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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label C. Schumer. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 5 januari 2021

Joe Biden heeft het Coronasteunpakket voor de arme bevolking gesaboteerd

Biden zit nog niet in het Witte Huis en laat al zien waar hij staat als het gaat om steun voor de arme bevolking in financieel moeilijke tijden: aan de kant van het inhumane neoliberalisme.

Er is de laatste weken al veel gezegd over het Coronasteunpakket in de VS, Trump sprak er schande van dat de steun voor gezinnen enz. bestond uit slechts $ 600,.-- per persoon, dus een gezin met 2 ouders zou dan $ 1,200.-- krijgen, waar hij $ 1,200.-- per persoon eiste (Trump is overduidelijk al bezig met de presidentsverkiezingen van 2024).

Nu blijkt dat ook Joe Biden, de gekozen president, zich tegen het plan van Trump heeft verzet..... Terwijl de humane kant van de partij, ofwel de meer socialistische kant van de Democratische Partij, zich pal achter het plan van Trump had geschaard.

Nogmaals heeft Biden hiermee laten zien dat hij niets van de linkse krachten in de Democratische Partij wil weten, ofwel hij geeft deze krachten een ferme schop na, nadat hij geen van deze krachten opnam in zijn administratie voor de komende 4 jaar, hij heeft louter rechtse rotzakken aangesteld die voor hetzelfde geld in de Republikeinse Partij hadden kunnen zitten......

Kortom naast een buitenlandbeleid dat waarschijnlijk nog slechter zal zijn voor de wereld dan dat van George W. Bush, Obama en Trump, heeft de grote arme onderlaag in de VS niets te verwachten van deze oorlogsmisdadiger en ordinaire neoliberale corrupte hufter........

Het volgende artikel dat dieper op het steunpakket ingaat werd eerder gepubliceerd op Moon of Alabama, ik nam het over van Information Clearing House:

Deficit Hawk Joe Biden Sabotaged Pandemic Relief Efforts

By Moon Of Alabama

Biden: een bivakmuts ontbreekt nog bij deze corrupte oorlogsmisdadiger

December 23, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - The recent negotiations about a pandemic relief bill are a preview of Joe Biden's presidency.

U.S. President Donald Trump asked for a $2,000 check for every U.S. citizen. 'Moderates' rejected to send checks. Some people on the left and right kept pushing for them.

Washington Post, December 9

Trump has privately indicated a willingness to send another round of stimulus checks of as much as $2,000, according to one person in direct communication with the president. Congress in March approved a round of $1,200 stimulus checks that the Treasury Department disbursed to more than 100 million American families in a matter of weeks.
A second round of stimulus checks was left out of the $908 billion bipartisan framework unveiled last week by a group of moderate lawmakers hoping to break the months-long impasse over stimulus negotiations. Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have been pushing for the checks to be included in the final package, with Sanders going as far as saying he will vote against the relief legislation unless they are approved.
While the amount is yet to be determined, direct payments to American workers continue to be a high priority of the president’s,” a White House spokesman said in a statement.

Congress compromised on a paltry, means tested $600 check.

USA Today, December 20

The measure contains a $600 direct payment to Americans who earned up to $75,000 in 2019. That is less than the $1,200 checks approved in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act in March.
It provides $600 per child, up from $500 in the spring. The bill also includes $1,200 for couples making up to $150,000 a year.

Some lawmakers on the left and on the right are furious over the meager result.

Newsweek, December 22

Democratic Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard criticized the COVID-19 economic stimulus bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday, calling the amount of direct assistance payments a "slap in the face."
"This bill dished out hundreds of billions of dollars going toward special interests, going toward the military-industrial complex, going towards foreign countries meanwhile saying, 'Here's what's left for you. You get 600 bucks,'" Gabbard said in a video
In a Sunday floor speech, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley said the $600 checks were "hardly adequate and we should not pretend otherwise." Hawley forced a vote on Sunday to raise the amount of the direct assistance to payments to $1,200, the amount of direct payments allocated after the CARES Act passed in March, but that attempt failed.

Turns out that President-elect Joe Biden had sided with the 'moderates' who favored not to send any check. He thereby successfully sabotaged those Democrats who were pressing for a bigger one.

