
maandag 10 juni 2019

Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist

Abdul Basset al-Sarout, is een bekende terrorist, die door o.a. Associated Press (AP), The New York Times (NYT), The Guardian, PBS en Bloomberg wordt bejubeld als was hij een groot mensenrechtenactivist en voetbalster, sterker nog, deze psychopaat was i.d.d. ook voetballer...... Zoals het voorgaande al aangeeft was al-Sarout daarnaast een terrorist, die was gelinkt aan Al Qaida en ISIS en daarmee was hij gelinkt aan ongebreidelde terreur....... 

Lees het volgende artikel van Caitlin Johnstone waarin ze uitgebreid ingaat op deze zaak en de totaal zieke manier waarop de reguliere massamedia terroristen ('gematigde rebellen') ophemelen als helden.... De 'held' in deze, al-Sarout, hield zich onder meer bezig met het onderwerpen van de bevolking aan terreur die niet met een pen is te beschrijven..... En geeft het door mensen, er is al veel teveel gelogen over de oorlog die de VS heeft ontketend in Syrië.......

MSM Mourns Death Of CIA-Backed Syrian Al-Qaeda/ISIS Ally

On Wednesday the alternative media outlet Southfront published an article titled "New Video Throws Light On Jaysh Al-Izza High-Tolerance To Al-Qaeda Ideology" about newly discovered footage showing the leader of a "rebel" faction in Syria cozying up with a militant who was wearing a badge of the official flag of ISIS.

"The video shows Jaysh al-Izza* General Commander Major Jamil al-Saleh congratulating a group of his fighters on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr in a underground bunker," Southfrontreports. "One of the fighters greeted by Saleh was wearing a batch of the Islamic Black Standard with the Seal of Muhammad. This is a well-known symbol of al-Qaeda and the official flag of ISIS."

Today, mass media outlets are mourning the death of a well-known Jaysh al-Izza fighter named Abdel-Basset al-Sarout with grief-stricken beatifications not seen since the death of war criminal John McCain. An Associated Press report which has been published by major news outlets like The New York Times, The Guardian, PBSand Bloomberg commemorates Sarout as a "Syrian soccer goalkeeper" who "won international titles representing his country", as "the singer of the revolution", and as "an icon among Syria’s opposition".

Remember Major Jamil al-Saleh from two paragraphs ago? AP features his glowing eulogy in its write-up on Sarout's death:

He was both a popular figure, guiding the rebellion, and a military commander,” said Maj. Jamil al-Saleh, leader of Jaish al-Izza rebel group, in which Sarout was a commander. “His martyrdom will give us a push to continue down the path he chose and to which he offered his soul and blood as sacrifice.”

 (via de link van het hieronder weergegeven Twitterbericht, kan je de bedoelde video zien)

Other mainstream outlets like BBCThe Daily Beast and Al Jazeera have contributed their own fawning hagiographies of the late Jaish al-Izza fighter.

New Video Throws Light On Jaysh Al-Izza High-Tolerance To Al-Qaeda Ideology
SouthFront (@southfronteng) June 5, 2019

"Formed in 2013, Jaysh al-Izza was one of the first Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups in northern Syria to benefit from U.S. support through the CIA’s 'Timber Sycamore' train and equip program, which had been approved by then U.S. President Barack Obama," Southfront reports in the aforementioned article. "The group received loads of weapons from the U.S. including Grad rockets, as well as Fagot and TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs)."

"Jaysh al-Izza received this support under the pretension of being a 'moderate group' led by a known Syrian Arab Army (SAA) defector, al-Saleh," Southfront adds. "However, the group’s acts were not in line with these claims. Since its formation, Jaysh al-Izza has been deeply linked to al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the al-Nusra Front. The group became one of the main allies of al-Nusra when its changed its name to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in 2017."

"Western thought leaders are lionizing Abdel Baset al-Sarout who was killed fighting the Syrian army," tweeted journalist Dan Cohen of the mass media response to Sarout's death. "They conveniently omit that he fought in a militia allied with al-Qaeda and pledged allegiance to ISIS."

