
vrijdag 9 februari 2018

VS bewandelt dezelfde weg richting Iran, als die voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003, aldus één van de verantwoordelijken voor die oorlog........

Alsof we terug zijn in de tijd, de tijd voor de illegale aanval van de VS tegen Irak in 2003. Destijds werd er door Collin Powell (toenmalig VS minister van buitenlandse zaken) keihard gelogen in de VN, om een enorme oorlogsmisdaad van te voren recht te kunnen praten....... (een oorlog tegen een ander land voeren is een gigantische oorlogsmisdaad)

Ook nu wordt er door de VS ambassadeur voor de VN, hare kwaadaardigheid en superoplichter Haley, zonder blikken of blozen gelogen over 'het gevaar Iran.......'

Lawrence Wilkerson was de stafchef van Colin Powell. Hij was dan ook één van de medeverantwoordelijken voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003.......

Dezelfde Wilkerson beschuldigt nu de Trump administratie van het manipuleren van 'bewijsmateriaal' en het angstzaaien voor Iran (waar Wilkerson vergeet haatzaaien te noemen, dit is immers een vast onderdeel in de leugencampagnes die de VS voert, haatzaaien tegen een tegenstander, neem de leugens over het vermoorden van couveuse baby's in Koeweit door Iraakse militairen, voorafgaand aan de eerste illegale oorlog van de VS in 1991 tegen Irak..... In 2003 waren het de massavernietigingswapens die Irak zou hebben, terwijl de VN wapeninspecteur Blix meermaals stelde dat dit niet het geval was en dat was het dan 'ook niet.....'

Of wat dacht je van de beschuldigingen aan het adres van Syrië voor het gebruiken van gifgas tegen de eigen bevolking, dit is nooit bewezen, sterker nog: wel werd bewezen dat elke gifgasaanval die werd onderzocht in Syrië, op de 'doodsrekening' staat van de 'gematigde rebellen', geteisem dat door het westen wordt gesteund...... Maakt allemaal niet uit: alsnog blijven de westerse reguliere (massa-) media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici deze leugens herhalen...... Dit zijn 'false flag' operaties, dus met opzet, zoals in dit geval, mensen gruwelijk vermoorden (of de poging daartoe) met gifgas en dit in de schoenen van een ander schuiven.....

De Trump administratie had zelfs het gore lef te stellen dat Iran samenwerkt met Al Qaida, terwijl Al Qaida elke sjiiet die het tegenkomt vermoord. Hetzelfde werd voor de oorlog tegen Irak gesteld, terwijl Al Qaida onder Saddam Hoessein geen poot aan de grond kreeg in Irak....... Intussen heeft de VS samengewerkt met Al Qaida Syrië en de tak van deze terreurgroep in Syrië zelfs van de zwarte terreurlijst heeft gehaald......

Ik snap werkelijk niet waarom de reguliere media hier geen aandacht aan hebben besteed en elke (zelfs bewezen) claim dat de VS samenwerkt met IS of Al Qaida afdoen als complotdenken...... Daar kan maar één reden voor zijn, de welgestelde bazen of investeringsgroepen die deze media in handen hebben en de regeringen (die middels subsidies voor de publieke omroepen hun zeggenschap kunnen afdwingen) tevreden houden, kortom: kwade opzet! (al zullen die media dit ook afdoen als een complottheorie.....)

Nog een 'klein detail' in deze: met het meegaan van de reguliere massamedia in het keihard liegen, brachten (in het geval van de twee VS oorlogen tegen Irak) en brengen de reguliere (massa-) media een ongelofelijke berg 'fake news' ('nepnieuws...)...... Dezelfde media die nu om het hardst schreeuwen dat de sociale media vol staan met 'fake news' ofwel 'nepnieuws'

Lees het prima artikel van Carey:

Man Who Sold America the Iraq War Just Warned Iran Is Next, but Is Anyone Listening?

February 6, 2018 at 12:45 pm
Written by Carey Wedler

(ANTIMEDIA) — Fifteen years after the calamitous U.S. invasion of Iraq, an architect of the propaganda used to drum up support for the war is warning that it’s happening again — this time with Iran.

Lawrence Wilkerson, who was chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, helped the then-secretary “paint a clear picture that war was the only choicein his infamous 2003 speech to the U.N. This week, writing for the New York Times — an outlet that, at the time, parroted misleading narratives in support of the war — Wilkerson accused the Trump administration of manipulating evidence and fear-mongering in the same way the Bush administration did to cultivate public support for ousting Saddam Hussein.

