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Posts tonen met het label Chris Stevens. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 18 februari 2016

Clinton blokkeerde in 2012 een wapenstilstand in Syrië........

De Democratische kandidaat voor het VS presidentschap, Hillary Clinton slaat zich behoorlijk op de met bloed besmeurde borst, voor haar rol in het aannemen van de resolutie die in de VN Veiligheidsraad werd aangenomen, voor een staakt het vuren in Syrië (niet dat dit ook maar enig resultaat opleverde, 'maar goed...'). Terwijl hare valse doortraptheid in 2012 zelf een vredesoverleg en staakt het vuren in Syrië blokkeerde, daar het bewind van Assad toen aan de verliezende hand was.......

Hier een artikel, dat gisteren op Information Clearing House werd geplaatst, lees en huiver (onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een vertaling, al neemt dit enige tijd in beslag):

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath
By Jeffrey Sachs
February 16, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "Huffington Post" - In the Milwaukee debate, Hillary Clinton took pride in her role in a recent UN Security Council resolution on a Syrian ceasefire:
But I would add this. You know, the Security Council finally got around to adopting a resolution. At the core of that resolution is an agreement I negotiated in June of 2012 in Geneva, which set forth a cease-fire and moving toward a political resolution, trying to bring the parties at stake in Syria together.
This is the kind of compulsive misrepresentation that makes Clinton unfit to be President. Clinton's role in Syria has been to help instigate and prolong the Syrian bloodbath, not to bring it to a close.
In 2012, Clinton was the obstacle, not the solution, to a ceasefire being negotiated by UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan. It was US intransigence - Clinton's intransigence - that led to the failure of Annan's peace efforts in the spring of 2012, a point well known among diplomats. Despite Clinton's insinuation in the Milwaukee debate, there was (of course) no 2012 ceasefire, only escalating carnage. Clinton bears heavy responsibility for that carnage, which has by now displaced more than 10 million Syrians and left more than 250,000 dead.
As every knowledgeable observer understands, the Syrian War is not mostly about Bashar al-Assad, or even about Syria itself. It is mostly a proxy war, about Iran. And the bloodbath is doubly tragic and misguided for that reason.
Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the leading Sunni powers in the Middle East, view Iran, the leading Shia power, as a regional rival for power and influence. Right-wing Israelis view Iran as an implacable foe that controls Hezbollah, a Shi'a militant group operating in Lebanon, a border state of Israel. Thus, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel have all clamored to remove Iran's influence in Syria.
This idea is incredibly naïve. Iran has been around as a regional power for a long time--in fact, for about 2,700 years. And Shia Islam is not going away. There is no way, and no reason, to "defeat" Iran. The regional powers need to forge a geopolitical equilibrium that recognizes the mutual and balancing roles of the Gulf Arabs, Turkey, and Iran. And Israeli right-wingers are naïve, and deeply ignorant of history, to regard Iran as their implacable foe, especially when that mistaken view pushes Israel to side with Sunni jihadists.
Yet Clinton did not pursue that route. Instead she joined Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and right-wing Israelis to try to isolate, even defeat, Iran. In 2010, she supported secret negotiations between Israel and Syria to attempt to wrest Syria from Iran's influence. Those talks failed. Then the CIA and Clinton pressed successfully for Plan B: to overthrow Assad.
When the unrest of the Arab Spring broke out in early 2011, the CIA and the anti-Iran front of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey saw an opportunity to topple Assad quickly and thereby to gain a geopolitical victory. Clinton became the leading proponent of the CIA-led effort at Syrian regime change.
In early 2011, Turkey and Saudi Arabia leveraged local protests against Assad to try to foment conditions for his ouster. By the spring of 2011, the CIA and the US allies were organizing an armed insurrection against the regime. On August 18, 2011, the US Government made public its position: "Assad must go."
Since then and until the recent fragile UN Security Council accord, the US has refused to agree to any ceasefire unless Assad is first deposed. The US policy--under Clinton and until recently--has been: regime change first, ceasefire after. After all, it's only Syrians who are dying. Annan's peace efforts were sunk by the United States' unbending insistence that U.S.-led regime change must precede or at least accompany a ceasefire. As the Nation editors put it in August 2012:
The US demand that Assad be removed and sanctions be imposed before negotiations could seriously begin, along with the refusal to include Iran in the process, doomed [Annan's] mission.
Clinton has been much more than a bit player in the Syrian crisis. Her diplomat Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi was killed as he was running a CIA operation to ship Libyan heavy weapons to Syria. Clinton herself took the lead role in organizing the so-called "Friends of Syria" to back the CIA-led insurgency.
The U.S. policy was a massive, horrific failure. Assad did not go, and was not defeated. Russia came to his support. Iran came to his support. The mercenaries sent in to overthrow him were themselves radical jihadists with their own agendas. The chaos opened the way for the Islamic State, building on disaffected Iraqi Army leaders (deposed by the US in 2003), on captured U.S. weaponry, and on the considerable backing by Saudi funds. If the truth were fully known, the multiple scandals involved would surely rival Watergate in shaking the foundations of the US establishment.
The hubris of the United States in this approach seems to know no bounds. The tactic of CIA-led regime change is so deeply enmeshed as a "normal" instrument of U.S. foreign policy that it is hardly noticed by the U.S. public or media. Overthrowing another government is against the U.N. charter and international law. But what are such niceties among friends?
This instrument of U.S. foreign policy has not only been in stark violation of international law but has also been a massive and repeated failure. Rather than a single, quick, and decisive coup d'état resolving a US foreign policy problem, each CIA-led regime change has been, almost inevitably, a prelude to a bloodbath. How could it be otherwise? Other societies don't like their countries to be manipulated by U.S. covert operations.
Removing a leader, even if done "successfully," doesn't solve any underlying geopolitical problems, much less ecological, social, or economic ones. A coup d'etat invites a civil war, the kind that now wracks Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. It invites a hostile international response, such as Russia's backing of its Syrian ally in the face of the CIA-led operations. The record of misery caused by covert CIA operations literally fills volumes at this point. What surprise, then, the Clinton acknowledges Henry Kissinger as a mentor and guide?
And where is the establishment media in this debacle? The New York Times finally covered a bit of this story last month in describing the CIA-Saudi connection, in which Saudi funds are used to pay for CIA operations in order to make an end-run around Congress and the American people. The story ran once and was dropped. Yet the Saudi funding of CIA operations is the same basic tactic used by Ronald Reagan and Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s (with Iranian arms sales used to fund CIA-led covert operations in Central America without consent or oversight by the American people).
Clinton herself has never shown the least reservation or scruples in deploying this instrument of U.S. foreign policy. Her record of avid support for US-led regime change includes (but is not limited to) the US bombing of Belgrade in 1999, the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Iraq War in 2003, the Honduran coup in 2009, the killing of Libya's Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, and the CIA-coordinated insurrection against Assad from 2011 until today.
It takes great presidential leadership to resist CIA misadventures. Presidents get along by going along with arms contractors, generals, and CIA operatives. They thereby also protect themselves from political attack by hardline right-wingers. They succeed by exulting in U.S. military might, not restraining it. Many historians believe that JFK was assassinated as a result of his peace overtures to the Soviet Union, overture he made against the objections of hardline rightwing opposition in the CIA and other parts of the U.S. government.
Hillary Clinton has never shown an iota of bravery, or even of comprehension, in facing down the CIA. She has been the CIA's relentless supporter, and has exulted in showing her toughness by supporting every one of its misguided operations. The failures, of course, are relentlessly hidden from view. Clinton is a danger to global peace. She has much to answer for regarding the disaster in Syria.
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Jeffrey Sachs Director, Earth Institute at Columbia University
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Zie ook: 'NAVO slachting in Libië: de waarheid over de omverwerping van het bewind van Khadaffi......'

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donderdag 3 september 2015

NAVO slachting in Libië: de waarheid over de omverwerping van het bewind van Khadaffi......

