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Posts tonen met het label E.W. Priestap. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 13 december 2019

Horowitz rapport vernietigend voor FBI en CIA bemoeienissen met opzetten 'Russiagate'

Ongelofelijk weer, het Horowitz rapport waar in te lezen is hoe men door zaken te verdraaien, Trump probeerde te laten vallen over contacten met de Russen..... (hoewel die psychopathische fascist wat mij betreft morgen in rook mag opgaan) De campagne adviseur van Trump, Carter Page, werd bij de FBI door de CIA meermaals aangewezen als een CIA informant die door de CIA werd opgedragen om Russen te onderzoeken. Ondanks dat had de FBI het gore lef te stellen dat Page had samengespannen (in feite tegen de VS) met de Russen......

De FBI ging zelfs zover om bij de Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) rechtbank meermaals te zeggen dat Page had samengespannen met de Russen........ Een FBI advocaat met lange ervaring veranderde zelfs een email waarin stond te lezen dat Page voor de CIA werkte, door het woord 'niet' toe te voegen, dus dat hij niet voor de CIA werkte.....

Lees het volgende artikel en zegt het voort, de reguliere media, die een paar jaar lang de bek vol hadden over 'Russiagate' besteden amper of geen aandacht aan het Horowitz rapport..... Ergens ook wel logisch, immers men zal daarmee voor de zoveelste keer alle kul, fake news en manipulaties moeten toegeven op de eigen internet platforms, in kranten, week- en maandbladen, en op radio en tv..... Tja dat doen deze media niet graag, die wijzen liever naar Rusland en de alternatieve (echte) media als brengers van fake news en de schuldigen die de westerse bevolkingen manipuleren met andere desinformatie......

Onder het artikel een link naar een bericht dat vandaag werd gepubliceerd op Information Clearing House (ICH), een bericht over hetzelfde onderwerp dat nog wat dieper op de zaak ingaat.

5 Bombshells in the Horowitz Report

Wed, 12/11/2019 - 16:23

The Dinosaur Media is still not reporting the bombshells contained in the Horowitz report:
(1) FBI officials were repeatedly informed by the CIA that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had worked as a CIA asset. Specifically, Page was tasked by the CIA to investigate Russians.

Yet the FBI repeatedly told the FISA court that Page was conspiring with Russians ... i.e. the Russians the CIA had tasked Page to speak with.

And a senior FBI lawyer - who Horowitz notes was “the primary FBI attorney assigned to [the bogus Trump-Russia] investigation in early 2017” - changed an email which the CIA sent the FBI saying that Carter Page did work for the CIA to instead say that Page did not work for the CIA.

(2) The government started spying on Carter Page and George Papadopoulos before they joined the Trump campaign ... and after.

Why did they start spying on Papadopoulos before he joined the Trump campaign?
Well, before he joined team Trump he worked for Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson.
He also was an energy expert, and he pissed off a lot of people when he helped push through a pipeline that cut out people with their hands in other cookie jars.

So Obama's intelligence agencies may have been spying on a lot of different Republican campaigns (Trump, Carson, etc.)

Or they may have been spying on people threatening powers-that-be in the pipeline business.

The same folks were also spying on General Michael Flynn in 2015. Why? Well, we're sure it has nothing to do with the fact that General Flynn announced that he was going to look into all of the corruption in the U.S. intelligence agencies and clean them up ... or that Flynn had said that the U.S. basically created ISIS

(3) Both Page and Papadopoulos were recorded by FBI "assets" (cough ... spies   ... cough) adamantly denying they were colluding with Russia. But the FBI hid their exculpatory comments from the FISA court.

For example, Papadopoulos told the spies who tried to frame him (such as Australia's Alexander Downer and American Stefan Halper) that colluding with Russians would be treason ... and that neither he or anyone else with the Trump campaign would ever do such a thing.  But the FBI buried that statement.

(4) Contrary to what the talking heads have insisted for years, the FBI's spying applications (er, FISA warrant applications) did rest - almost entirely  - on the Steele Dossier.