In his Monday op-ed, titled “ I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again,” he wrote:

As his chief of staff, I helped Secretary Powell paint a clear picture that war was the only choice, that when ‘we confront a regime that harbors ambitions for regional domination, hides weapons of mass destruction and provides haven and active support for terrorists, we are not confronting the past, we are confronting the present. And unless we act, we are confronting an even more frightening future.’”

Though the U.N. and much of the world didn’t buy it, Wilkerson says Americans did, and it amounted to the culmination of a two-year effort by the Bush administration to initiate the war, which he now condemns

That effort led to a war of choice with Iraq — one that resulted in catastrophic losses for the region and the United States-led coalition, and that destabilized the entire Middle East,” he wrote, going on to call out the Trump administration for pushing the United States down the same path in Iran.
This should not be forgotten,” he urged, “since the Trump administration is using much the same playbook to create a false impression that war is the only way to address the threats posed by Iran.”

Wilkerson singled out Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, for her recent saber-rattling against Iran. He accused her of presenting questionable evidence that “Iran was not complying with Security Council resolutions regarding its ballistic missile program and Yemen,” comparing her directly to Powell. “Just like Mr. Powell, Ms. Haley showed satellite images and other physical evidence available only to the United States intelligence community to prove her case. But the evidence fell significantly short.”

Wilkerson accused Haley’s claims about Iran of essentially mirroring Powell’s claims about Iraq, also warning that war with Iran will be very different. It is “a country of almost 80 million people whose vast strategic depth and difficult terrain make it a far greater challenge than Iraq, would be 10 to 15 times worse than the Iraq war in terms of casualties and costs,” he cautioned, still asserting that countries like China, Russia, and North Korea pose far more “formidable challenges to America” than Iran does.
The former chief of staff to Powell further criticized the Trump administration, citing its National Security Strategy, which claims:

The longer we ignore threats from countries determined to proliferate and develop weapons of mass destruction, the worse such threats become, and the fewer defensive options we have.”

The Bush-Cheney team could not have said it better as it contemplated invading Iraq,” Wilkerson wrote, going on to call out not just Haley and the Trump administration but also the executive branch in general, Congress, and the media.

Though Ms. Haley’s presentation missed the mark, and no one other than the national security elite will even read the strategy, it won’t matter,” he lamented. “We’ve seen this before: a campaign built on the politicization of intelligence and shortsighted policy decisions to make the case for war. And the American people have apparently become so accustomed to executive branch warmongering — approved almost unanimously by the Congress — that such actions are not significantly contested.

He implicated the news media, as well, noting that outlets recently “failed to refute false narratives” from the Trump administration that Iran worked with Al-Qaeda to undermine the U.S. (never forget the CIA’s overseas meddling helped lay the foundation for Al-Qaeda in the first place, and its policy of arming extremists in Syria also ended up empowering the terror group). He compared this false conflation with Dick Cheney’s attempts to link Saddam Hussein to Al-Qaeda during the Bush years.

Nevertheless, Wilkerson wrote, “[t]oday, the analysts claiming close ties between Al Qaeda and Iran come from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which vehemently opposes the Iran nuclear deal and unabashedly calls for regime change in Iran.”

He went on to list the variety of ways the Trump administration is drumming up unfounded support for war against Iran:

We should include the president’s decertification ultimatum in January that Congress must ‘fix’ the Iran nuclear deal, despite the reality of Iran’s compliance; the White House’s pressure on the intelligence community to cook up evidence of Iran’s noncompliance; and the administration’s choosing to view the recent protests in Iran as the beginning of regime change. Like the Bush administration before, these seemingly disconnected events serve to create a narrative in which war with Iran is the only viable policy.

Considering Iran has long been a crown jewel in the U.S. hegemonic efforts, it should be no surprise the Trump administration isn’t budging on its plans to intervene. Wilkerson, however, knows far better than most the dangers of pushing unsubstantiated claims to advocate war.
He warned:

As I look back at our lock-step march toward war with Iraq, I realize that it didn’t seem to matter to us that we used shoddy or cherry-picked intelligence; that it was unrealistic to argue that the war would ‘pay for itself,’ rather than cost trillions of dollars; that we might be hopelessly naïve in thinking that the war would lead to democracy instead of pushing the region into a downward spiral.

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