rapport van de OPCW maakt korte metten met de westerse beschuldiging
aan het adres Syrië voor een aanval met chemische wapens, dit keer de gifgasaanval op Douma van 7 april 2018..... Ondanks dat de reguliere
westerse media, inclusief het grootste deel van de westerse politici Syrië hebben aangewezen als de dader......
rapport kan ook geen link vinden tussen de 43 doden en gevonden
sporen van chlorine op de 'plaats delict'. Ofwel die 43 doden
zijn niet omgekomen door chlorine, zoals medisch hulpverleners
destijds al aangaven...... De zogenaamd onafhankelijke zendgemachtigde NOS berichtte 5 dagen geleden dat de inspecteurs wel degelijk stellen dat er
chloorgas is gebruikt bij de aanval, daar er sporen zijn gevonden van
'giftige chemicaliën met chloor'. Echter dat is niet
wat de OPCW stelt, immers het rapport kan geen link vinden tussen de
slachtoffers en de gevonden sporen chlorine..... Zo worden feiten
door de reguliere media verdraait om barbertje Assad te laten hangen......
Er zijn
overblijfselen op de plek van de aanval gevonden van 2 cilinders (canisters) die met geel gas gevuld zijn geweest, eenzelfde cilinder werd in Douma aangetroffen in de werkplaats van 'gematigde rebellen.....'
Als er
bij de aanval chemische wapens zijn gevonden, hoe vreemd is het dan
dat in de overblijfselen van de 43 doden geen sporen van een
chemische substantie zijn gevonden, die duiden op een aanval met
chemische wapens....... En toch stelt de NOS dat deze mensen werden aangevallen met gifgas ('door het reguliere Syrische leger', zoals je begrijpt)
ding is zeker: volgens wapeninspecteurs van de VN had en heeft Syrië al jaren niet meer de beschikking over chemische wapens, terwijl
algemeen bekend kan worden geacht dat de zogenaamde gematigde
rebellen* de beschikking hadden en hebben over
chemische wapens als chlorine en sarin.........
Syrië had totaal geen belang bij een aanval met chemische wapens daar ze de
stad al voor een groot deel hadden ingenomen, bovendien was een
aanval met conventionele wapens veel effectiever geweest.....
Daarentegen hadden de 'gematigde rebellen' alle belang bij een
chemische aanval, daar zij aan de verliezende hand waren en een
aanval met chemische wapens zou het offensief van het Syrische leger waarschijnlijk hebben gestopt dan wel vertraagd, vanwege de grote
verontwaardiging die dit voor de zoveelste keer teweeg zou hebben gebracht in de wereld.....
Zoals uit het direct voorafgaande al blijkt, in Syrië een vaker toegepaste tactiek van deze terreurgroepen, een tactiek die onder de noemer 'false flag operatie'** valt......
medisch hulpverleners die de mensen vanwege deze 'gifgasaanval' behandelden op de eerste hulp, verklaarden dat deze mensen geen
symptomen vertoonden van blootstelling aan een chemisch wapen, maar alle tekenen
vertoonden van rookvergiftiging gecombineerd met grote hoeveelheden stof in de luchtwegen en longen, dit daar ze
in kelders een veilig heenkomen hadden gezocht, echter door de
bombardementen vulden deze ruimten zich zoals gezegd met rook en
Douma is een mislukte false flag operatie, waar de gematigde
terreurgroepen vergeten waren burgers te vermoorden met chemische
Het volgende artikel nam ik over van NEO (NEW EASTERN OUTLOOK) en werd geschreven door Tony Cartalucci.
04-03-2019 Author: Tony Cartalucci
Syria Report Cripples Wetern “Chemical Weapons” Narrative
OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) has
presented its final report regarding an alleged chemical weapons
attack on Douma, Syria on April 7, 2018. Despite attempts by the
Western media to hail it as “proof” that the Syrian government
used chemical weapons in Douma – the report says nothing of the
fact, the report fails to link any of the alleged 43 deaths to
apparent chlorine found at the scene of the alleged attack.
of the attack were made by US-backed militants on the eve of their
defeat – with the Syrian military retaking Douma the following day.