New York Times, December 21

[T]he agreement on a new pandemic aid package showed the ascendance of moderates as a new force in a divided Senate and validated President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s belief that it is still possible to make deals on Capitol Hill.
“I’m glad we forced the issue,” said Senator Susan Collins, the Maine Republican who, along with Senator Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, were leaders of a months long effort to break the impasse over pandemic aid even as the virus exacted a growing economic and health toll on the country.
Mr. Biden on Sunday applauded the willingness of lawmakers to “reach across the aisle” and called the effort a “model for the challenging work ahead for our nation.” He was also not an idle bystander in the negotiations.
With Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate far apart on how much they were willing to accept in new pandemic spending, Mr. Biden on Dec. 2 threw his support behind the $900 billion plan being pushed by the centrist group. The total was less than half of the $2 trillion that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, had been insisting on.
Mr. Biden’s move was not without risks. If it had failed to affect the discussions, the president-elect risked looking powerless to move Congress before he had taken the oath of office. But members of both parties said his intervention was constructive and gave Democrats confidence to pull back on their demands.

Biden and the Democratic leadership have now settled for half of what they had been offered three months ago.

Matt Taibbi, December 15

In September, as time wound down toward Election Day, the bipartisan “Problem Solvers” group released a $1.5 trillion aid plan which they pitched as a version of that theoretical compromise between Democratic and Republican positions. Though the group contained some Democrats, it was dismissed by Party leadership.

Trump continues to demand $2,000 checks.

NBC, December 22

President Donald Trump is demanding lawmakers raise the second round of stimulus checks to $2,000 per person, from $600.
"I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple," Trump said in a video posted to Twitter Tuesday night.
While the president did not outright threaten a veto of the $900 billion Covid relief bill, he did call it an unsuitable "disgrace."

Three years ago the Republicans enacted a $1.5 trillion tax cut for the rich. Now, pushed from presidential power, they are again becoming deficit hawks.

The 'moderate' Joe Biden and the 'moderate' leadership of the Democratic Party will support them in that.

- "Source" -

See also

Trump vetoes colossal $740 billion defense bill

Biden Calls for More Aid Spending, Warns of ‘Darkest Days’ Ahead

Covid-19 catch-22: Regime-change policies come packed with US pandemic relief 


Click for Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.


Zie ook: 'Venezuela: propaganda (ook door Edwin Koopman) tegen dit land en de laatste verkiezingen alweer met bewijzen doorgeprikt als leugens en bedrog' (uiteraard met een 'mooie rol' voor Biden) (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'VS bezig concurrentie LNG met Nord Stream 2 de nek om te draaien door verregaande illegale sancties' (vanmorgen 5 januari 2021 het bericht dat Mike Pence de sancties tegen deelnemende bedrijven zal verscherpen >> dit zijn ronduit maffiapraktijken!!!) (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Edward Snowden over Silicon Valley censuur en andere zaken die de persvrijheid en de vrijheid in het algemeen in gevaar brengen

'Netanyahu en Trump willen oorlog met Iran, eenmaal bezig kan Biden niet stoppen (als hij dat al wil) en de 'deskundige mening' van Bernard Hammelburg' (gisteren, 4 januari 2020, meldde BBC World Service dat de VS nog meer manschappen naar Qatar heeft gestuurd en er nog meer B-52 bommenwerpers zijn overgevlogen naar deze oliestaat.....)

'Joe Biden, de nieuwe VS president heeft een 'grote' racistische geschiedenis

'Bidens puppeteers verwijten Trump slap buitenlands optreden'

'Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten'

zondag 8 november 2020

Joe Biden president, echter de peperdure campagne was zo slecht dat de senaat in handen blijft van de Republikeinen.......

Ondanks dat de Democraten een keer zoveel geld in de campagne hebben gestoken dan de Republikeinen, heeft de partij geen extra zetels in de senaat kunnen bemachtigen, daardoor hebben de Democraten zetels verloren in het Huis van Afgevaardigden...... Ofwel de overmacht die de Democraten tot nu toe hadden in het Huis van Afgevaardigden zijn ze nu ook kwijt......

Kortom het regeren zal Biden zeer moeilijk worden gemaakt......

Ralph Nader schreef een uitgebreid artikel over deze zaak en hij verwijt de Democraten slappe kandidaten te hebben ingezet..... De grote makke is wat mij betreft de afkeer van de Democraten voor wat meer linkse kandidaten, de partij heeft zelfs laten zien geen zin te hebben in een meer sociaal politiek beleid, vandaar ook dat Bernie Sanders de voorverkiezingen niet mocht winnen, precies als 4 jaar geleden gebeurde...... (hetzelfde overkwam Jerremy Corbyn van Labour in Groot-Brittannie, al heeft men van hem de verkiezingen gestolen met de smerige propaganda, zelfs op de zogenaamd onafhankelijke BBC, als zou hij antisemiet zijn*)

Zit nu (gisteravond 18.10 u.) al 20 minuten te luisteren naar CBC Radio One, het getoeter en hysterische geschreeuw is duidelijk op de achtergrond te horen bij het commentaar van ter plekke zijnde verslaggevers. Wat in en in triest dan dat deze mensen denken dat er een aardverschuiving heeft plaatsgevonden met Biden, maar dat ze daar amper de vruchten van zullen plukken........