Cohen linked to an excerpt from his mini-documentary The Syria Deception featuring footage of Sarout holding an ISIS flag, leading chants calling for the extermination of the Alawite minority in Syria, and announcing his allegiance to ISIS.

Western thought leaders are lionizing Abdel Baset al-Sarout who was killed fighting the Syrian army. They conveniently omit that he fought in a militia allied with al-Qaeda and pledged allegiance to ISIS. From my mini-documentary: The Syria Deception
Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) June 8, 2019

Other publicly available video footage includes a speech by Sarout urging cooperation between his own faction, ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Qaeda's Syrian franchise), saying "we know that these two groups are not politicized and have the same goals as us, and are working for God."

"God willing we will work with them shoulder-to-shoulder when we leave here," Sarout has been translated as saying in the speech. "And we are not Christians or Shiaa to be scared of suicide belts and car bombs. We consider these things as strengths of ours, and God willing they will be just that.

This message is to the Islamic State and our brothers in Jabhat al-Nusra, that when we come out of here we will all be one hand to fight Christians and not to have internal fights among ourselves. We want to take back all the lands that have been filthied by the regime, that were entered and taken over by Shiaas and apostates."

This bloodthirsty terrorist warmongering was taken by the aforementioned AP hagiography and twisted into the single sentence, "He repeatedly denounced rebel infighting and called on Syrians to unite against government forces."

The Atlantic's Hassan Hassan framed Sarout's unconscionable agendas as mere "flaws" which actually add to his inspiring and heroic story, tweeting, "Some individuals celebrated as heroes make you doubt all stories of heroes in history books. Others, like Abdulbasit Sarout, not inspire of but despite his flaws, make those stories highly plausible. He’s a true legend & his story is well documented. May his soul rest in peace."

Yeah, come on, everybody's got flaws. Some people suck at parallel parking, some people team up with ISIS and Al-Qaeda on genocidal extermination campaigns. We've all got our quirky little foibles.

Some individuals celebrated as heroes make you doubt all stories of heroes in history books. Others, like Abdulbasit Sarout, not inspire of but despite his flaws, make those stories highly plausible. He’s a true legend & his story is well documented. May his soul rest in peace:

We can expect more and more of these mass media distortions as Syria and its allies draw closer to recapturing Syrian land from the extremist forces which nearly succeeded in toppling Damascus just a few short years ago.

As these distortions pour in, keep this in mind: all of the violence that is still happening in Syria is the fault of the US and its allies, who helped extremist jihadist factions like Jaysh al-Izza overrun the nation to advance the preexisting goal of effecting regime change. The blame for all the death, suffering and chaos which ensues from a sovereign nation fighting to reclaim its land from these bloodthirsty factions rests solely on the government bodies which inflicted their dominance over the region in the first place.

You will see continuing melodramatic garment-rending from the US State Department and its mass media stenographers about "war crimes" and "human rights violations" as though the responsibility for this violence rests somewhere other than on the US-centralized power alliance, but they will be lying.

What these warmongering propagandists are doing is exactly the same as paying a bunch of violent thugs to break into a home and murder its owner, then standing by and sounding the alarm about the way the homeowner chooses to fight off their assailants.

After it was discovered that the US and its allies armed actual, literal terrorist factions in Syria with the goal of effecting regime change, the only sane response would have been for the public to loudly and aggressively demand that all governments involved to take immediate action to completely rectify all damage done by this unforgivable war crime at any cost, and for there to be war crimes tribunals for every decision maker who was a part of it. Instead, because of propaganda circulated by the same mass media narrative management firms who are sanctifying the memory of Abdel-Basset al-Sarout today, the public remains asleep to the depravity of its rulers. This dynamic must change if we are to survive and thrive as a species.
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Caitlin Johnstone | June 9, 2019 at 1:27 am

* Jaysh al-Izza, volgens Wikipedia een 'rebellengroep.....'

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