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Posts tonen met het label Truthdig. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Truthdig. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 21 november 2017

RT America één van de eerste slachtoffers in een heksenjacht op westerse alternatieve media en nadenkend links......

RT America is één van de eerste slachtoffers in de heksenjacht op alternatieve media en nadenkend links..... Hiermee wordt eens te meer aangetoond dat de VS in feite al een politiestaat is..... Na de heksenjachten op 'communisten' door de fascist McCarthy in de 50er jaren, tot voor kort algemeen veroordeeld, is de tijd aangebroken voor een nieuwe heksenjacht, ofwel het Mccarthyisme is terug van weggeweest en de reguliere media ondersteunen dit met tromgeroffel.......

De aanval op RT is niet ingegeven door de zogenaamde verspreiding van Russische propaganda, maar heeft alles te maken met RT als platform voor kritiek op de ijskoude, inhumane politiek, zowel in binnen- als buitenland, die door de VS wordt gevoerd.....

In een artikel van Truthdig, dat ik op het blog van Stan Van Houcke vond, stelt journalist en professor Chris Hedges dat de VS niet langer als een democratie kan worden gezien.........

Via algoritmes van Google, Facebook en Twitter wordt de gebruiker weggeleid van linkse, progressieve en anti-oorlog websites, waarin zoals gezegd grote kritiek wordt geleverd op de ijskoude inhumane neoliberale en oorlogszuchtige politiek van de VS........ Zo zag de World Socialist Web Site zag haar internetverkeer op Google dalen met 74%!!! Google heeft op haar YouTube kanaal RT verwijderd uit haar voorkeur zenders en Twitter heeft alle reclames voor RT geblokkeerd.......

Niet vreemd dus dat Hedges stelt dat 'linkse critici', na marginalisering door de staat, nu volledig moeten worden genegeerd....... (wat men 'links' noemt in de VS, is dat in veel gevallen niet in Europa)

Veel organisaties die eerder nog de persvrijheid verdedigden zoals Human Rights Watch, the Committee to Protect Journalists, ACLU en PEN, laten zich nu gebruiken als lakeien voor het fascistische neoliberalisme. Hierbij dient nog opgemerkt te worden dat het overgrote deel van de reguliere westerse media in handen is van ofwel superrijken dan wel commerciële conglomeraten, die de pest hebben aan alles wat maar kritiek heeft op de huidige neoliberale status quo en wat naar links ruikt (u snapt dat deze twee vaak uit dezelfde hoek komen......

De aanklacht dat mediaorganen als RT Russische propaganda verspreiden is een smerig excuus om de persvrijheid volledig de nek om te draaien...... Immers nog steeds is er geen flinter bewijs voor Russische inmenging in binnenlandse politiek, zowel in  de VS als de EU, terwijl men elkaar in de politiek en de reguliere media nakakelt dat dit wel zo is, heeft men keer op keer geen antwoord op de vraag naar bewijzen......

Het is in de EU overigens niet anders, men beschuldigt Rusland van het verspreiden van propaganda, zonder ook maar één voorbeeld te noemen. De reguliere (massa-) media doen hier braaf aan mee, terwijl je voor het brengen van nepnieuws, of 'fake news' zo u wilt, juist bergen bewijzen kan vinden in die reguliere media. Men wil simpelweg niet, dat de bevolking deze leugens kan doorprikken met feiten, die lullig genoeg nu juist op de sociale media zijn te vinden......

Lees het uitstekende artikel van Hedges en geeft het door!

