Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Donald Rumsfeld. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Donald Rumsfeld. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 4 augustus 2021

George W. Bush noemt terugtrekking van troepen uit Afghanistan een vergissing.....

Bij de strekking van de kop op dit bericht zou ik me normaal gesproken kapotlachen, echter deze zaak is te ernstig en te triest om te lachen..... Bush die normaal gesproken nooit een interview geeft, heeft een uitzondering gemaakt voor een Duitse prutser die zich als journalist verkoopt..... Logisch dat Bush geen interviews geeft aan journalisten die hem het vuur aan de schenen zouden kunnen leggen, immers daar heeft dit kwaadaardige leeghoofd geen verweer tegen.... 

Bush probeert op alle mogelijke manieren zijn presidentschap als een succes te doen voorkomen, daarvoor heeft hij zelfs een eigen bibliotheek laten bouwen (alweer: het is dat het zo triest is....) en een pruts 'journalist' is natuurlijk een uitgelezen kans om die pogingen meer houvast te geven...

Niet vreemd dan ook dat Bush de terugtrekking van troepen uit Afghanistan een vergissing noemt.... Een vergissing? Velen stellen dat de illegale oorlogen van de VS tegen Afghanistan en Irak een vergissing waren en dat ook nog eens gebaseerd op grove leugens, oorlogen die een paar miljoen mensen het leven hebben gekost, in Irak gaat het zelfs om meer dan 2 miljoen door de VS vermoordde mensen: kinderen, ouden van dagen, vrouwen en mannen..... (al hebben andere NAVO-lidstaten als Nederland meegewerkt aan de vreselijke oorlogsmisdaden in dat land....) Echter het gaat bij die illegale oorlogen, evenals die van Obama tegen Libië en Syrië niet om een 'vergissing', maar om een weloverwogen plan om macht uit te kunnen oefenen in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika, waarbij de VS tevens de beschikking kreeg over enorme voorraden aan olie en gas, voorts zijn landen als Irak, Syrië en Afghanistan van strategisch belang, zeker als de VS bijvoorbeeld een oorlog wil beginnen tegen Iran.... Voorts is Afghanistan van strategisch belang als het gaat om Rusland, echter de Taliban was figuurlijk een paar maten te groot voor de VS, zo heeft men na 20 jaar wel moeten concluderen..... In feite is de oorlog tegen Afghanistan een Vietnam oorlog in herhaling geworden, waarvoor de VS uit en te na voor werd gewaarschuwd alvorens deze terreurstaat dat land binnenviel....

Naast dit alles moet niet vergeten worden dat Bush in feite een marionet was voor de haviken in het Witte Huis: figuren als Dick Cheney en Donald Rumsfeld hadden al plannen voor Afghanistan en Irak voordat Bush tot president werd verkozen.......

Bush verkondigt nog steeds dat de ingreep van de VS in Afghanistan goed was voor het land en dat het leven veel beter was dan onder de Taliban, waarbij deze hufter voor het gemak vergeet hoe de 'warlords' dat land omtoverden tot de grootste heroïne leverancier van de wereld, waarbij deze warlords al evenzo terreur uitoefenden op de bevolking..... (toen de VS Afghanistan binnenviel had de Taliban de papaverteelt teruggebracht tot een niet eerder vertoond minimum, terwijl dit land nu weer de allergrootste is op dat gebied, dankzij de hulp van de VS en haar NAVO-partners.......)

Belachelijk ook dat Bush durft te zeggen dat het land zo ten goede is veranderd nadat de VS het land binnenviel, immers het zijn ronduit misdadigers die de regering van Afghanistan vormen en afgeleiden van de eerder genoemde warlords, voorts zijn ze zo corrupt als de pest.....

Bush durft zelfs te liegen dat hij de oorlog tegen Afghanistan niet is begonnen vanwege de Taliban die Al Qaida onderdak zou hebben geboden, maar om jongens en meisjes te emanciperen....... De schoft durfde verder op te merken dat hij bang is dat Afghaanse vrouwen en meisjes ongelofelijk zullen lijden (onder de Taliban), terwijl de naam Bush gelijk staat aan ongelofelijk lijden van Afghaanse meisjes, jongens, vrouwen, mannen en ouden van dagen..... 

Men durft te liegen dat er 100.000 Afghanen zijn omgekomen door de illegale oorlog van de VS, echter dat zijn er zeker 500.000 dit daar men ten eerste het cijfer zo laag mogelijk wil houden en ten tweede geen rekening houdt met het feit dat doden binnen 24 uur moeten worden begraven, waarbij de VS en de andere NAVO troepen geen toegang hadden tot een wisselend aantal gebieden..... Aan VS kant zijn er 2.500 militairen omgekomen in die illegale oorlog en aan Nederlandse kant 25, mensen die geheel voor niets zijn gestorven.....