Initial reports claimed sarin or chlorine chemical weapons were
deployed through the use of two yellow gas canisters modified as
sarin of any kind was found by OPCW inspectors.
the report suggests two modified yellow gas canisters were used in
the attack and that they appeared to have been dropped onto two
buildings (locations 2 and 4), the report also mentions that OPCW
inspectors found a nearly identical canister in a workshop used by
militants to construct weapons.
alleged “chemical weapons” attack prompted the United States, UK,
and France to launch missiles strikes against Syrian military targets
on April 14, 2018, long before the first OPCW inspectors even arrived
at the sites of the alleged attack on April 21.
No Link Between Chlorine and Casualties
OPCW report would note video and photographic evidence of alleged
victims of chemical exposure could not be linked to any specific
chemical including traces of chlorine OPCW inspectors found. The
report would specifically claim (emphasis added):
Many of the signs and symptoms reported by the medical personnel, witnesses and casualties (as well as those seen in multiple videos provided by witnesses), their rapid onset, and the large number of those reportedly affected, indicate exposure to an inhalational irritant or toxic substance. However, based on the information reviewed and with the absence of biomedical samples from the dead bodies or any autopsy records, it is not currently possible to precisely link the cause of the signs and symptoms to a specific chemical.
other instances, the OPCW report would cite witnesses – including
medical staff who allegedly treated victims of the supposed attack –
who expressed doubts of the presence of any chemicals at all.
report would state (emphasis added):
A number of the interviewed medical staff who were purportedly present in the emergency department on 7 April emphasised that the presentation of the casualties was not consistent with that expected from a chemical attack. They also reported not having experience in the treatment of casualties of chemical weapons. Some interviewees stated that no odour emanated from the patients, while other witnesses declared that they perceived a smell of smoke on the patients’ clothes.
accounts reviewed by the OPCW suggest a large number of casualties
were owed to smoke and dust inhalation from conventional bombardment.
report would specifically state (emphasis added):
Some witnesses stated that many people died in the hospital on 7 April as result of the heavy shelling and/or suffocation due to inhalation of smoke and dust. As many as 50 bodies were lying on the floor of the emergency department awaiting burial. Others stated that there were no fatalities in Douma Hospital on 7 April and that no bodies were brought to the hospital that day.
conflicting witness reports, the lack of any evidence linking
chlorine to even a single death on April 7, and other inconsistencies
and contradictions make it impossible to use the report’s
conclusions as “proof” that the Syrian government carried out a
deadly chemical attack on the eve of its victory in Douma.
Similar Canisters Found in Militant Workshop
the Western media has focused on the report’s conclusion that
chlorine was present and possibly emanated from the two canisters
that appear to have been dropped onto two buildings in the area,
another crucial finding has been predictably glossed over.
militant-run weapons workshop investigated by OPCW inspectors
revealed a large number of resources for working with chemicals to
make explosives. Among an array of chemicals and equipment associated
with making explosives, a yellow gas canister was found.
report would admit:
Although the team confirmed the presence of a yellow cylinder in the warehouse, reported in Note Verbale of the Syrian Arab Republic (Annex 10, point 2) as a chlorine cylinder, due to safety reasons (risk involved in manipulating the valve of the cylinder, see Figure A.8.2) it was not feasible to verify or sample the contents. There were differences in this cylinder compared to those witnessed at Locations 2 and 4. It should be noted that the cylinder was present in its original state and had not been altered.
lack of interest by the OPCW in the canister despite the obvious
implications of its presence in a weapons workshop controlled by
militants calls into question the inspectors’ diligence and agenda.
canister’s “differences” are owed to the fact
that those at locations 2 and 4 were modified to appear as bombs,
while – admittedly – the canister in the militant workshop
remained unaltered.
obvious implications of a nearly identical canister turning up in a
militant workshop making weapons is that the militants may likely
have also made the two converted canisters found at locations 2 and
4. OPCW inspectors found other improvised ordnance in the workshop
including, “a number of 20-litre metallic drums, some
fitted with crude cord-type fuses, which appeared to have been filled
with plastic explosives to serve as improvised explosive devices.”
media organizations have tried to dismiss the presence of the
canister at the workshop by suggesting it was a “setup”
orchestrated by the Syrian Arab Army. Huffington Post UK senior
editor Chris York would go as far as
referring to the workshop as:
…the rebel explosives lab that had been captured by the SAA days before and which they were desperately trying to make look like a chemical weapons lab.
