
dinsdag 2 maart 2021

Haïtiaanse voormalige president pleegt staatsgreep met hulp van de VS en de OAS

Jovenel Moïse, de voormalige president van Haïti wenst niet af te treden en de VS, zogenaamde bevorderaar van democratie over de wereld, is daarmee akkoord gegaan, samen met het door haar en fascisten uit Latijns Amerika gedomineerde OAS, de Organisatie van Amerikaanse Staten.......

'Leuk ook te weten' dat de EU, als de VS, Canada en Brazilië, samenwerkt met dictator Moïse........

 Lees en teken de petitie van CODEPINK ajb en geeft het door, Moïse moet weg en de westerse wereld moet de democratie in Haïti eerbiedigen!!!

Haiti Can't Breathe!

Leonardo and Ciara, CODEPINK

Former Haitian President Jovenel Moïse has now officially become a dictator and he’s done it with the support of the U.S. and Organization of American States (OAS). Tens of thousands of Haitians have taken to the streets demanding he step aside - they deserve our solidarity.

Haiti has been under constant pressure for over 200 years, all for the “crime” of freeing themselves from slavery and colonialism. Haiti can’t breathe and we cannot allow the U.S. and OAS to impose yet another dictatorship on our neighbors.

Tell President Biden and OAS Secretary General Almagro to keep their hands off Haiti!

Moïse’s term expired on February 7, but he unilaterally gave himself another year in office. He dissolved Parliament, illegally fired Supreme Court Justices and other officials who opposed him, and jailed opposition figures. The Haitian police have brutally suppressed protesters, including attacking journalists and committing a massacre. 

Now Moïse is working with what’s known as the Core Group (the United Nations, OAS, European Union, Brazil, Canada France, Germany, Spain and U.S.) to rewrite Haiti’s constitution. It’s worth noting that the UN trained Haiti’s police forces and also brought cholera that ended up killing 30,000 Haitians. Without this key support from outside powers, the Haitian people would likely have overthrown his corrupt government.

Sign the petition calling for the U.S. and OAS to stop interfering in Haiti!

MAKE ART, NOT WAR! Join CODEPINK for an online exhibit between March 25 - 31 to express solidarity with the people in Haiti who are struggling for democracy, justice, and reparations. To participate, please submit artwork-- poems, songs, music, videos and other forms of art expressing solidarity with Haiti.  All mediums welcome. Videos should be under 7 minutes. Deadline for submission is Sunday, March 21st. Please include the title of work, full name and/ or band name, country, organization (optional), social media handle (optional) to

CODEPINK is working with dozens of organizations over the coming weeks to denounce U.S. and OAS interference in Haiti. We’ll keep you updated with our actions so you can join in. We definitely want to see you next week at our Haiti solidarity event - details are in the P.S.!

In radical solidarity,
Leonardo, Ciara, Michelle, Teri, Medea and the entire CODEPINK team

P.S. Join us on Friday, March 5 at 8pm ET/  5pm PT for an exciting event: Haiti: What’s Imperialism Got To Do With It?! RSVP here for an evening of performances by Haitian artists and panel discussions about the struggle in Haiti.


Zie ook: 'Bolivia: CIA en OAS hebben op valse gronden een coup tegen de Boliviaanse president Morales opgezet' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

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