Me dunkt dat de oorlogsmisdaden begaan in Afghanistan een onderzoek van het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) meer dan waard zijn, waarbij dit hof niet alleen degenen moet vervolgen die daadwerkelijk oorlogsmisdaden hebben begaan, maar zeker ook de politiek verantwoordelijken, daar zij door hun rol ook oorlogsmisdadigers zijn, immers zonder hun goedkeuring waren deze misdaden niet begaan!! Onder het te onderzoeken geteisem in de VS: Bush, uiteraard de nummer één oorlogsmisdadiger, plus de ooorlogshitsers Rumsfeld (jammer gernoeg al overleden) en Cheney, dan nog de oorlogsmisdadigers in ons land: CDA opperschoften: Balkenende, de Hoop Scheffer, Hillen, Bot, Verhagen, en Bijleveld; VVD ploerten: van Aartsen, de Grave, Rosenthal, Rutte, Hennis-Plasschaert, Blok, Kamp, Korthals, Zijlstra en Dijkhoff; PvdA hufters Bos, Timmermans en Koenders; hare D66 kwaadaardigheid Kaag en tot slot ChristenUnie sukkel Middelkoop..... (Hennis-Plasschart is als beloning voor de onder haar ministerschap begane oorlogsmisdaden, door NB de VN benoemd als speciale gezant voor Irak, een grove belediging voor het volk van Irak.....)

Vergeet na dit alles niet dat de oorlogen tegen Afghanistan en Irak, onderdeel van de War on Terror, juist terreur hebben gekweekt op de straten van Europa....

Het volgende artikel geschreven door Andrew Mitrovica werd gepubliceerd op Information Clearing House. Andrew maakt zich in zijn schrijven flink pissig op Bush en het is het lezen meer dan waard: 

George W. Bush Should Shut Up and Go Away

Bush is a mass murderer. He should be sharing a bunk bed with Ratko Mladic at The Hague, not giving interviews on Afghanistan in Maine.

By Andrew Mitrovica

By now, George W Bush should have completed volumes one and two of his prison letters.

But, as we know, the world is not a just place. So, like all the other American presidents who have avoided the dock despite the crimes they have committed at home and abroad, the former US president remains a free, and, indeed, carefree, man.

I suspect that Bush is happy, too, biding his time during his “golden years” painting what can charitably be described as globby, deformed “portraits” and tending to the tangled bush on his Texas estate.

"With the eager help of grovelling, amnesiac television hosts, Bush has mounted a muted, yet determined campaign to rehabilitate his foul reputation."

It is inconceivable to me, though, that a once immensely powerful man who is almost singularly responsible for two calamitous wars-of-choice which have caused such immeasurable harm and suffering to so many innocents, in so many places, could ever experience a genuine moment of stillness, let alone happiness.

I wonder, as well, if Bush ever pauses from his painting and gardening to consider the appalling measure of his guilt or shudders at the unfolding and halting scope of the profound, disfiguring consequences of his many and manifest crimes against decency and humanity.

That may well be a largely rhetorical question since one of the principal qualifications of becoming president is the necessity to kill, maim, and traumatise other human beings in the murderous pursuit of the ever malleable US “national interest”.

So, Bush likely finds considerable solace in the slimy evasion that being president is often a thankless, dirty job that requires, on occasion, the occupant to order “hits” – big and small – against America’s “enemies” just like a mafia don, but with a much larger, more well-equipped army, of course.

I have pondered these questions lately about this banal, unrepentant killer and torture-approving thug with a presidential library because, rather than finally doing the world a smidgen of service by permanently shutting up in lieu of being charged, Bush continues to believe, incredibly, that his musings on war and diplomacy have serious merit and should be heeded.

Earlier this month, Bush was interviewed at his palatial summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine, by a German broadcaster with apparently nothing better to do with its time and resources.

The agreeable tête-à-tête was billed as a “rare” departure of form for Bush, who reportedly avoids sit-down interviews with journalists.

Gee, I wonder why?

Apart from briefly prying Bush away from his juvenile tinkering with paint on a canvas and taming his unruly hedges, an interview conducted by an intrepid reporter might cause the stammering, reclusive ex-president a little discomfort and serve as a mild, belated comeuppance of sorts.

Bush could, for once, have been challenged to account finally for the litany of lies he concocted and told to start wars that he and his posse of criminal “advisers” in slick suits and designer outfits convinced themselves would be cheap, easy and quick.

Two decades later, the cruel, lethal folly of Bush’s cocky, catastrophic delusions and fabrications is plain: millions dead and scarred in body, mind and spirit, countless other lives ruined or left adrift in refugee camps where disease, want and hopelessness are rampant, countries engulfed by endless uncertainty, violence and sectarianism and a patient, resurgent Taliban poised to reimpose its malignant dominion over Afghanistan.

Bush could also have been pressed about his role in engineering an international abduction racket – known as “renditions” – that permitted America’s state-sanctioned hoodlums to kidnap mostly Muslim men and dump them into secret dungeons in Iraq and beyond where they were bound, interrogated, humiliated, electrocuted, attacked by dogs, sexually assaulted, water-boarded and, ultimately, murdered.

None of that appears to have happened. Instead, Bush was given unfettered licence to object to the withdrawal of the remaining US and NATO troops from Afghanistan.

“The consequences are going to be unbelievably bad,” Bush said, without, I imagine, even a hint of irony.

That this callous cretin would suggest anywhere, at any time, for any reason, that the “consequences” of another president’s actions “are going to be unbelievably bad” for Afghanistan is blatant proof of Bush’s genetically programmed stupidity and obscene, near nauseating hubris.

Then, Bush proceeded to demonstrate that he is damaged in ways that only a psychologist could possibly decipher and is incapable of introspection or remorse for the horror he has wrought on so many people, in so many places because of his orders as commander-in-chief.

