
donderdag 19 december 2019

Australië staat olieboringen toe in de Grote Australische Bocht, inclusief seismische ontploffingen

Terwijl het land zucht onder record temperaturen en Sydney bijna geheel is omsloten door bosbranden, die het leven in deze stad deels tot stilstand hebben gebracht, heeft de neoliberale regering van Australië olieboringen goedgekeurd in het belangrijke natuurgebied de Grote Australische Bocht..... Olieboringen die gepaard gaan met seismische ontploffingen die het uiterst belangrijke dierenleven in de kuststrook op grote schaal zal verstoren......

Onder andere walvissen zijn te vinden in dit natuurgebied, waar de kalveren van deze dieren door de enorme seismische knallen (alsof er een bom afgaat in je huis en dat om de 10 seconden) niet langer in staat zullen zijn te communiceren met hun moeder die zich in de buurt ophoudt..... Uiteraard zal dit het hele onderwaterleven in de Bocht verstoren en deels vernietigen, zo is bekend dat plankton op grote schaal sterft door deze ontploffingen...... Onderwaterleven dat zo belangrijk is ook voor de prooidieren die hier op af komen, zoals zeehonden.....

Hoe is het mogelijk dat een regering zo blind is dat het dit soort zaken toestaat, in 2016 maakte de Australische regering bekend dat het Grote Barrièrerif een extra beschermde status wil geven, echter nadat diezelfde regering toestemming gaf om de grootste kolenhaven ter wereld te bouwen, pal voor dat rif, waarvoor een kanaal t.b.v. zeeschepen dwars door het rif wordt aangelegd..... Steenkool dat door Australië en de VS massaal tegen dumpprijzen op de wereldmarkt wordt verkocht.... Niet voor niets ook dat in Nederland al jaren alle gascentrales zijn uitgeschakeld en de kolencentrales op volle toeren draaien....... Nogmaals: en dat in en door Australië dat ongemeen hard wordt getroffen door de klimaatverandering....

Onbegrijpelijk dat het Australische volk deze totaal onverantwoorde regering blijft steunen.......

Het volgende artikel en vraag om geld komt van de Australische tak van Greenpeace:

BREAKING: Equinor has just been approved by the Federal regulator to drill in the Great Australian Bight. 

A whale sanctuary destroyed. A habitat containing 85% unique species decimated. Australia’s coastlines at risk. 

Not if we can help it. We must act now.


For whales and other marine mammals, life is a symphony of sound. They use sound to find food, mates, evade predators and generally navigate the vast ocean. 

The relationship a whale calf has with its mother is particularly special. Just like any other species the young rely on their mother’s protection and direction to navigate the wild.
What’s unique about whales is how they achieve this in such dark oceans with no sight. In a recent study from Aarhus University, Denmark (conducted in the Great Australian Bight) found that whale calves will “whisper” to their Mother. This helps them stay close, stay safe as they can’t be overheard by any predators.

“We discovered that the calves don’t make a lot of noise—they use very short and weak sounds. We think that it’s because they only intend for their mother to hear them,”
-Simone Videsen, research assistant at Aarhus University.
So what would happen if a mother could not hear her young? When a family of whales rely on noise to eat, speak, protect each other.

The noise of seismic blasting has been compared to a bomb repeatedly going off in their home every 10 seconds—a home they can’t flee. It’s not just whales that are affected; for fish, seismic blasting can be deadly, resulting in deafness. Even shellfish, like lobsters and scallops have their immune systems suppressed as a result of this. These blasts have been shown to cause massive mortality in plankton, the tiny organisms that form the base of all marine food chains.

Seismic blasting happens before oil drilling even commences. It happens at the research stage. With equinor’s drilling approved, we are only weeks away from this being a reality. That’s why we need your help today!

Drone footage of Bunda Cliffs in the Great Australian Bight. It is a globally significant whale nursery, home to one of only two southern right whale calving grounds in the world, and a feeding area for blue whales, humpback whales, orcas and sea lions.

It breaks my heart to think oil drilling could take place in one of the largest whale sanctuaries in the world. Oil drilling must be stopped in the Bight, in Australia.

It’s amazing to think that it very easily can get worse. But all it takes is a spill. A spill means utter devastation. 9 years on from Deepwater Horizon, the world’s most infamous oil spill, has anything regenerated?

As one scientist recorded: “what we observed was a homogenous wasteland, in great contrast to the rich heterogeneity of life seen in a healthy deep sea. Crabs showed clearly visible physical abnormalities … Once these crustaceans reach the site, they may become too unhealthy to leave.”

And for what? Fossil fuels, a depleting resource that damages the planet and provokes extreme weather events.  

I don’t want to believe this is happening in Australia. It is deplorable to me that while our country is being ravaged by bushfires that the RFS and Bureau of Meteorology have linked to man made climate change. Our government has approved oil drilling for more fossil fuel. We must act now. 

As one of our supporters, you are likely aware that Greenpeace has a history of protecting oceans and saving whales. It’s what we do. You may not be aware that Greenpeace began in 1971 when a group of 8 protesters sailed into the Aleutian Islands of Alaska to force the US army to call off nuclear weapons testing in that area.

You might be asking yourself, ‘this is awful, but can Equinor really be stopped?’ In the past Greenpeace has infiltrated nuclear test sites, shielded whales from harpoons, protected fur seals from clubs and blocked ocean-going barges from dumping radioactive waste. We have also kicked 2 oil companies out of the Bight already and look forward to having your support to kick out another one. 

I want to thank you so much for your continued support in the past. As you probably know, Greenpeace is a fully independent entity meaning that we do not accept donations from governments, organisations or other large bodies. This is what makes us incorruptible and truly a voice of the people. People like you who understand how deadly oil is to the planet.

Thank you for everything you do,

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Mijn excuus, het is tegenwoordiug blijkbaar hip om gepersonaliseerde oproepen te versturen, dus telkens met herhaling van je voornaam, dacht dat is ze allemaal had verwijderd, maar helaas, bij deze hersteld. (14.50 u.)

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