
donderdag 10 april 2014

Redt het Leuser Ecosysteem! Lees de petitie en teken deze a.u.b.!

De gouverneur van Atjeh en het parlement staan op het punt het Leuser Ecosysteem open te gooien voor commerciƫle activiteiten, een gebied waar de laatste grote populatie orang oetans leeft. De Indonesische president Yudhoyono en zijn minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Fauzi zijn hier op voorhand tegen, maar de gouverneur en het parlement van Atjeh, hebben daar schijt aan en willen vergunningen uitgeven.
Leest u alstublieft de onderstaande oproep aan president Yudhoyono en het Indonesische parlement, niet akkoord te gaan met de plannen van Atjeh. Mocht u het Engels niet machtig zijn, onderaan vindt u de link naar de petitie.
The Leuser Ecosystem is home to the densest population of orangutans remaining anywhere in the world and is the only place where orangutans, tigers, elephants, rhinos and sun bears live in the same forest together.

Today, the future of this extraordinary place remains at a crossroads and your voice is urgently needed once again.

In the last few months, Aceh’s Governor and Parliament have approved a disastrous plan to open up the Leuser Ecosystem to major industrial development, despite concerns from members of the local community and calls for protection from around the world. Indonesian President Yudhoyono and Minister of Home Affairs Fauzi have both requested revisions to the plan in order to keep huge industrial interests from exploiting the Leuser Ecosystem, but Aceh’s government simply isn’t listening and plans to move ahead with large scale deforestation and development.

Now it comes down to President Yudhoyono and Minister Fauzi. Indonesia's Central Government must now reject this plan outright and keep protections for the forest strong. Tell them you and activists around the world are standing with them to reject the destruction of this pristine ecosystem.

Aceh's parliament has ignored its legal obligations to protect the Leuser Ecosystem. It has let down nearly four million people who depend on the rainforests of the Leuser Ecosystem for clean water for drinking, irrigation and food production, in order to satisfy palm oil, mining and logging companies.

It's not too late to stop this plan and to keep the protections for the Leuser Ecosystem in place.

We need to urge the President of Indonesia to reject this plan which will allow the destruction of the Leuser Ecosystem.

Some places in the world are too important to lose—please send your message now.

For the forests,
Gemma Tillack
Senior Agribusiness Campaigner

Help mee en teken a.u.b. de petitie gericht aan president Yudhoyono en de Indonesische regering
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