First, he told his German guests that the Afghan withdrawal was a mistake.

Given his atrocious geopolitical record, Bush should be banned from ever uttering, under any circumstances and in any context, the word: “mistake”.

Still, to define how Bush and equally culpable company went about methodically defacing Iraq and Afghanistan as “mistakes” would, itself, be a mistake.

The injuries and atrocities Iraqis and Afghans have endured in the long, bitter aftermath of Bush’s decision to invade cannot be diminished or dismissed simply as errors.

They were and remain the inhumane corollaries of the sinister, calculated choices made by an inept president who was convinced that it was his and America’s destiny to “liberate” two distant lands for the same evangelical reasons.

Second, remarkably, Bush took implicit credit – amid all the death and destruction the American-led invasion has visited on Afghans – for brutally refashioning Afghan society as a recuperative antidote to the Taliban’s brutality.

“It’s unbelievable how that society changed from the brutality of the Taliban,” Bush said.

No, what is unbelievable, is Bush’s lunatic idea that the US military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan had any redeeming or salutary impact on the fates of both nations.

Finally, and so cynically, Bush attempted to rewrite his incriminating history by implying that he unleashed American forces and drones on Afghanistan not to rout the Taliban or punish it for harbouring al-Qaeda, but to emancipate women and girls.

“All of a sudden – sadly – I’m afraid Afghan women and girls are going to suffer unspeakable harm,” Bush said from the comfort of his picture-postcard oasis.

The name George W Bush is synonymous with the suffering and unspeakable harm girls, boys, women and men in Iraq and Afghanistan have braved for decades.

With the eager help of grovelling, amnesiac television hosts, Bush has mounted a muted, yet determined campaign to rehabilitate his foul reputation. In its place, a new, gracious, if slightly awkward and endearing caricature of Bush has emerged.

It is a sick mirage.

Bush is an unindicted mass murderer. He ought to be sharing a bunk bed with Ratko Mladic at The Hague. Failing that, he should keep monastically quiet and go away.

As penance, it is the least this intolerable piece of crud could do.

Andrew Mitrovica is an award-winning investigative reporter and journalism instructor.

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Zie ook: 'Donald Rumsfelds dood: het systeem is er niet om ons te beschermen tegen zware misdadigers maar om deze te beschermen tegen ons'

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'Je zou de regering niet moeten vertrouwen, zeker niet als er commentaar wordt geleverd op de sociale media' (zie ook de links in dat bericht naar artikelen over censuur!!)

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'Coronacrisis: Australische militairen moeten de straten en huizen van o.a. moslims in Sydney controleren' (dezelfde militairen die ernstige oorlogsmisdaden begingen in Afghanistan.....)

'Antony Blinken (VS minister BuZa) leest de wereld de les over persvrijheid terwijl zijn eigen regering deze zwaar geweld aandoet' (!!!!) De vervolging van Hale is ook belangrijk voor de persvrijheid in de VS, niet voor niets laat de VS overheid journalisten en nieuwsredacties van vooral de alternatieve media afluisteren en aftappen, dit om klokkenluiders te kunnen oppakken voor ze uit de kerk kunnen klappen en zo negatief nieuws betreffende de overheid te kunnen blokkeren......... Zie wat dat betreft ook:

''Klokkenluidersbescherming' in VS: Obama en Biden lieten journalisten en redacties afluisteren om klokkenluiders te pakken' (reken maar dat dit nog steeds gebeurt) (en zie de links in dat bericht naar meer artikelen over o.a. Julian Assange en de fascistische opperschoft Navalny) En zie:

'Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden'' (!!!!) (9 oktober 2019) (en zie de links in dat bericht!!) En zie voorts:

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'Opiaten doden in de VS jaarlijks 10 keer zoveel mensen, dan terroristen in de afgelopen 20 jaar..!!!' 

'Seymour Hersh (gelauwerd journalist) met onthullingen o.a. over de VS plannen met het Midden-Oosten en de vergiftiging van de Skripals' (waarin o.a. de voorspelling van Hersh in 2007 dat het bewapenen door de VS van extremistische soennieten zou leiden tot een oorlog in Syrië) 

'9/11 werd mede georganiseerd door Israël'

'Irak oorlog: 16 jaar na 20 maart 2003 ontkent de perschef van Bush dat er is gelogen om Irak binnen te vallen.....' (!!!!)

'Neil deGrasse Tyson, de populaire astrofisicus, is grootlobbyist van het militair-industrieel complex' (Rumsfeld was ook groot voorstander van VS dominantie in de ruimte en de militarisering daarvan....)

'9/11: professor stelt dat WTC-gebouwen gecontroleerd zijn gesloopt, de bewijzen daarvoor zijn overweldigend' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Veteranen waarschuwen Trump voor desastreuze gevolgen in geval van oorlog tegen Iran'

'CIA erkent dat Israël samen met Saoedi-Arabië 'vecht tegen terreur', die ze NB zelf hebben georganiseerd........' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!) en zie:

'VS belastingbetalers geven per dag $ 250 miljoen uit aan 'oorlog tegen terreur.....' Daarom moeten wij meer uitgeven aan defensie...........'