Op deze plek heb ik tijdens de oorlog die tegen het Libië van Khadaffi werd gevoerd, regelmatig bericht over de smerige machinaties van het westen in Libië. Hieronder vindt u een artikel van dat ik op het blog van Stan van Houcke vond. In dit artikel van James en Joanne Moriarty, die Libië doorkruisten, staan zaken vermeld, die m.n haren te berge deden rijzen (hoewel, als je met de VS, de feitelijke baas van de NAVO, te maken hebt, hoef je werkelijk nergens meer van op te kijken.......). Het onderstaande artikel bewijst andermaal, dat de NAVO allesbehalve heeft liggen slapen, zoals onze politici u bijna dagelijks voorliegen, maar dat dit ondemocratische, ongecontroleerde militaire orgaan, een uiterst agressieve, smerige en levensgevaarlijke politiek voert, niet alleen in Libië, maar bijvoorbeeld ook in Oost-Europa...........

Lees en huiver:

NATO Slaughter: James and Joanne Moriarty expose the truth about what happened in Libya

Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane

- The End, The Doors
It goes without saying that we rarely get an accurate representation of reality in the corporate media, which is, after all, what independent media exists for. Last Sunday Joe Quinn and I interviewed a very ordinary couple with a very extraordinary tale: businesspeople James and Joanne Moriarty and how they escaped from capture by Al Qaeda terrorists during the 2011 'Libyan revolution'. Listening to James and Joanne tell their story, it was impossible not to be struck by the significance, for every human being on this planet, of the problem of psychopaths in positions of power.

The Moriartys present three powerful motivating factors for the destruction of Libya by Western powers and their internationalist financiers:
  • thwarting Gaddafi's plan to establish a gold-backed currency, to ultimately serve as a pan-African currency and thereby economically unite African nations and free them from Western imperialism;
  • the US desire to establish AFRICOM (military control of Africa to ward off Chinese investment)
  • an alleged $7 trillion lawsuit, on behalf of all participating African countries, at Gaddafi's instigation, to sue for damages incurred from broken treaties with European countries during their "colonial era".
So far from "freeing the Libyan people from a dictator", the NATO bombardment of Libya in 2011 was about the maintenance of US and EU domination over Africa.

But what really comes across in this riveting interview with the Moriartys is the utter recklessness displayed in Libya (and elsewhere, for that matter) by both NATO and the 'rebel' forces, as well as the relish with which they demonstrably enjoyed tearing the entire country apart. These demented animals have access to unparalleled hi-tech weaponry and vehicles, enabling them to 'achieve feats of destruction' that before only 'the gods' could perform. Their handiwork is psychopathy writ large, the nihilistic culmination of Western civilization, and the glorious - for them - embrace of the destructive principle.

Among the things we discussed in the interview were the back-story to how two Texan businesspeople came to be in Libya; what Libya - and Gaddafi - was really like pre-2011; the real ideological motivations for the 'humanitarian intervention' - listed above; the atrocities and war crimes witnessed by the Moriartys as they traveled throughout the country as international observers on behalf of a fact-finding commission launched by an international youth organization; their incredible escape from terrorist capture; and the persecution they are today being subjected to by the US government.


Gaddafi was so loved across the continent that African tribal leaders made him 'King of Africa'

One of the most important points to understand about Libya in 2011 is that Gaddafi was no longer the country's formal political leader. Since 2006 he was essentially Libya's spiritual leader, a symbol, although he did continue to represent the people's interests on the international stage. The country's form of government - the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - was nominally socialist, in the sense that wealth was fairly distributed, but it was way more than that. Gaddafi had created, or was the inspiration for, the closest you will ever get to 'utopia' on Earth. Libya wasn't just democratic (in the positive sense of the word); it was humane in a way not seen in the West in a long, long time.

That imaginary world you may have dreamed of, where there's no debt, no insurance companies, no banks (certainly no Central Bank), and where everyone's needs are taken care of... well, that was Libya pre-2011. Disputes were largely settled between people without state intervention. Libya's modest military was equipped with Soviet weapons from the 1980s, and was therefore an easy target for overwhelming NATO firepower.

