
donderdag 7 juni 2018

Facebook komt met nieuwsshows van betrouwbare media als CNN en Fox News.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Nadat Facebook aankondigde haar 'trending nieuws' onderdeel te laten vallen, vanwege het 'hoge gehalte aan fake news' (nepnieuws) en deze te vervangen voor een 'breaking news' programmering*, heeft dit frauderende mediaorgaan besloten nieuws shows te gaan brengen. 

Ter verduidelijking van het 'breaking news' platform: dit 'breaking news' onderdeel wordt samengesteld door 80 regulaire mediaorganen, je weet wel media die zich keer op keer juist schuldig maken aan het brengen van fake news....... (neem de berichtgeving voorafgaand, tijdens en zelfs na de illegale oorlogen die de VS is begonnen in bijvoorbeeld Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië......)

Om het voorgaande nog verder uit te rollen, komen er dus nieuws shows, die worden uitbesteed aan 'uiterst betrouwbare nieuwsorganen' als CNN en Fox News..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Kortom Facebook gaat geïnstitutionaliseerde fake news shows brengen!!

Verbaas je verder over de mislukte bokkesprongen van Facebook in het volgende artikel van Carey Wedler (van o.a. Steemit):

Facebook to Fund Original News Shows From "Trustworthy" Outlets Like CNN and Fox News

careywedler (61) in facebook •  5 hours ago

This article is a Steemit exclusive!

In an effort to improve its credibility, Facebook is launching original news shows with mainstream networks like ABCFox News, and CNN. Amid ongoing controversies and widespread public distrust of the platform — as well as widespread public apprehension toward the political, media, and corporate establishment at large — it is unclear how Facebook intends to leverage these outlets to build trust.

Variety, an entertainment industry outlet, reported Wednesday that the new effort is partly aimed at driving up viewing on its Facebook Watchplatform — but it also is supposed to demonstrate the social-media giant’s commitment to funding trustworthy journalism.”

The initiative, to be introduced this summer, is led by a mainstream reporter-turned-Facebook employee. Campbell Brown, Facebook’s head of global news partnerships, was previously a host for CNN and worked as a reporter for NBC News.

Given this is our first step into this, we wanted to have a diverse slate of shows that could deliver different things,” she said of the new program. Other participants include UnivisionMic, and ATTN.

According to a blog post by Brown:

Earlier this year we made a commitment to show news that is trustworthy, informative, and local on Facebook. As a part of that commitment, we are creating a dedicated section within Watch for news shows produced exclusively for Facebook by news publishers. With this effort, we are testing a destination for high quality and timely news content on the platform.”

The move comes as Facebook moves to discontinue its “trending news” service, which has been accused of spreading fake information (the platform will instead implement a “breaking news” feature, working with 80 different outlets around the world in a project separate from it’s mainstream Watch programming).

To be sure, Facebook has served as a breeding ground for wildly inaccurate “news” stories from highly questionable outlets.

However, despite Facebook’s stated intention to combat this type of fake news, it is no secret that outlets like CNN and Fox News have disingenuously helped perpetuate society-wide submission to corrupt, exploitative agendas by baiting the public with divide and conquer tactics and distractions.

CNN, which dubs itself the most trusted name in news,” spends much of its airtime obsessing over Russia, the Mueller investigation, Stormy Daniels, and other topics that are comparatively superficial in light of bipartisan policies that destroy the world and infringe upon people’s basic rights. They have been caught on multiple instances pushing incorrect information and selectively reporting stories. For example, one “exclusive report” on Libya’s burgeoning human slave trade failed to acknowledge that a major catalyzing force for the trade’s growth was the Obama administration’s toppling of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Fox News, too, is an egregious perpetuator of manipulative narratives, and the outlet’s hosts spend much of their time covering petty issues. In one instance, earlier this year, Fox and Friends pundits had a meltdown over the NFL’s decision to broadcast potential national anthem protests at the Super Bowl (they did not actually occur). Fox was also a major contributor to the push for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Both outlets, along with MSNBCABCNBC, and CBS have been found to spread falsehoods on a regular basis as pundits prattle on, peddling establishment viewpoints.

These mainstream outlets also push emotionally charged, vitriolic opinions, and to a large extent, these divides are evident in the comment sections of political Facebook posts.

Despite Facebook’s cozying up to mainstream outlets, Variety reports that both Fox News and CNN previously complained about Facebook’s approach to news. It was important to us that there was a fair value exchange, which there hasn’t always been,” said Andrew Morse, CNN’s EVP and GM of CNN Digital Worldwide, while speaking about the new programming deal. Anderson Cooper will host CNN’s Facebook show while Shep Smith will helm Fox’s.

The move follows not only claims of Facebook spreading dis- and mis-information but also suppressing reach for many large pages not deemed “trustworthy.” Independent news organizations, in particular, have complained that their followers now rarely see their posts.

Regardless of this new program, public trust in mainstream news sources at large continues to drop. While this seems promising, unfortunately, much of this distrust is also associated with part of the population’s unquestioning trust in President Donald Trump as many of his supporters tend to reject news that discredits or criticizes him.

As Facebook continues to serve as a mouthpiece for the establishment — and as it continues to work with the government to police the internet — the need for decentralized alternatives like Steemit, Minds, and othersthat do not censor their users or promote propaganda is increasingly apparent.

My Links:

* Zie: 'Facebook verlaat 'tranding news' voor 'brekend nieuws' van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer 'fake news.....''

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