'Joe Darby de klokkenluider van Abu Ghraib moet afgeschermd leven......' (daar opperschoft Rumsfeld zijn woonplaats bekend maakte.....)

vrijdag 2 juli 2021

Donald Rumsfelds dood: het systeem is er niet om ons te beschermen tegen zware misdadigers maar om deze te beschermen tegen ons

Het kan je bijna niet zijn ontgaan: de dood van psychopathische oorlogsmisdadiger Donald Rumsfeld, je kan gerust stellen dat hij de grootste oorlogsmisdadiger is van deze eeuw, dit daar hij de grote architect was van de illegale oorlogen tegen Afghanistan en Irak...... Daarbij is hij tevens mede hoofdverantwoordelijk voor het grootste deel van de leugens waarop de VS deze oorlogen aanging, oorlogen die aan meer dan 2,5 miljoen mensen het leven hebben gekost, ofwel Rumsfeld is daarmee niet alleen oorlogsmisdadiger, maar ook een massamoordenaar...... 

Over massa gesproken: de massamedia in de VS doen over de dood van Rumsfeld alsof er een gevierd koning is overleden en prijzen hem de hemel in, waarbij ik moet opmerken dat het hier niet veel beter is, hoewel men wel wat meer kritiek heeft op zijn handelen en men met name wijst op zijn verdediging van het martelen van gevangenen in de Abu Ghraib gevangenis (Irak) en in de gevangenis van Guantanamo Bay..... Ook de Volkskrant en andere Nederlandse mediaorganen hebben amper kritiek op Rumsfeld, de Volkskrant eindigt zelfs met de liefde die Rumsfeld had voor zijn vrouw....... (ongelofelijk, zeker als je bedenkt dat Rumsfeld verantwoordelijk is voor de moord op een enorm aantal geliefden van mensen die de VS terreur overleefden!!)

Eigenlijk wel logisch dat men weinig kritiek levert op Rumsfeld, immers de westerse media schaarden zich achter de oorlogen tegen Afghanistan en Irak, zonder enig journalistiek onderzoekswerk nam men de leugens over van Rumsfeld en de geheime diensten, terwijl men bijvoorbeeld wat betreft Irak had kunnen weten dat er geen massavernietigingswapens konden zijn: VN wapeninspecteur Blix liep zicht het vuur uit de sloffen in pogingen een oorlog tegen Irak te voorkomen en iedereen die het maar horen wilde te overtuigen dat het land geen massavernietigingswapens had....... 

Rumsfeld drong al jaren voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak aan op het aanvallen van dat land en ondanks het gigantische aantal doden durfde deze ploert tot z'n dood toe vol te houden dat de wereld door de VS oorlog tegen Irak er veiliger en stabieler op is geworden..... (het is dat 't zo triest is anders zou je je kapotlachen) Overigens had men al bij de oorlog tegen Afghanistan grote vraagtekens moeten zetten, daar de geheime diensten van de VS, zwaar gesteund Rumsfeld meerdere maanden voor de aanslagen van 9/11 aandrongen op oorlog tegen Afghanistan, waarover Caitlin Johnstone in het hieronder opgenomen artikel volkomen terecht sarcastisch stelt dat niet vergeten moet worden dat alleen complottheorie-gekkies niet geloven in het officiële 9/11 verhaal.....* 

De reguliere westerse media die dondersgoed weten dat de oorlogen tegen Afghanistan en Irak op illegale manieren werden 'gelegitimeerd', een legitimatie die ze zoals gezegd met grote graagte hebben overgenomen, echter ondanks die kennis is er geen mediaorgaan die deze leugens plaatste overgegaan tot het maken van excuses en/of rectificatie..... Sterker nog: het liefst probeert men alsnog een legitimatie voor die oorlogen te vinden en een aantal houdt zelfs de oude leugens levend, zoals die van aanwezige massavernietigingswapens in het Irak van Saddam Hoessein.......Je kan dan ook stellen dat deze door de media gesteunde oorlogen definitief het figuurlijke failliet waren van de reguliere westerse media.

Jammer dat Caitlin alles toeschrijft aan Rumsfeld, terwijl hij nauwe contacten had met de geheime diensten in de VS die de leugens voor een deel verzonnen waarmee hij deze oorlogen als onontkoombaar en legitiem verkocht aan het volk, al heeft ze het gelijk aan haar kant als het gaat om de wil van Rumsfeld om zowel Afghanistan als Irak aan te vallen en dat respectievelijk al maanden en jaren voor de VS deze illegale oorlogen begon.

Gezien het voorgaande is de strekking van de kop op het artikel dat Caitlin schreef terecht dat het systeem er niet is om ons te beschermen tegen (grote) criminelen, maar er juist op is gericht om deze criminelen te beschermen tegen ons (en nogmaals: met de hulp van de andere westerse politici en de westerse reguliere media.....)...... Aan de andere kant worden bekende VS politici en bekende figuren afgekamd die zich tegen oorlog hebben verzet, zoals de onlangs overleden Mike Gravel overkwam, hetzelfde kan je uiteraard over Julian Assange zeggen, al leeft deze gelukkig nog en verzwijgen de media zaken die in diens voordeel zijn.... (Julian Assange moet zo snel mogelijk worden vrijgelaten, zeker nadat bekend werd gemaakt dat de belangrijkste getuige voor de VS heeft toegegeven zijn getuigenis te hebben verzonnen.....**)

Lees het artikel van Caitlin en vergelijk dat eens met wat bijvoorbeeld de Nederlandse media daarover hebben geschreven of gezegd:

The System Isn’t There To Protect Us From Criminals, It’s To Protect Criminals From Us

by Caitlin Johnstone

Listen to a reading of this article:

Iraq war architect Donald Rumsfeld has died. Not in a prison cell in The Hague, not murdered by bombs or bullets, but peacefully in his home, surrounded by loved ones, a week and a half shy of his 89th birthday.