Since the Lockerbie and Berlin disco bombings, for which he was framed by the CIA and friends - Gaddafi was a pariah in 'the international community'. After the 9/11 attacks, he sought to bury the hatchet with the West and committed Libya to Bush's War On Terror, providing rich intel on radicals in his country and making deals that would lift the decades-long embargo on Libya, not least, claim the Moriartys, via massive bribes to Western leaders like former French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Barack Obama (via one of his uncles). Sarkozy was investigated by police for accepting 50 million euros for his 2007 presidential election campaign from Gaddafi.

Western political psychopaths repaid Gaddafi with an extreme form of 'regime change' that saw Gaddafi almost literally torn apart by NATO-backed blood-thirsty "rebels".

The Moriartys describe how NATO forces bombed the country's archival buildings, in an apparent effort to eliminate all traces of Libyan history. They blew up homes, streets, food stores, schools, hospitals, basic infrastructure like water supplies, wheat fields and date-palm groves. They 'opened up' the country for what it is today a truly "failed state" with daily violence and not one but two competing governments. Libya has some of the best preserved Roman ruins in all the Mediterranean. I don't know if NATO bombed those too, but based on what's happening in Syria, it's only a matter of time before those are destroyed too.


'I came, I saw, I laughed my a** off!'

The 'Libyan rebels' (today operating as ISIS in Syria and Iraq) that Western citizens cheered were invariably completely off their heads on drugs. The Moriartys told us how they heard the screams of Libyan soldiers being dragged into their hotel in Tripoli, then taken upstairs to be tortured to death. Mosques were turned into torture centers by the 'Islamist' rebels, where thousands of people were raped, cut into pieces, limb-by-limb, and force-fed to the still-living.

The death toll from NATO's bombardment and its roving death squads is, based on figures compiled and passed to the Moriartys by tribal leaders, at least 600,000 dead. The population of Libya was 6 million at the time. The Moriartys say 40,000 of those were tortured to death. Based on meetings with tribal leaders, they reported to the fact-finding commission that 100,000 people were killed by NATO bombing in the first month. They claim that NATO dropped more bombs on Libya from March-October 2011 than were dropped in the entire world during World War Two. The total figure they have for the number of 'rebels' is far higher than anything reported anywhere else: 250,000 terrorists poured into the country from all over the Middle East and beyond. It's clear that the terrorists particularly targeted black Africans, with the Moriartys describing the slaughter as a 'black genocide'. There are at least 128 mass graves in the country. Another two million people are displaced, barely surviving in refugee camps on the Tunisian and Egyptian borders.

A quarter of a million terrorists... this gives you an idea of the scale of these US-led proxy wars. No wonder the combined might of the Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Hezbollah forces struggles against 'ISIS' in the Syrian desert - they are up against so many foot-soildiers of empire.


Libya was completely obliterated

The Western powers embargoed Libya of food, water, medical supplies - just like Yemen is undergoing now. Thousands of armed pick-ups rolled off cargo ships at ports, unloading humvees, SUVs, and pickups loaded for bear with heavy artillery and mercenaries. The Moriartys describe attack helicopters arriving in Tripoli from aircraft carriers and firing indiscriminately at anything and everything. 1,300 people, mostly civilians, were killed on the very first day of the establishment of NATOs so-called 'no-fly zone'.

Six days into the coup-d'état-disguised-as-a-'revolution', the new regime, the Western-imposed 'National Transitional Council of Libya', opened Libya's first ever central bank. For Libya to be 'welcomed back into the international community', all its cash, precious metals, and other assets - at home and abroad - were signed over to the new privately-owned, foreign-controlled Central Bank of Libya. The Moriartys say they also agreed to the construction of a permanent Israeli military base in Libya, and that they have documents to prove it.


Today they plant the flag in new territory for us, tomorrow they hate us for our freedoms
If you were a journalist in Libya during this time you were relatively safe; not because these animals respected journalists as neutral observers, but because the journalists were on their side. The Moriartys have evidence of embedded journalists, not least from Qatar-owned Al Jazeera, whose staff were among the terrorists from day one, personally calling in airstrikes and working side-by-side with the terrorists.