reality, the OPCW itself would suggest nothing of the sort, and noted
that all of the equipment present was consistent with a weapons
workshop. Nowhere does the OPCW suggest anything was altered –
including the canister – which the OPCW specifically noted “had
not been altered.”
presence of a canister nearly identical to those found at locations 2
and 4 in a militant weapons workshop provides at least as much
evidence that militants staged the supposed chemical attack as the
Western media claims the canisters at locations 2 and 4 suggest it
was the Syrian government.
the absence of definitive evidence regarding who created and deployed
the canisters found at locations 2 and 4, or how they truly ended up
there, a better question to ask is “why” they
would have ended up there.
Chemical Weapon Attack in Douma… Cui Bono?
would the Syrian government – in the middle of a major military
offensive it was on the literal eve of concluding in complete
victory, drop only 2 canisters filled with a limited amount chemicals
to kill – at most – 43 people? A simple artillery barrage could
kill just as many people – or very likely – many more.
use of chemical weapons even on a large scale have
historically proven less effective than conventional military
weapons –
and the use of chlorine on such a small scale as claimed in Douma
serves no conceivable purpose at all – at least not for the Syrian
claims otherwise, the Syrian government has
derived no benefit whatsoever had
it been behind any of the chemical attacks it has been accused of by
militants and their Western sponsors over the course of the Syrian
Douma attack – were it the Syrian military – would have served no
tactical, strategic, or political purpose.
Conversely, it would
serve as one of the very few actions the Syrian government could take
to jeopardize its victory by justifying a large scale Western-led
military attack on Syrian forces.
fact, just one week after the alleged attack, the US, UK, and France
would indeed launch as many as 100 missiles into Syria in
retaliation, the
Guardian would report.
the other hand, militants who had been occupying Douma had every
reason to stage the attack.
staging the attack on the eve of their defeat and producing graphic
scenes of human suffering – particularly among children – the
militants would have a propaganda tool readily able to invoke global
public concern, sympathy, and outcry in defense of their cause – a
propaganda tool their Western sponsors eagerly amplified through
their global-spanning media platforms.
the United States having previously launched entire wars based on
false accusations of merely possessing chemical weapons, the
militants correctly assumed the US would use the staged attack as a
pretext for further direct military aggression against the
Syrian state – possibly saving them.
US still to this day cites “chemical weapons” and the Douma
incident on April 7, 2018 specifically – as part of its pretext to
maintain its illegal occupation of Syrian territory and its continued
support of militants attempting to overthrow the Syrian government.
alleged us of “chemical weapons” by the Syrian government also
regularly serves as a primary talking point used by the Western media
when attacking anti-war politicians, pundits, and commentators.
OPCW report’s conclusions are too ambiguous to draw a conclusion
one way or the other.
The presence of a nearly identical canister in
a militant workshop raises serious questions and associated
implications suggesting the attack was staged – questions that must
be adequately investigated and answered.
the Syrian government gained nothing from the attack and was only
further jeopardized politically and strategically by it – raises
questions about motivations that likewise need to be answered before
drawing conclusions.
as the Western media has proven many times before – it is fully
capable of producing entirely irrational lies based on tenuous
evidence or no evidence at all – and even repeating those lies
after being blatantly caught telling them previously.
the Western media is still attempting to sell WMD lies regarding
Syria after being caught fabricating them to justify war in
neighboring Iraq should be at the forefront of the global public’s
mind when considering their “interpretations” of this latest OPCW
report regarding Douma, Syria.
Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer,
especially for the online magazine “New
Eastern Outlook”.
PS: ook voor de grote gifgasaanval in 2013 werd Syrië vrijgesproken van schuld, dit door de VN..... De westerse massamedia en politici houden tot op de dag van vandaag vol dat Syrië wel degelijk de dader was......
* 'Gematigde rebellen': je weet wel psychopathische moordenaars, verkrachters en martelbeulen, die o.a. met ons belastinggeld zijn gesteund.........