The imperial media are giving their fallen master a king's tribute, with headlines describing the psychopathic war criminal as "a cunning leader", "a man of honor and conviction", or simply as "Former defense secretary at helm of Iraq, Afghanistan wars".

The cancerous Washington Post, who just the other day mocked the life of the late antiwar hero Mike Gravel with an obituary branding him the "gadfly senator from Alaska with flair for the theatrical," describes the child killer Rumsfeld as the "influential but controversial Bush defense secretary" in its headline about his death. 

The New York Times wasn't much better. Take the headline "Mike Gravel, Unconventional Two-Term Alaska Senator, Dies at 91 — He made headlines by fighting for an oil pipeline and reading the Pentagon Papers aloud. After 25 years of obscurity, he re-emerged with a quixotic presidential campaign." Compare this to the headline "Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary During Iraq War, Is Dead at 88 — Mr. Rumsfeld, who served four presidents, oversaw a war that many said should never have been fought. But he said the removal of Saddam Hussein had 'created a more stable and secure world.'”

Donald Rumsfeld had the distinction of being the only defense chief to serve two nonconsecutive terms: 1975 to 1977 under Gerald Ford, and 2001 to 2006 under George W. Bush. He also was the youngest, at 43, and the oldest, at 74, to hold the post.

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There's been criticism as well, of course; online sentiments about Rumsfeld's death have not been nearly as worshipful and hagiographic as they've been toward other disgusting war whores like John McCain. But in the end all that matters is that he lived a long, full life, without ever having faced even the slightest single consequence for the horrors he unleashed upon our world; without even so much as sustaining any meaningful damage to his reputation.

This despite the fact that it's been public knowledge for years that Rumsfeld began orchestrating the unforgivable invasion of Iraq within hours of the 9/11 attacks and told numerous lies in order to set that invasion in motion. He also oversaw the intervention in Afghanistan which he and his Bush administration cohorts had been planning before 9/11, beginning a decades-long occupation about which the public has been pervasively lied to from the very beginning by US officials in general and by Rumsfeld in particular. (But remember kids, only crazy conspiracy theorists question the official narrative about 9/11.)

When we are little, we are taught that we live in a nation of laws, where bad guys are thrown in prison by the good guys who are in charge of things. Because our mental programming continues for the rest of our lives in the form of mass-scale propaganda designed to manufacture consent for the status quo, most of us tend to hold onto this childish model of the world to some extent throughout adulthood.

In reality, exactly zero percent of the world's worst people are in prison, but some of the best people are. The fact that Donald Rumsfeld lived a long life of freedom while Julian Assange wastes away in Belmarsh Prison proves the world doesn't work the way we were taught in school. The very worst bad guys are not put in prison by the good guys who run things, because the very worst bad guys are the ones who run things.

1 in every 5 Iraqis has someone in their family who died because of the invasion of Iraq.
More than half of all babies born in Fallujah between 2007 and 2010 were born with a birth defect.
The average lifespan in Iraq is 70.
Rumsfeld died at 88 peacefully in his sleep.

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The system isn't designed to protect us from society's worst, it's designed to protect society's worst from us. It's designed to keep us turning the gears of industry without looking around and noticing that we're all getting fucked in the ass by an alliance of plutocrats and security state insiders who only care about power and money. It's designed to keep us too busy and propagandized to use the power of our numbers to take back what the bastards have stolen from us, and to make sure there's enough guns on their side to kill us all dead if we try.

Donald Rumsfeld was all the worst things about our world. He perfectly embodied the corrupt, bloodthirsty, ecocidal, omnicidal, oppressive, exploitative, deceitful status quo that is driving humanity toward extinction. The US-centralized empire is Donald Rumsfeld. It might as well have his face and his name.

Don't let his passing fool you: Donald Rumsfeld is dead, but he is also as alive as ever. He lives on in the continued violence he helped initiate in the Middle East. In the death and destruction rained down by the US and its allies in the name of preserving a unipolar world order that none of us ever asked for. In the dying gasps of starving children under imperial blockades in Yemen and Venezuela. In the thousands of US military bases encircling our planet like a noose. In the war ships and missiles pivoting toward China in preparation for a long-anticipated confrontation which should terrify us all.

Unless we can purge from our cells everything within us that resembles Donald Rumsfeld, there is no future for Homo sapiens on this planet. We must evolve beyond everything he stood for, as individuals, as a society, and as a species, and move into a peaceful and collaborative relationship with each other and with our ecosystem.


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Caitlin Johnstone | July 1, 2021 at 12:08 pm | Tags: imperialism, iraq, Rumsfeld, war | Categories: Article, News | URL:

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Ofwel 9/11 werd als excuus gebruikt om Afghanistan (en later Irak) aan te vallen, niet vreemd dan ook dat er na intensief onderzoek van o.a. echte journalisten, een dossierkast vol bewijzen bestaat waaruit maar één conclusie is te trekken: 9/11 werd voorbereid en geregisseerd door de VS zelf, e.e.a. aangevuld met een enorm aantal wetenschappelijke onderbouwingen....... Dat bewijs is intussen zo groot dat juist het officiële 9/11 verhaal is verworden tot een meer dan belachelijke complottheorie.......   

