De rookontwikkeling van die branden is tot op vele honderden kilometers ver te ruiken, sterker nog niet zelden worden bijvoorbeeld in Maleisië en Thailand scholen en andere openbare gelegenheden gesloten, daar de rookontwikkeling niet is te harden......
meest hebben echter de (veelal bedreigde) diersoorten te lijden onder
het steeds kleiner worden van hun leefgebied, zoals de orang
Met de
verbranding van oerwoud wordt bovendien de klimaatverandering verder
Lees en
teken de petitie ajb en geeft het door, we hebben zoals gezegd nog
drie dagen om de EU te laten weten dat palmolie niet langer aan diesel mag worden toegevoegd! Bovendien: de aanduiding 'biodiesel' is ronduit een smerige leugen!
Stop Palm Oil in Biodiesel Now
Tell the European Commission that forests and wildlife are more important than diesel!
palm oil lobby has hired some of Europe's best lawyers to try to take
down our campaign. You
only have 4 days left to tell
the EU to take polluting palm oil out of biofuels in our cars and
let big money drown out our people powered campaign! Together, we can
demand that decision makers save the orangutans and our rainforests
from palm oil deforestation.
join 40,000 other SumOfUs members and send a message into the EU’s
urgent public consultation now:
almost there, don’t stop now! In
an incredible feat of people power, you and 630,000 people across
Europe have pushed the EU to end subsidies for polluting palm oil in
the draft rules have two gaping loopholes,
allowing palm oil companies to destroy precious orangutan habitat for
palm oil production.
you take a minute to tell the EU to do its job properly, close the
loopholes, and save the orangutans from destructive palm oil for
good? There’s
a template message already written so all you have to do is press
- I’ll send a message to demand that the EU ends the scandal of
palm oil in our cars and lorries
only have two weeks left to convince decision makers to
change the draft rules, so we need you to act now.
EU has acknowledged that palm oil production causes deforestation,
and that it can no longer be counted as a “green” fuel in our
cars and busses. But it also recklessly introduced exceptions --
for small plantations, and for oil from so-called “unused” land
-- that could easily be exploited by greedy palm oil corporations to
keep on wreaking havoc and pushing orangutans to extinction.
good news is, it’s not too late to change their minds.
European Commission said in last week’s Politico newspaper that
they will think about “what changes we can propose if there is
widespread criticism”.
- I’ll send a message to demand that the EU ends the scandal of
palm oil in our cars and lorries
progress we’re making is down to you. Until recently, barely
any Europeans knew that far more palm oil goes into vehicle tanks
than shampoo or Nutella. You helped change that.
of thousands of you signed and shared our petition and tweeted at key
EU politicians.
You donated money so SumOfUs could show up in person
outside EU offices across Europe to say “not in my tank” on the
orangutans’ behalf.
we demanded that the EU take action. And they listened.
unfortunately, our precious forests and apes aren’t saved
yet. Unless
we persuade the EU to close the dangerous loopholes in their new
draft legislation, it’ll be business as usual for the palm oil
industry -- and death for the orangutans.
let’s get environment-wrecking palm oil out of biodiesel fuel.
Please send a message now:
- I’ll send a message to demand that the EU ends the scandal of
palm oil in our cars and lorries
coalition partners have built a handy website to make it easier for
you to submit your views. However if you’d like to take part on the
European Commission’s consultation page, please
click here.
Hier de tekst van de petitie:
Please participate in the
European Commission's public consultation on palm oil in
biodiesel, by simply clicking on ACT NOW.
The expansion of palm oil
plantations and other food crops to produce fake 'green' biofuels is
destroying some of the planet’s remaining rainforests and our most
precious wildlife.
The European Commission has
published new rules that should stop palm oil and other food
crops that cause deforestation from ending up in our tanks. But these
rules are far too weak.
But we can change this. Our
experts have summarised the flaws of the new rules in a short
message for you to send, that you can edit if you wish. Your name and
response will be published on the European Commission's consultation
#NotInMyTank is an international
campaign against fake 'green' biofuels run by some of the
largest environmental organisations in Europe: DUH and Nabu in
Germany, Ecologistas
en Acciòn in
Spain, Friends
of the Earth and Canopée in
France, Legambiente in
Italy, Friends
of the Earth in
the Netherlands, ZERO in
Portugal, the Swedish Society
for Nature Conservation, NOAH in
Denmark, T&E , CNCD, CETRI, Fian and 11.11.11 in
Belgium and campaign platforms SumOfUs, and
The campaign's petition has
obtained the support of more than 630,000 people in the past few
Zie ook:
'Verkade Meesterbaksels blijken Misbaksels te zijn'
'Unilever 'in veilige groene handen' bij Nils Andersen (o.a. BP)'
'Orang oetan, zwanger en hongerend houdt zich vast aan de laatste boom terwijl bulldozers haar leefgebied vernielen voor palmolie'
'EU: palmolie in diesel is niet duurzaam, maar stoppen met subsidie is amper een optie'
'Greenpeace actie om te voorkomen dat een schip met palmolie aanmeert in Rotterdam'
''Britse reclame code commissie' weigert tv reclame die gericht is tegen het gebruik van palmolie'
'Unilever voor het gerecht gedaagd door ex-arbeiders in Kenia'
'Milieudefensie knettergek geworden, felicitaties n.a.v. palmolieverbod in diesel per 2030'
'Red de orang-oetan van de ondergang, stop de palmolie vernietiging van het oerwoud!'
'PepsiCo verantwoordelijk voor ontbossing oerwoud Borneo...... Boycot Pepsi producten!'
'Regenwouden bufferen niet langer o.a. koolstof, maar stoten dit netto uit, dit door bedrijven als PepsiCo........'
Zie ook:
'Verkade Meesterbaksels blijken Misbaksels te zijn'
'Unilever 'in veilige groene handen' bij Nils Andersen (o.a. BP)'
'Orang oetan, zwanger en hongerend houdt zich vast aan de laatste boom terwijl bulldozers haar leefgebied vernielen voor palmolie'
'EU: palmolie in diesel is niet duurzaam, maar stoppen met subsidie is amper een optie'
'Greenpeace actie om te voorkomen dat een schip met palmolie aanmeert in Rotterdam'
''Britse reclame code commissie' weigert tv reclame die gericht is tegen het gebruik van palmolie'
'Unilever voor het gerecht gedaagd door ex-arbeiders in Kenia'
'Milieudefensie knettergek geworden, felicitaties n.a.v. palmolieverbod in diesel per 2030'
'Red de orang-oetan van de ondergang, stop de palmolie vernietiging van het oerwoud!'
'PepsiCo verantwoordelijk voor ontbossing oerwoud Borneo...... Boycot Pepsi producten!'
'Regenwouden bufferen niet langer o.a. koolstof, maar stoten dit netto uit, dit door bedrijven als PepsiCo........'
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