
donderdag 27 september 2018

VS staatscensuur op Facebook (ook in de EU)

Facebook maakte onlangs bekend dat het de strijd verder aangaat met 'fake news' ('nepnieuws') door samen te werken met 2 propaganda organen van de overheid, het National Democratic Institute (NDI) en het International Republican Institute (IRI). Eerder werd al bekendgemaakt dat Facebook samenwerkt met de rechtse, door de NAVO gesteunde Atlantic Council (dat lobbyt voor de buitenlandse terreur van de VS en haar oorlogshond de NAVO, plus uiteraard het militair-industrieel complex)......

Met name 'linkse' alternatieve mediaorganen die op internet werkzaam zijn zoals Common Dreams, worden al aangepakt door Facebook, waardoor de zichtbaarheid van deze sites op het platform zwaar is teruggebracht........

Het is dan ook meer dan duidelijk dat de VS steeds verder verandert in een politiestaat, inclusief de daarbij horende censuur......

Bovendien is Facebook met deze samenwerking verworden tot het zoveelste propaganda orgaan van de VS, de grootste terreurentiteit op onze kleine aarde........ Ofwel het sociale netwerk wordt opgescheept met censuur en dat voor het zogenaamd brengen van 'fake news' (nepnieuws) en propaganda, terwijl de 'normale' reguliere (massa-) media voortdurend fake news en propaganda brengen (en zichzelf daarbij censureren, althans als het gaat om artikelen van de journalisten die werken voor die media, maar die hun werk nog wel serieus nemen.....)

De meeste nieuws en actualiteiten sites en blogs op het internet danken hun ontstaan juist aan de smerige berichtgeving in/op de reguliere (massa-) media, berichtgeving die zoals gezegd bol staat van nepnieuws en propaganda voor de huidige inhumane neoliberale maatschappij en waar de illegale oorlogen van de VS op basis van doorzichtige leugens worden voorgesteld als absoluut noodzakelijk, zelfs als dat meer dan 1,5 miljoen doden kost, zoals in het geval van de illegale oorlog die de VS en NAVO partners in 2003 tegen Irak begonnen....... 

Facebook heeft in samenspraak met de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, besloten een groot aantal accounts van Palestijnen te verwijderen van haar platform........ Alsof de Palestijnen zionisten onderdrukken....... 

Lees het volgende artikel van Alan MacLeod, eerder gepubliceerd op, door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media, en geeft het door, ook in Nederland gaat men dezelfde kant op, bovendien is de censuur op Facebook ook van toepassing op Nederlandse accounts.....

Meet Facebook’s New Propaganda Partners

September 26, 2018 at 2:46 pm
Written by Alan Macleod

(FAIR) — Media giant Facebook recently announced (Reuters9/19/18) it would combat “fake news” by partnering with two propaganda organizations founded and funded by the US government: the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI). The social media platform was already working closely with the NATO-sponsored Atlantic Council think tank (FAIR.org5/21/18).

Reuters (9/19/18) described two branches of the National Endowment for Democracy, set up by the Reagan administration during the Cold War to promote US foreign policy objectives, as “two US nonprofits.”
In a previous FAIR article (8/22/18), I noted that the “fake news” issue was being used as a pretext to attack the left and progressive news sites. Changes to Facebook’s algorithm have reduced traffic significantly for progressive outlets like Common Dreams (5/3/18), while the pages of Venezuelan government–backed TeleSur English and the independent Venezuelanalysis were shut down without warning, and only reinstated after a public outcry.

The Washington, DC–based NDI and IRI are staffed with senior Democratic and Republican politicians; the NDI is chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, while the late Sen. John McCain was the longtime IRI chair. Both groups were created in 1983 as arms of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a Cold War enterprise backed by then–CIA director William Casey (Jacobin3/7/18). That these two US government creations, along with a NATO offshoot like the Atlantic Council, are used by Facebook to distinguish real from fake news is effectively state censorship.

Facebook’s collaboration with the NED organizations is particularly troubling, as both have aggressively pursued regime change against leftist governments overseas. The NDI undermined the Sandinista government of Nicaragua in the 1980s, and continues to do so to this day, while the IRI claimed a key role in the 2002 coup against leftist President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, announcing that it had
served as a bridge between the nation’s political parties and all civil society groups to help Venezuelans forge a new democratic future…. We stand ready to continue our partnership with the courageous Venezuelan people.”

The Reuters report (9/19/18) mentioned that Facebook was anxious to better curate what Brazilians saw on their feeds in the run-up to their presidential elections, which pits far-right Jair Bolsonaro against leftist Fernando Haddad. The US government has a long history of undermining democracy in Brazil, from supporting a coup in 1964 against the progressive Goulart administration to continually spying on leftist President Dilma Rousseff (BBC, 7/4/15) in the run-up to the parliamentary coup against her in 2016 (CounterSpin6/2/17).

Glenn Greenwald (Intercept, 12/30/17) reported that “Facebook has been on a censorship rampage against Palestinian activists who protest the decades-long, illegal Israeli occupation, all directed and determined by Israeli officials.”
Soon after it partnered with the Atlantic Council, Facebook moved to delete accounts and pages connected with Iranian broadcasting channels (CNBC, 8/23/18), while The Intercept (12/30/17) reported that in 2017 the social media platform met with Israeli government officials to discuss which Palestinian voices it should censor. Ninety-five percent of Israeli government requests for deletion were granted. Thus the US government and its allies are effectively using the platform to silence dissenting opinion, both at home and on the world stage, controlling what Facebook‘s 2 billion users see and do not see.

Progressives should be deeply skeptical that these moves have anything to do with their stated objective of promoting democracy. Bloomberg Businessweek (9/29/17) reported that the far-right Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party went to Facebook headquarters for discussions with US companies about how it could use the platform for recruitment and micro-targeting in the 2017 elections. AfD tripled its previous vote share, becoming the third-largest party in Germany, the far right’s best showing since World War II.

Public trust in government is at 18 percent—an all-time low (Pew12/14/17). There is similar mistrust of Facebook, with only 20 percent of Americans agreeing social media sites do a good job separating fact from fiction. And yet, worldwide, Facebook is a crucial news source. Fifty-two percent of Brazilians, 61 percent of Mexicans, and 51 percent of Italians and Turks use the platform for news; 39 percent of the US gets their news from the site.

This means that, despite the fact that even its own public mistrusts it, the US government has effectively become the arbiter of what the world sees and hears, with the ability to marginalize or simply delete news from organizations or countries that do not share its opinions. This power could be used at sensitive times, like elections. This is not an idle threat. The US created an entire fake social network for Cubans that aimed to stir unrest and overthrow the Cuban government, according to the Guardian (4/3/14).

That a single corporation has such a monopoly over the flow of worldwide news is already problematic, but the increasing meshing of corporate and US government control over the means of communication is particularly worrying. All those who believe in free and open exchange of information should oppose Facebook becoming a tool of US foreign policy.

By Alan Macleod / Republished with permission / / Report a typo
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