Oké het is mooi dat een fascistische psychopaat, vrouwenhater, racist, natuurvernietiger, moordenaar van bijzondere dieren** en neoliberale rotschoft is weggestemd, maar nogmaals: wat zullen de gewone VS burgers daarvan merken?? Zeker als je bedenkt dat de neoliberale oorlogsmisdadiger Biden heeft beloofd Venezuela en Iran aan te zullen pakken, ofwel dat worden weer nieuwe illegale oorlogen die grote aantallen mensen het leven zullen kosten en daarbij de al waanzinnige staatsschuld van de VS met gigantische kapitalen zal laten groeien....... (de 'running mate' van Biden, ofwel de nieuwe vicepresident van de VS >> Kamala Harris, heeft al laten weten dat de koude oorlog met China blijvend zal zijn......***)

Published on Saturday, November 07, 2020 by Common Dreams

Biden Has Ousted a Lying and Corrupt Trump—But That Doesn't Mean Democrats Had a Great Election Day

Loaded with nearly twice as much money as the GOP, the Democrats showed that weak candidates with no robust agendas for people where they live, work, and raise their families, is a losing formula.

"Will the leaders of these inexcusable defeats—Senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—explain how this happened?" asks Nader. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

"Will the leaders of these inexcusable defeats—Senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—explain how this happened?" asks Nader. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images) 

Apart from barely squeezing through the swing states to defeat corrupt, incompetent, lying, corporatist Donald Trump, the Democratic Party had a bad election.

Loaded with nearly twice as much money as the Republican Party, the Democratic Party showed that weak candidates with no robust agendas for people where they live, work, and raise their families, is a losing formula. And lose they did against the worst, cruelest, ignorant, lawbreaking, reality-denying GOP in its 166-year history.

The Democrats failed to win the Senate, despite nearly having twice the number of Senators up for re-election than the Republicans. In addition, the Democratic Party lost seats in the House of Representatives. The Democrats did not flip a single Republican state legislature, leaving the GOP to again gerrymander Congressional and state legislative districts for the next decade!

"Will all this lead to serious introspection by the Democratic Party? Don’t bet on it. The GOP tried to learn from their losses in 2012, which led to their big rebound. Already, the Democratic Party is looking for scapegoats."

Will the leaders of these inexcusable defeats—Senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—explain how this happened? Will they take some responsibility and tell the American people why they let their profiteering media consultants spend so much money on tepid, low-impact TV ads at the expense of a massive ground game to give voters personal reasons to get themselves out to vote, beyond Trump? A third of all eligible voters stayed home. Could part of the problem be the 15% commission the consultants receive from TV ad revenues as compared to zero commissions from ground game expenditures?

Can the corporate Democratic leaders respond to inquiries by progressives and the sidelined primary voters of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? Can they respond to why the living wage, the corporate crime wave, and the GOP blocked stimulus/relief package passed by the Democrats in May (including a $600 a week extension for tens of millions of desperate workers and critical aid to local agencies overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic) were not prominently front and center? Also, why did the Democrats refuse to campaign for full Medicare for All, supported by 70 percent of the American people? The Democrats, as pointed out by political media specialist, Bill Hillsman, did not speak directly to white, blue-collar workers who deserted Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump in 2016.

Moreover, the Democratic Party has a long-standing problem with authenticity. Rhetoric for a large infrastructure jobs program paid for by repealing corporate tax cuts and loopholes is seen as a throwaway line by many voters. Democrats should have explained, at the local level, how determination and integrity could shape the upgrading of our schools, clinics, roads, mass transit systems, waterworks, and other public services, with good-paying jobs.

Meanwhile, the Trumpsters showed their ferocious energy for wannabe, ego-obsessed, dictatorial Donald with more rallies, signs, and door-to-door contacts. The Democrats misread the faulty polls again thinking that the projected huge turnouts were primarily their voters and not also the Trump voters who turned out in greater numbers as well.

Too many Democratic operatives treat Trump with derision and mockery, instead of stressing how his daily lawlessness and serial violations of the Constitution have dismantled the protections for the people and turned the government over to big business to do and grab whatever they want.

Trump openly commits federal crimes (e.g. The Hatch Act, the Anti-Deficiency Act) using federal property, including the White House, for his campaign, spending money illegally, while brazenly defying over a hundred investigative subpoenas from the House of Representatives.

