are inside dead trees, within old-growth forests. But old-growth forests are a prime chopping spot for logging companies, eager to gobble up as much timber for profit as possible. With all the chopping has also come the felling of trees to construct miles and miles of logging roads, so that trucks can haul timber back out of the woods.

That's why experts are begging for government officials to take action to curb logging in old-growth forests now! If restrictions aren't put in place, the Blakiston's fish owls will be the world's largest owls no more.

Tell authorities in Russia and Japan to save the critically-endangered Blakiston's fish owls — the world's largest owls — before it's too late!


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