
dinsdag 5 juni 2018

Facebook verlaat 'trending news' voor 'brekend nieuws' van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer 'fake news.....'

'In de strijd tegen 'fake news' (of: nepnieuws) verlaat Facebook haar 'trending news' berichten, berichten die veel worden gedeeld op Facebook voor 'breaking news', nieuws gebracht door 80 reguliere mediaorganen. Ofwel Facebook gaat haar gebruikers hersenspoelen met berichten van de reguliere media, die maar al te vaak fake blijken te zijn......

Wat politici en de reguliere media hebben aangemerkt als 'fake news', is voor het overgrote deel nieuws dat de huidige status quo bedreigt of zelfs ronduit aantoont dat nieuws uit de reguliere media gebaseerd is op leugens en aannames. 

Om duidelijk te maken wat men onder fake news verstaat, verwees men in de westerse reguliere media en politiek naar overduidelijk gefabriceerde onzin (die de meeste lezers als zodanig herkennen), terwijl wat deze media en politici veelal als 'fake news' aanmerken, veelal juist het echte nieuws is......

Kortom Facebook gaat meedoen aan het grote hersenspoelen van de wereldbevolking (althans in de landen waar Facebook is toegestaan)......

In het volgende artikel van Tyler Durden een aantal Twitterberichten van Robby Starbuck, die Facebook feilloos aan de paal nagelt:

Facebook Replaces User-Generated "Trending News" With "Breaking News" From 80 Undisclosed Publications

Sat, 06/02/2018 - 11:34

Facebook is replacing its user-generated "trending news" feature with a "breaking news" section - comprised of 80 publications which they will feed to users. 

In other words, Facebook will have complete control over narratives and topics which go against their internal corporate culture. 

Facebook's Trending News section has been the subject of intense scrutiny since the 2016 election after it was revealed that the editors in charge of the feature were repeatedly discriminating against conservative articles, while promoting progressive content. Their clear bias resulted in the threat of an investigation from the Senate commerce committee. 

The new changes were explained in a Friday announcement
  • Breaking News Label: A test we’re running with 80 publishers across North America, South America, Europe, India and Australia lets publishers put a “breaking news” indicator on their posts in News Feed. We’re also testing breaking news notifications.
  • Today In: We’re testing a dedicated section on Facebook called Today In that connects people to the latest breaking and important news from local publishers in their city, as well as updates from local officials and organizations.
  • News Video in Watch: We will soon have a dedicated section on Facebook Watch in the US where people can view live coverage, daily news briefings and weekly deep dives that are exclusive to Watch.

Facebook just announced they're removing trending topics and replacing it with news from publishers in your city, updates from local officials and organizations. This isn't an attempt to improve Facebook, it's an attempt to be the the thought police. 
The obvious takeaway here is that Facebook wants to control the conversation. Who believes that the news orgs they choose will be fair and balanced? No one. Instead of seeing what is naturally igniting dialogue around issues you're going to get Facebook approved propaganda.
To recap - you're going from user controlled trends that honestly represent the conversation, views and dialogue of users to Facebook approved outlets TELLING you what you need to hear. They will only share the most sanitized positions that suit their biases.
Make no mistake: This is entirely driven by political aims. Facebook is VERY unhappy with how their platform drove conversation during the 2016 election. This is their attempt to slow the spread of information and political views they don't like on their platform.
Who's curating the approved local publishers, news orgs, local officials and organizations? Certainly not a politically neutral or unbiased team and certainly not representative of our country. This is a propaganda op to control and do the work of their preferred political party.
While the Washington Post (WaPo), Recode, The Verge, and Vox have confirmed they're among the 80 "breaking news" publications, no other publishers names have been revealed.

We imagine Shareblue, Media Matters, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti Defamation League are all included.

Zie ook:
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Mijn excuus voor de fout in de kop: tranding i.p.v. trending, na plaatsing gecorrigeerd op 5 juni 2018.

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