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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label M. Wolff. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label M. Wolff. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 12 januari 2018

Trump gaat journalisten aanpakken die laster en smaad verkondigen, dezelfde handelswijze die dictator Erdogan van de islamitische staat Turkije hanteert.....

Afgelopen woensdag maakte Trump bekend dat zijn administratie de 'smaad wetten' gaat aanpassen, zodat journalisten vervolgd kunnen worden, die 'onwaarheden' en laster brengen...... Die wetten zijn volgens Trump nu veel te slap en een schande (voor de VS..)...... Kortom Trump gaat hetzelfde doen als Erdogan, de kalief van Ankara, elke journalist vervolgen die kritiek heeft op het corrupte, fascistische wanbeleid dat hij voert..........

Dit terwijl Trump zo'n grote bek heeft over landen waar men geen vrijheid van meningsuiting heeft (althans als dat landen zijn die niet slaafs achter de VS aanlopen; bijvoorbeeld over de reli-fascistische dictatuur Saoedi-Arabië, heeft de Trump administratie niets dan goeds te zeggen.....)..... 

Ach, de VS is in feite zelfs ook al een dictatuur in de vorm van een politiestaat, dit kan er ook nog wel bij........

Dat Trump een enorme hypocriet is, zal voor niemand nog een verrassing zijn, dit bewijst hij ten overvloede nog eens met de argumenten die ten grondslag liggen aan zijn voornemen de pers aan te pakken, immers als er iemand 'goed is' in het beledigen van mensen en onzin vertellen, is het Trump zelf wel......

Trump Wants to Be Able to Sue Journalists Who Write Things He Doesn’t Like

January 11, 2018 at 6:32 am
Written by Jon Queally

(COMMONDREAMS) — During comments to the press at the opening of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, President Donald Trump announced that among his administration’s top priorities in the coming year would be taking a closer look at the nation’s libel laws, a suggestion that drew immediate howls from critics and legal experts who say the president has no business trying to silence those who criticize or speak out against elected government officials.

We’re going to be taking a look at our nation’s libel laws,” Trump said, “so that when someone says something that is false and defamatory about someone that person will have meaningful recourse in our courts.”

Trump promises "to take a strong look at our country's libel laws," calling the current laws "a sham and a disgrace, and do not represent American values." (via ABC)
(in dit Twitterbericht een video die ik niet kan opnemen, hier de link naar het origineel)

Last week, after the excerpts from an explosive book by journalist Michael Wolff were released, Trump’s attorneys sent cease-and-desist letters to individuals quoted in the book and also tried to block the publisher from releasing it. “The libel laws are very weak in this country,” Trump said Wednesday. “If they were strong, it would be very helpful. You wouldn’t have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes to your head.”

Social media was quick to point out the president’s hypocrisy, lack of self-awareness, and the troubling implications of a president—especially one known for being a serial liar—who thinks it should be a national priority to clamp down on the rights of people who may say things that he personally finds unpleasant:
Trump claims “ libel laws are a sham” whining “people can say totally false things about you” This from the birther guy!! 😡
Trump has repeatedly threatened changes to libel laws, or to revoke media licenses, or to sue to stop publication of material that critiques him. In Turkey, Erdogan targets critical media in similar ways—threats and targeting profits—to undercut critical press outlets. 
Trump says he wants to revamp the libel laws a day after his lawyer filed a defamation suit against buzzfeed.


Zie ook: 'Trump: "Ik ben een stabiele genius...." ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!' (o.a. over de schrijver Michael Wolff van wie onlangs het boek 'FIRE and FURY - inside the Trump White House' werd gepubliceerd)

       en: 'Donald Trumps IQ.......... OEI!!'

maandag 8 januari 2018

Trump: "Ik ben een stabiele genius...." ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Nadat Trump eerder al constateerde dat hij in het bezit is van een extreem hoog IQ*, deed hij daar afgelopen week nog eens een schep bovenop met de constatering dat hij een stabiele genius is........ Hoe gek moet je zijn, als je bij elke klepscheet, zonder na te denken twitterberichten de wereld inslingert, het aandurft om een land te bedreigen met totale vernietiging en zelfs na een tv uitzending besluit een luchtmachtbasis (van Syrië) met Tomahawk raketten te beschieten...... 'Heel geniaal, ongelofelijk intelligent en bijzonder stabiel....'