The Moriartys know what happened in the Benghazi 'consulate' attack on September 11th, 2012. They had foreknowledge of an attack, but no one in Washington, D.C. was interested in what they were hearing on the ground. Afterwards, locals told them where the attackers could be found. Still no interest from Washington; the US State Department's announcement at the time of a "$10 million reward for information leading to the capture of Stevens' killers" was pure theater. The Moriartys described to us in detail, based on accounts from eyewitnesses with whom they spoke, the scene at the residence that night. Among other things, Stevens appears to have been killed before the attack started.

As to why Ambassador Chris Stevens was sacrificed, they suspect it's because he "knew too much". Stevens was overseeing - or was at least deeply involved in - shipments of weapons and terrorists through the Benghazi residence, which was actually a CIA safe-house, to Syria to fuel the US government's proxy war against Assad that begun in earnest earlier in 2012. The Moriartys suggest that Stevens may have been trying to recall delivery of 20,000 'MANPAD' portable surface-to-air missile launchers to the terrorists.


A terrorist in Libya posing with one of the MANPADS American Ambassador Chris Stevens gave him

When the Moriartys became trapped inside Libya, the US government basically told them to 'pound dirt'. Escape only became possible when the Russian ambassador directed them towards a rescue ship sent by the Maltese government. They tried in vain to locate the ship, but it never docked because the situation was so dangerous. And then, back at their hotel in Tripoli, they were cornered by some of the 'rebels', who told them their names were "on our list." Having learned at this point that these maniacs were being paid handsomely for each person they killed, with bonus payments if they cut up and burned the bodies, the Moriartys thought their goose was cooked. They watched as Western TV crews recorded interviews with foreign nationals, which they later realized was being allowed only because these people's statements were subsequently used in Western media reports as evidence of 'atrocities committed by the Gaddafi regime'.

The Moriartys' eventual miraculous escape from that NATO-created hell-hole came when they paid $16,000 to the 'rebels', one of whom took pity on them and led them to safety. As someone from the US Defense Intelligence Agency later told them, "Y'all need to be written up in the Guinness Book of Records because no one has ever escaped al Qaeda alive."

Please note, the Moriartys are ordinary businesspeople. They had no anti-Western or 'liberal' ax to grind in going to Libya. They were there on the basis of good old-fashioned American capitalism.

Finally making it back to the US, via Tunisia and Rome, the Moriartys were 'debriefed on arrival', and spent the next year speaking with various intel agencies. US officials wanted their story, and the evidence they had gathered for the fact-finding commission, but the Moriartys realized that their information was being used to assist rather than thwart the terrorists in Libya. After being told explicitly to "shut up, or else", they went public with their information. More death threats ensued and they narrowly escaped an attempt to frame them for possession of drugs. They are regularly harassed by government agents and are blacklisted from restarting their oil-cleaning business or gaining employment. The Moriartys are living hand-to-mouth thanks to donations and sales of their DVD, 'Escape from Al Qaeda', which I strongly encourage you to purchase.


French 'philosopher' Bernard Henri-Levy, posing with two jihadists

The DVD includes a presentation/talk given by the Moriartys, an interview they gave in Libya, an interview with US Rep. Dennis Kucinich on US intervention in Libya, and never-before-seen footage of the destruction wrought by Western military in Libya, US Special Forces operating there, and the two-million-strong rallies held by ordinary Libyans, at the height of NATO's blitzkrieg, in support of Gaddafi and their government. The DVD also includes a documentary produced by the fact-finding commission on the basis of the Moriartys' reports. I should warn you that the DVD contains some extremely graphic footage (the 'rebels' laughing as they behead people, and forcing captured Libyan soldiers - hands bound and down on their knees - to eat parts of their dead comrades), but you should force yourself to watch that anyway, at least once, while keeping in mind: 'This is the outer expression of the inner nature of the people who run my government.'
When speaking with people as they travelled the country collecting data, the Moriartys tried to impress on them the urgent need to counter the lies in the Western media about what was happening there, to which the Libyans responded, "The truth and our fate will save us." In their naivety, they believed - in the terror of the moment anyway - that being good, decent people was enough. But I think the only thing that might have prevented this is if enough of us in the West had known the truth about our psychopathic leaders and what they do.

And so, here's the interview. Please listen, then share...

Further Reading:

Zie ook: 'Clinton blokkeerde in 2012 een wapenstilstand in Syrië........'

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