RT America Torched in Witch Hunt ’17


In one of the most horrendous blows to press freedom since the anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950s, the U.S. Department of Justice has forced the news broadcaster RT America to file under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
The assault on RT America, on which I host the show “On Contact,” has nothing to do with the dissemination of Russian propaganda. It is driven by RT America’s decision to provide a platform to critics of American capitalism and imperialism, critics who lambast a system of government that can no longer be called democratic. And it is accompanied by the installation of algorithms by Google, Facebook and Twitter that divert readers away from left-wing, progressive and anti-war websites, including Truthdig. The World Socialist Web Site has seen its search traffic from Google fall by 74 percent since April. Google, in a further blow, this month removed RT from its list of “preferred” channels on YouTube. Twitter has blocked all advertising by the channel.
Put the censorship campaigns together and the message is clear: Left-wing critics, already marginalized by the state, must be silenced.
It would seem, given how we are locked out of the corporate media and public broadcasting, that the assault is overkill. But the ideology that sustains the corporate state, the “free market” and neoliberalism has lost all credibility. The corporate state has no counterargument to its critics. The nakedness of corporate greed, exploitation and repression is transparent across the political spectrum. The ideological fortress erected by corporate power and sustained by its courtiers in the press and academia has collapsed. All it has left is a crude censorship.
Complicit in this censorship is a bankrupt liberal class. The institutions tasked with defending press freedom—including the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, the Committee to Protect Journalists and PEN—along with major news outlets such as The New York Times, have served as the corporate state’s useful idiots. Only a handful of journalists, including Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer, grasp and decry the very real danger before us.
The charge that RT and these left-wing sites disseminate “foreign propaganda” is the beginning, not the end, of a broad campaign against press freedom. Once this precedent of state censorship is normalized, far more tepid and compliant media outlets will be targeted. Max Blumenthal wrote two good pieces on AlterNet about the puppet masters behind the censorship campaign. [Click here and here.]
The venom of the state toward its critics was displayed in a report by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections,” issued Jan. 6. In the report, seven pages were specifically directed at RT America, much of the language focused on the journalist Abby Martin. Martin became one of the best-known critics of the corporate state during the Occupy movement. Her show on RT, “Breaking the Set,” which had been off the air for nearly two years when the report was published—a glaring error for an intelligence community awash in budgets of tens of billions of dollars—was denounced as a disseminator of “radical discontent.” The report complained that RT gave airtime to third-party candidate debates. The document attacked RT hosts for asserting that the two-party system does not represent the views of at least one-third of the population and is a sham. It excoriated the network for covering Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street and fracking.
The report charged:
RT’s reports often characterize the United States as a “surveillance state” and allege widespread infringements of civil liberties, police brutality, and drone use.
RT has also focused on criticism of the US economic system, US currency policy, alleged Wall Street greed, and the US national debt. Some of RT’s hosts have compared the United States to Imperial Rome and have predicted that government corruption and “corporate greed” will lead to US financial collapse.

The “Alice in Wonderland” quality of the report would be laughable if it was not so ominous. The United States, in fact, is a surveillance state. Civil liberties have been eviscerated. Police brutality is endemic. Our drone wars have made us state terrorists. The economic structure serves the wealthiest corporations and oligarchs. Wall Street is run by a criminal class. Our debt is unsustainable, especially once the dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency, and like all decaying empires we are headed for collapse. The DNI report clarifies what the ruling elites fear—not fake news but the truth. And the truth is that the elites have destroyed the country and are traitors to democracy.
The DNI report was followed by a congressional hearing on “Extremist Content and Russian Disinformation Online,” held Oct. 31. Executives of Facebook, Twitter and Google were grilled about their roles in distributing fake news and extremist content that in the words of Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley included “spread[ing] stories about abuse of black Americans by law enforcement.” The executives promised to double down on their censorship, and they did so.
The ruling elites are desperately trying to shift the focus away from the cause of the political insurgencies on the left and the right: extreme social inequality. It is for this reason that critics who highlight and explore the roots and causes of social inequality must be discredited or silenced. If social inequality is accepted as the driving force behind the decay of the American state and the mounting rage of much of the population, then the structures that profit from this inequality will come under assault. All the elites have left is to paint their critics as “agents of a foreign power.”
The United States increasingly resembles a totalitarian state. Our anemic democracy is on life support. A reasoned debate about social inequality or the crimes and misjudgments of empire is becoming impossible. This presages a frightening future. There will be many “good” Americans who, when the history of this moment is recorded, will be responsible. And one day, to their surprise, they too will be victims.

Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, New York Times best selling author, former professor at Princeton University, activist and ordained Presbyterian minister. He has written 11 books, including the New York Times best-seller “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt” (2012), which he co-authored with the cartoonist Joe Sacco. His other books include "Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt," (2015) “Death of the Liberal Class” (2010), “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle” (2009), “I Don’t Believe in Atheists” (2008) and the best-selling “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America” (2008). His book “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning” (2003) was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction and has sold over 400,000 copies. He writes a weekly column for the website Truthdig in Los Angeles, run by Robert Scheer, and hosts a show, On Contact, on RT America.


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''Fake News' hysterie willens en wetens gelanceerd om sociale media tot zwijgen te brengen, Rusland te demoniseren en daarmee de waarheid te verbergen........'

Mijn excuus voor de belabberde weergeving.