The Steele Dossier, in turn, was literally based on "bar room" ramblings by drunk Ruskies and by other assorted hodgepodge of shady characters. 

The FBI didn't really try to corroborate the Steele Dossier at first. But - when the FBI finally did interview the main Russian source for the Steele dossier - he said no, the info wasn't reliable, and he was shocked that Steele peddled it as confirmed:
The still-unidentified “primary sub-source” later repudiated the information, telling the FBI that Steele misstated or exaggerated” what the sub-source had told him.
For example, it turns out that Steele’s incendiary accusation of Trump’s alleged sexual activities in a Moscow hotel was nothing more than unconfirmed rumor and speculation.” The sub-source said they were comments made in jest.” Some joke.
The sub-source insisted that he “never expected Steele to put the statements in his reports or present them as facts.” Indeed, he said he specifically warned Steele there was no proof whatsoever because it was just talk.”
The sub-source further explained that he was passing along word of mouth and hearsay” and “conversations that he had with friends over beers.” It was described as multiple layers of hearsay upon hearsay.”
After Trump was elected, both the FBI and Steele were desperate to verify anything in the dossier because the bureau had falsely sworn to the FISA Court in October 2016 that its application information was already verified.
The IG report details how Steele pleaded with his sub-source to “find corroboration.” The person tried, but “could find none … zero.”

Oh, and the FBI exaggerated prior Steele's track record and buried his supervisors' criticism about his reliability.
And the alleged "confirming, secondary sources" which the FBI and CIA claimed corroborated the info in the Steele Dossier were really just Steele himself gossiping to the media ... while being paid by the Democrats to talk to media (and Brennan, Clapper and McCabe themselves spreading myths to the media).

(5) Normally, a political campaign would be briefed on a counterintelligence campaign effecting them.  The FBI claimed  that they didn't tell the Trump team that they were engaging in a "counterintelligence" spying operation because that would have tipped off the Russians.  Specifically:
Former Counterintelligence Division Assistant Director ... Priestap, the FBI official who approved the launch of Crossfire Hurricane, told the IG that "he considered whether the FBI should conduct defensive briefings for the Trump campaign but ultimately decided that providing such briefings created the risk that 'if someone on the campaign was engaged with the Russians, he/she would very likely change his/her tactics and/or otherwise seek to cover-up his/her activities, thereby preventing us from finding the truth.'
There's just two wee problems with that claim ...
First, Attorney General Barr says that Obama and his CIA director Brennan directly told the Russians  about this:
And what I find particularly inexplicable is that they talked to the Russians, but not to the presidential campaign. On August 4th, Brennan braced the head of Russian intelligence. He calls the head of Russian intelligence and says, we know what you're up to, you better stop it. He did it again later in August. And then President Obama talked to President Putin in -- in September and said, we know what you're up to, you better cut it out.

So they -- they go and confront the Russians who clearly are the bad guys and they won't go and talk and to the campaigns and say, you know, what is this about?
And second, the FBI - while pretending to brief Trump - actually used it as an opportunity to spy on him:
[T]he only counterintelligence work done in this briefing was not on behalf of or in defense of the Trump campaign, but was actually gathering intelligence against the Trump campaign. 
Did they ever try to protect Donald Trump from foreign influence?” Graham asked.
They did not brief him,” Horowitz said.
As a matter of fact, whenever they went in and gave him a vanilla briefing–‘the Russians are out there, you better beware,’–didn’t they have an FBI agent do a 302 on the defensive briefing itself?” Graham asked.
They sent one of the supervisory agents from the Crossfire Hurricane team to the briefing and that agent prepared a report to the file of the briefing,” Horowitz said.
A 302 is an FBI form used to “report or summarize the interviews that they conduct” as part of an investigation. So the FBI “defensive briefing” the agency said they provided to the Trump campaign was not a defensive briefing at all, but rather an information gathering interview for the agents surveilling those associated Trump campaign.
Yup ... no bias there.  It's just coincidence that all of the "errors" were harmful to Trump.

Tag: Politics
Hier de link naar het ICH bericht: 'An Inspector General’s Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke'

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