Nadat het boek 'Fire and Fury' van Michale Wolff verscheen, zoals te verwachten door Trump afgedaan als onzin en roddel geleverd door Steve Bannon, liet het beest weer eens een aantal tweets los op de wereld. Daarin had hij niet alleen kritiek op Bennon en Wolff, maar moest hij 'uiteraard' zichzelf weer de nodige veren in de vieze reet steken.

Lees het volgende artikel van Tyler Durden, overgoten met tweets van Trump, eerder geplaatst op ZeroHedge en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

In Bizarre Tweetstorm, Trump Defends His Sanity: ‘I Am a Very Stable Genius’

January 6, 2018 at 7:54 am
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE) — Since the first excerpts from Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” were published on Wednesday, its numerous (in)credulity-inducing details have dominated the news cycle and most of the official press briefings since. President Donald Trump has insisted that Wolff had “zero” access, and that the book’s contents are gossip leaked by former White House Chief Strategist and Trump campaign leader Steve Bannon, whom Trump rechristened “Sloppy Steve” and slapped with a cease-and-desist.

And, as Trump tends to do, he doubled down on half-a-week’s worth of denials and repudiations in a bizarre Saturday morning tweetstorm that saw him defending his sanity and intelligence while lashing out at two of his favorite targets: Hillary Clinton and former ABC White House Correspondent Brian Ross.

Far from being mentally infirm, Trump insists that his “mental stability” has been one of his greatest assets “throughout my life,” along with the fact he’s “like, really smart.”

Furthermore, the fact that he was able to win the presidency on his first attempt, with no prior experience in politics (except for his 2000 bid for the Reform Party nomination, of course) prove that he’s not only a genius but “a very stable genius” at that. Saturday morning’s tweets essentially pick up from where Trump left off last night, when he tweeted that “Sloppy Steve” “cried when he got fired and begged for his job.”

Interposed between the fiery denunciations, Trump includes a shout out of sorts to the Washington Post, which ran a Trump-friendly headline about the African-American unemployment rate falling to 6.8%.

Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book. He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad! 
The African American unemployment rate fell to 6.8%, the lowest rate in 45 years. I am so happy about this News! And, in the Washington Post (of all places), headline states, “Trumps first year jobs numbers were very, very good.”

Ross was suspended by ABC late last year after erroneously reporting that Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that Trump ordered him to establish contact with the Russian government during the campaign – an action that would be tantamount to conspiring with a foreign power to influence an American election. However, in reality, Flynn planned to testify that Trump senior adviser (and son-in-law) Jared Kushner asked him to meet with the Russians during the transition, a request that is not only legal, but routine.

Brian Ross, the reporter who made a fraudulent live newscast about me that drove the Stock Market down 350 points (billions of dollars), was suspended for a month but is now back at ABC NEWS in a lower capacity. He is no longer allowed to report on Trump. Should have been fired!

Trump concludes that, since Special Counsel Bob Mueller has so far failed to take him down, the Democrats and mainstream media are resorting to questioning his mental stability, hoping to convince Vice President Mike Pence and members of Trump’s cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment – something that’s been widely discussed over the past week.

Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.....
....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star..... President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!

Trump sued Wolff’s publisher, Henry Holt & Co., to block the book’s publication, which only inspired the publisher to move its release date to yesterday in the interest of furthering the public discourse cashing in on the hype.

Some of the book’s claims – like the idea that Trump wouldn’t know who former House Speaker John Boehner was despite tweeting about him several times – have been disputed by Wolff’s fellow journalists. Also, many of Wolff’s peers have criticized him for cynically criticizing his fellow journalists during several television appearances as a way to ingratiate himself with the Trump inner circle.

* * *
Naturally, and not surprisingly, this morning’s twitter outburst has inspired a flurry of responses on twitter, with users riffing off Trump’s “very stable genius” line.

Almost every working political journalist in the US tweeted some variation of this:

Calling yourself “a very stable genius” seems like evidence of neither.

As more details from the book hit the web, it will surely continue to dominate the news cycle into next week if not beyond, and if history is any guide, expect Trump – unable to find closure – to accelerate his angry tweets in the coming days, while digging an even deeper hole for his critics.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo

* Zie: 'Donald Trumps IQ.......... OEI!!'

Zie ook: 'Trump gaat journalisten aanpakken die laster en smaad verkondigen, dezelfde handelswijze die dictator Erdogan van de islamitische staat Turkije hanteert.....'

       en: 'G.E.N.I.U.S. Trump en de werkelijke reden voor het afzeggen van zijn bezoek aan Groot-Brittannië.......'

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