** Zie: 'Zaak van VS tegen Assange gestrand op de belangrijkste getuige, westerse media aandacht: nul komma nada' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)


Zie ook: '9/11 werd mede georganiseerd door Israël'

'Irak oorlog: 16 jaar na 20 maart 2003 ontkent de perschef van Bush dat er is gelogen om Irak binnen te vallen.....'

'Neil deGrasse Tyson, de populaire astrofisicus, is grootlobbyist van het militair-industrieel complex' (Rumsfeld was ook groot voorstander van VS dominantie in de ruimte en de militarisering daarvan....)

'9/11: professor stelt dat WTC-gebouwen gecontroleerd zijn gesloopt, de bewijzen daarvoor zijn overweldigend' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Seymour Hersh (gelauwerd journalist) met onthullingen o.a. over de VS plannen met het Midden-Oosten en de vergiftiging van de Skripals'

'Veteranen waarschuwen Trump voor desastreuze gevolgen in geval van oorlog tegen Iran'

'CIA erkent dat Israël samen met Saoedi-Arabië 'vecht tegen terreur', die ze NB zelf hebben georganiseerd........' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Joe Darby de klokkenluider van Abu Ghraib moet afgeschermd leven......' (daar opperschoft Rumsfeld zijn woonplaats bekend maakte.....)

Laatste kjleine aaanpassing op 9 augustus 2021, het woord 'sarcastisch' bij complottheorie-gekkies en bij de noot over 9/11, ook: 'later Irak' toegevoegd tussen haakjes.

donderdag 21 maart 2019

Irak oorlog: 16 jaar na 20 maart 2003 ontkent de perschef van Bush dat er is gelogen om Irak binnen te vallen.....

Het gore lef wat sommigen hebben is niet zelden ten hemel schreiend, zoals de perschef van president Bush (deze oorlogsmisdadiger en top-idioot mag zich president blijven noemen). Ari Fleischer (de perschef) nam het besluit e.e.a. via Twitter de wereld in te helpen, waarschijnlijk als reactie op de dreigementen van de VS tegen het Internationaal Strafhof dat men actie zal nemen tegen de functionarissen, die zich bezig houden met onderzoek naar VS oorlogsmisdaden.......

Ongelofelijk wat ploert Fleischer durft te zeggen, terwijl de hele wereld weet (of kan weten) dat de VS heeft gelogen, leugens die meer dan 2 miljoen Irakezen het leven heeft gekost, ofwel die mensen zijn in feite vermoord door de VS......

Fleischer doet net of de geheime diensten van de VS, Israël en nog een paar landen zeker wisten dat er massavernietigingswapens lagen in Irak, weliswaar klopte dit niet, maar dat is iets anders dan liegen, aldus de hufter..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Alsof die geheime diensten ook maar de neiging hebben om de waarheid te vertellen, jezus!!

De wapeninspecteurs van de VN, o.l.v. Blix, hebben uit en te na gewezen op het feit dat Irak (onder Saddam Hoessein) geen massavernietigingswapens had en deze zelfs niet voor hen verborgen kon hebben.....

Overigens liet de Hoop Scheffer, oorlogsmisdadiger van het CDA, vorig jaar weten nog steeds achter de illegale oorlog tegen Irak te staan, ondanks het enorme aantal slachtoffers, een land dat voor een groot deel in puin ligt en waar de oorlog nog lang niet is afgelopen...... Irak, een land waarnaar Nederland vluchtelingen deporteert, rechtstreeks de oorlog in, dit op basis van ambtsberichten van Buitenlandse Zaken, terwijl hetzelfde ministerie nog steeds een negatief reisadvies voor Irak afgeeft....

Caitlin Johnstone schreef op haar site een uiterst scherp artikel over deze zaak en laat van Fleischer en anderen geen spaan heel, lezen mensen, het gaat hier om geschiedvervalsing van de eerste orde, ook de reguliere (massa-) media doen net of hun neus bloedt als het om de illegale Irak oorlog gaat, terwijl zij deze oorlog op valse feiten van A tot Z hebben gepropageerd, waar de kennis over het tegendeel voor het oprapen lag........ (over het brengen van fake news gesproken....)

On the Anniversary Of The Iraq Invasion, Bush Press Secretary Claims Bush Didn't Lie

On the sixteenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, as the US government threatens punitive action against International Criminal Court investigators for attempting to look into US war crimes, former George W Bush administration Press Secretary Ari Fleischer has decided to publish a Twitter thread claiming that Bush did not lie to the world about Iraq.