** Zie: ''False flag terror' bestaat wel degelijk: bekentenissen en feiten over heel smerige zaken..........'
Zie ook:
'Douma gifgasaanval: OPCW baas gaf opdracht een rapport te verwijderen uit dossier en alle sporen te wissen'
'Douma, OPCW lek wordt door massamedia toegeschreven aan Rusland, waarbij men blijft volhouden dat de gifgasaanval plaatsvond'
'White Helmets oprichter 'vermoord door' vredesactivisten en kritische alternatieve media'
'White Helmets oprichter overleden, het sein voor nog meer anti-Syrische propaganda'
'Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist'
'MP Chris Williamson confronts UK government with apparent evidence of ‘staged’ chemical attack in Syria' De gifgasaanvallen die het reguliere Syrische leger zou hebben gepleegd, zijn onderdeel van 'false flag' operaties, ofwel men begaat een oorlogsmisdaad en schuift die de vijand in de schoenen. Zie: ''False flag terror' bestaat wel degelijk: bekentenissen en feiten over heel smerige zaken..........'
'VS terreuraanslag in Syrië op 3 tankwagens: 4 doden'
'Gifgasaanval Douma in elkaar gezet door 'gematigde rebellen''
'VS heeft opstand en daarmee de oorlog in Syrië georganiseerd, zo toont WikiLeaks ten overvloede nog eens aan.......'
'Gifgasaanval Idlib: de komende 'kindslachtoffers' worden getraind door terreurgroep White Helmets.........'
'Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de 'gifgasshow' in Kahn Sheikhoun...........'
'Vlaamse pater roept op niet langer de westerse anti-Syrië propaganda te geloven!'
'Syrische nonnen spreken zich uit tegen de oorlogspropaganda van westerse mogendheden en de reguliere westerse (massa-) media'
'CNN en andere media met doorzichtige oorlogspropaganda tegen de Syrische regering'
'VS geeft toe dat er geen bewijs is voor het gebruik van gifgas 'door Assad', ofwel: alweer 'fake news' van de massamedia doorgeprikt!'
'Voorbeeld BBC en AD propaganda inzake Idlib (Syrië)'
'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'
'Oost-Ghouta, wat je niet wordt verteld'
'BBC World Service en BNR met 'fake news' over Ghouta........'
'Syrië: nieuwe gifgasaanval als 'false flag' operatie tegen Syrisch bewind in voorbereiding........'
'Ghouta: een gifgas false flag en VS chef Guterres eist staakt het vuren van pro-Syrische strijdgroepen op Oost-Ghouta......'
'Gifgasaanval Idlib: de komende 'kindslachtoffers' worden getraind door terreurgroep White Helmets.........'
'Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de 'gifgasshow' in Kahn Sheikhoun...........'
'Vlaamse pater roept op niet langer de westerse anti-Syrië propaganda te geloven!'
'Syrische nonnen spreken zich uit tegen de oorlogspropaganda van westerse mogendheden en de reguliere westerse (massa-) media'
'CNN en andere media met doorzichtige oorlogspropaganda tegen de Syrische regering'
'VS geeft toe dat er geen bewijs is voor het gebruik van gifgas 'door Assad', ofwel: alweer 'fake news' van de massamedia doorgeprikt!'
'Voorbeeld BBC en AD propaganda inzake Idlib (Syrië)'
'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'
'Oost-Ghouta, wat je niet wordt verteld'
'BBC World Service en BNR met 'fake news' over Ghouta........'
'Syrië: nieuwe gifgasaanval als 'false flag' operatie tegen Syrisch bewind in voorbereiding........'
'Ghouta: een gifgas false flag en VS chef Guterres eist staakt het vuren van pro-Syrische strijdgroepen op Oost-Ghouta......'
'Sico van der Meer ('deskundige' Clingendael) weet niet, dat Israël en Egypte grote hoeveelheden gifgas maken en op voorraad hebben..........'
'Rutte: raketaanval VS tegen Syrische basis was begrijpelijk en proportioneel, ook al is er geen bewijs voor Syrische schuld........'
'Koenders (PvdA BuZa): Assad is schuldig aan gifgasaanval en is een 'criminele recidivist......' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
'Esther de Lange (CDA): het afschieten door de VS van raketten op een Syrische basis 'was even nodig...........''
'VS bereid tot militair ingrijpen tegen de regering Assad >> aanleiding: gifgas leugens van o.a. de VS zelf.......'
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