Yet, neither Biden and Obama nor the Democratic Party made these corrupt forms of obstruction of justice, front and center issues. They even ignored Trump’s past criminal assaults of women, whom he has repeatedly degraded.

These many missed, obvious opportunities have consequences. Don’t Trump voters and their families also suffer from frozen minimum wages, from the absence of adequate or any health insurance, from those sky-high drug prices that Trump failed to reduce? He put more toxins in the air and water and allowed more dangerous workplaces. Trump calls endangering people and the planet “deregulation” but what he was really doing is rewarding his corporate paymasters.

Trump just pushes many more buttons than do the Democrats. Why don’t the Democrats promote more unions, more consumer cooperatives, more campaign finance reforms, and more known ways to empower the people directly?

"The Democrats let Trump and his lawless Attorney General William Barr get away with all his corrupt, criminal, and unconstitutional actions, which have turned the White House into an ongoing crime scene. And, despite this 'rap sheet' Trump came close to winning the Electoral College for a second term!"

Of course, the Democrats would never argue that the American people, not corporations, should CONTROL what they already OWN such as the public lands, the public airwaves, and the shareholding mutual and pension funds investing their money. The Democrats never even think to demand that U.S. taxpayers get a direct return for trillions of dollars of government research and development that have subsidized the growth of modern industries (from aerospace to computers to agribusiness, biotech, pharma, and more).

While Trump incites street violence and then cries loudly for “law and order,” the Democrats don’t throwback “law and order” for violent, polluting corporate crooks who cheat and harm children, consumers, workers, and communities, as well as rip off government programs like Medicare. Trump has gotten away with defunding the federal corporate crime police big time. Never will the Democrats go after Trump for the bloated, runaway, unaudited military budget and its Empire that are devouring necessities here at home.

The House Democrats refused to keep multiple impeachment pressure (apart from the Ukraine matter) on the Republicans. A national TV audience of the Senate dealing with a dozen of Trump’s impeachable offenses would give even the most ardent Trump supporters pause. (See December 18, 2019, Congressional Record, H-12197).

The Democrats let Trump and his lawless Attorney General William Barr get away with all his corrupt, criminal, and unconstitutional actions, which have turned the White House into an ongoing crime scene. And, despite this “rap sheet” Trump came close to winning the Electoral College for a second term!

Next time, the rulers of the Democratic Party should listen to civic groups and advocates and not be so smug and incommunicado. As an example, I’ll refer you to my Eleven Suggestions for turning out the vote, with popular mandates, available to everyone in whole and in part for weeks (See also my latest op-ed in the Louisville Courier-Journal, October 27, 2020).

Now let’s see how many rollbacks and repeals Biden will quickly institute to stop Trump’s devastations and usher in a truly progressive, majoritarian set of long-overdue policies.

Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and the author of The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future. His new book is, Wrecking America: How Trump’s Lies and Lawbreaking Betray All, co-authored with Mark Green.

Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to republish and share widely.


*   Zie: 'Jeremy Corbyn uit Labour gezet op basis van antisemitisme leugen' (en zie de links in dat bericht naar meer artikelen over deze smerige zaak)

**  Trump heeft allerlei wetten buitenwerking gesteld waarmee bijvoorbeeld wolven en beren werden beschermd, zoals hij ook natuurgebieden heeft opengesteld voor commerciële activiteiten, wat voor veel van die gebieden betekent dat ze voor een groot deel vernietigd zullen worden.......

*** Zie: 'Kamala Harris, vicepresidentskandidaat voor de Democraten, geeft aan dat China ook onder Biden te maken zal hebben met een koude oorlog

Zie ook: 'Joe Biden de nieuwe president van de VS'

'EU politici stil na Trumps claim dat hij de verkiezingen heeft gewonnen, zoals ze ook stil waren toen hij dreigde maatregelen te nemen als hij de verkiezingen zou verliezen'

'Jemen: Biden zal als president de genocide niet stoppen

'Democraten hebben de wereld 'geshockeerd' met hun waardeloze campagne tegen Trump'

'Joe Biden (Democratisch presidentskandidaat): Rusland trekt bondgenootschappen uit elkaar'

'Trump of Biden, een amper bestaand verschil

'De VS is een fascistische (politie-) staat'

''Working-Class Joe' (Biden) gevloerd door Bernie Sanders

Voor meer berichten over Bernie Sanders, Elisabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden en/of Donald Trump, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht. Het label BLM staat voor 'Black Lives Matter' en linkt naar berichten over de rassenrellen eerder dit jaar in de VS.

Beste bezoeker dat was het voor deze dag, morgen meer berichten. Maak er zo mogelijk een mooie dag van, het weer werkt alvast mee. (een dag zonder hysterisch Corona en Biden gezeur)