Here is a transcript of the full thread by Fleischer:
The Iraq war began sixteen years ago tomorrow. There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed "Bush lied. People died." This accusation itself is a lie. It's time to put it to rest. 
The fact is that President Bush (and I as press secretary) faithfully and accurately reported to the public what the intelligence community concluded. The CIA, along with the intelligence services of Egypt, France, Israel and others concluded that Saddam had WMD. We all turned out to be wrong. That is very different from lying. 
After the war, a bipartisan group was created to determine what went wrong, particularly why the intelligence community's conclusions about Iraq were so different from what was found on the ground after the war. The group of experts was named the Robb-Silberman commission. It's report was issued in March 2005. It can be found in full here. Its key finding was that that a "major intelligence failure" took place. It also stated that no intelligence service was pressured by the Bush Administration to conclude that Saddam had WMDs. 
Here are the key quotes from their report: 
"Overall Commission Finding: The Intelligence Community's performance in assessing Iraq's pre-war weapons of mass destruction programs was a major intelligence failure. 
Nuclear Weapons Summary Finding: The Intelligence Community seriously misjudged the status of Iraq's alleged nuclear weapons program in the 2002 NIE* and other pre-Iraq war intelligence products. This misjudgment stemmed chiefly from the Community's failure to analyze correctly Iraq's reasons for attempting to procure high-strength aluminum tubes. 
Biological Warfare Summary Finding: The Intelligence Community seriously misjudged the status of Iraq's biological weapons program in the 2002 NIE and other pre-war intelligence products. The primary reason for this misjudgment was the Intelligence Community's heavy reliance on a human source--codenamed 'Curveball'--whose information later proved to be unreliable. 
Chemical Warfare Summary Finding: The Intelligence Community erred in its 2002 NIE assessment of Iraq's alleged chemical warfare program. The Community's substantial overestimation of Iraq's chemical warfare program was due chiefly to flaws in analysis and the paucity of quality information collected. In the case of Iraq, collectors of intelligence absorbed the prevailing analytic consensus and tended to reject or ignore contrary information. The result was 'tunnel vision' focusing on the Intelligence Community's existing assumptions. The Intelligence Community did not make or change any analytic judgments in response to political pressure to reach a particular conclusion, but the pervasive conventional wisdom that Saddam retained WMD affected the analytic process. The CIA took too long to admit error in Iraq, and its Weapons Intelligence, Nonproliferation, and Arms Control Center actively discouraged analysts from investigating errors. 
Finally, we closely examined the possibility that intelligence analysts were pressured by policymakers to change their judgments about Iraq's nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs. The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to skew or alter any of their analytical judgments." 
That is what the investigators reported, after been given full access to people throughout the intelligence community. Which leads me to conclude that there was a liar and his name was Saddam Hussein. He created an elaborate system of lies to fool western intelligence services and he succeeded. He wanted us to believe he had WMDs. 
The allegaton that "Bush lied. People died" is a liberal myth created to politically target President Bush. I understand the anger that was felt after no WMDs were found. But that doesn't justify calling the President a liar. I can only hope that serious historians and other experts do their homework and resist falling for this myth.
The Iraq war began sixteen years ago tomorrow. There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed "Bush lied. People died." This accusation itself is a lie. It's time to put it to rest.

Ari Fleischer is lying. It is an absolute proven fact that George W Bush and his administration lied extensively about the degree of certainty in intelligence regarding Saddam Hussein possessing weapons of mass destruction, having ties to Al Qaeda, and seeking nuclear weapons, all of which (along with Vice President Cheney's claim that the US invaders would be "greeted as liberators") proved false. The Bush administration did not know the things they claimed to know with any degree of certainty, but they claimed that they were certain in order to manufacture support for war. Claiming to know something you do not know is lying, especially when it's to advance an ulterior motive.

"Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaeda," Bush claimed in January 2003. "Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own."

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney claimed in August 2002. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."

"The United States knows that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction," Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said in December 2002. "Any country on the face of the earth with an active intelligence program knows that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction."

"We are absolutely sure they have continued to develop weapons of mass destruction, and we are sure they have in their possession weapons of mass destruction,” Secretary of State Colin Powell said in December 2002.

"My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources," Powell told the United Nations Security Council in his infamous Iraq presentation in February 2003. "These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence."

"People will continue to debate this issue, but there is no doubt in my mind," Powell said in the same presentation. "These illicit procurement efforts show that Saddam Hussein is very much focused on putting in place the key missing piece from his nuclear weapons program, the ability to produce fissile material."

Powell was not nearly as certain as he claimed to be. None of them were. Facts revealed after the invasion prove that for all their public claims of complete and total certainty that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, was aiding and abetting Al Qaida, and was developing nuclear weapons, behind the veil of government secrecy there was nothing like certainty at all.

For starters, Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who was cited in Powell's presentation and who Fleischer refers to by the code name "Curveball" in the above thread, was known to have been lying about bioweapons long before the invasion. Despite the confident assertions made by the Bush administration about Janabi's claims to the public, no American personnel were present when he made those claims, and he told the Guardianin 2011 that the BND (the German intelligence agency who interrogated him) had known he was lying all along.

"The BND [German intelligence] knew in 2000 that I was lying after they talked to my former boss, Dr Bassil Latif, who told them there were no mobile bioweapons factories," Janabi said. "For 18 months after that they left me alone because they knew I was telling lies even though I never admitted it.
Believe me, back then, I thought the whole thing was over for me. Then all of a sudden [in the run up to the 2003 invasion] they came back to me and started asking for more details about what I had told them. I still don't know why the BND then passed on my information to the CIA and it ended up in Powell's speech."

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson was Powell's chief of staff and helped him prepare his UN presentation on Iraq. When asked on MSNBC if he believed he was lied to about Janabi following the 2011 revelation, Wilkerson told Cenk Uygur that "I cannot come to any other conclusion, especially when I have discovered that no US personnel were present when Curveball was interrogated by the BND, the German intelligence service. That we accepted that, that we even had a head of the European division for the CIA, Tyler Drumheller, who at the last minute during Powell's preparation, during my preparation of the secretary, had told both Tenet and McLaughlin that Curveball might not be reliable. That information was never relayed to the Secretary of State, or to me. I have some serious doubts about it now. I think there was some manipulation of this material, and there was some outright lying."

When asked by Uygur who he thought lied to him, Wilkerson said one of WINPAC's two WMD experts at the time may have been answering directly to Dick Cheney's office.

declassified report from 2002 titled Iraq: Status of WMD Programs reveals that while the Bush administration was making its claims of absolute certainty regarding the dangers posed by the Iraqi government, behind the scenes it was damn near the opposite. Some choice excerpts:

Our assessments rely heavily on analytic assumptions and judgment rather than hard evidence. 
The evidentiary base is particularly sparse for Iraqi nuclear programs.”

We range from 0% to about 75% knowledge on various aspects of their program."

"Our knowledge of the Iraqi (nuclear) weapons program is based largely—perhaps 90%—on analysis of imprecise intelligence.”

"We cannot confirm the identity of any Iraqi facilities that produce, test, fill, or store biological weapons.”

Our knowledge of what biological weapons the Iraqis are able to produce is nearly complete. Our knowledge of how and where they are produced is nearly 90% incomplete.”

We do not know the status of enrichment capabilities. We do not know with confidence the location of any nuclear-weapon-related facilities.”

Please take a look at this material as to what we don’t know about WMD. It is big.” (That one was from Rumsfeld.)

We don’t know with any precision how much we don’t know.”

This is not the language of certainty. Yet certainty was presented to the public to manufacture support for a war which murdered a million Iraqis.

The 2002 Downing Street memo, made public in 2005, reveals a secret meeting between senior officials of the British government, intelligence and defense agencies discussing what they knew about America's plans for war. The text of the document contains an assertion by the head of MI6 that Bush had already determined that the invasion of Iraq would take place, and it was only a matter of fixing bits of intelligence around a narrative to make the case.

"Military action was now seen as inevitable," the document reads. "Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action."

"It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided," the document quotes Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as saying. "But the case was thin."

In a 2008 hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, attorney and author Vincent Bugliosi pointed out that the fact that Bush lied about Iraq could be proven by the difference between the classified 2002 National Intelligence Estimate and its declassified white paper which was made available to the public. The classified version contained dissents from the consensus and language which made it clear that the reader was reading assessments and opinions by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, whereas the unclassified version saw these things deleted, presenting the assessments as absolute fact.

"The evidence that he lied about weapons of mass destruction, by the way, which is not the basis for this book, are right in front of me," Bugliosi said. "I have it right here. Here is the evidence. This document here is the National Intelligence Estimate. I didn't name it before. I talked about a classified report. This is it right here. October 1st, 2002, classified NIE report. It is called Iraq's Continuing Programs of Weapons of Mass Destruction. In this document right here, the CIA and 15 other U.S. intelligence agencies use words like this, 'we assess that' or 'we judge that' Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. This document here is the white paper that was given to you folks here in Congress and the American people. And the words 'we assess that' or 'we judge that' were removed, meaning that you folks here heard a fact, and in fact, it was only an opinion.

"Number two, on nuclear weapons, this document right here, the classified report has several important dissents. This document right here, the white paper that you folks were given and the American people, all of those dissents were deleted."

Over and over and over again we saw the same thing: uncertainty presented as certainty. Guesses presented as fact. Opinions presented as proof. That's a lie. Bush lied. We know this with as much certainty as his administration was pretending to have in the lead-up to the Iraq invasion. There was a pre-existing agenda to invade Iraq, and justifications were advanced to provide an excuse for that invasion with such extreme aggression that now-National Security Advisor John Bolton literally threatened to murder an international official's children for making diplomacy work with Saddam.

Here are a few more courtesy of Vox:

In October 2002, Bush said that Saddam Hussein had a “massive stockpile” of biological weapons. But as CIA Director George Tenet noted in early 2004, the CIA had informed policymakers it had “no specific information on the types or quantities of weapons agent or stockpiles at Baghdad’s disposal.” The “massive stockpile” was just literally made up.

In December 2002, Bush declared, “We do not know whether or not [Iraq] has a nuclear weapon.” That was not what the National Intelligence Estimate said. As Tenet would later testify, “We said that Saddam did not have a nuclear weapon and probably would have been unable to make one until 2007 to 2009.” Bush did know whether or not Iraq had a nuclear weapon — and lied and said he didn’t know to hype the threat.

On CNN in September 2002, Condoleezza Rice claimed that aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq were “only really suited for nuclear weapons programs.” This was precisely the opposite of what nuclear experts at the Energy Department were saying; they argue that not only was it very possible the tubes were for nonnuclear purposes but that it was very likely they were too. Even more dire assessments about the tubes from other agencies were exaggerated by administration officials — and in any case, the claim that they’re “only really suited” for nuclear weapons is just false.

On numerous occasions, Dick Cheney cited a report that 9/11 conspirator Mohammed Atta had met in Prague with an Iraqi intelligence officer. He said this after the CIA and FBI concluded that this meeting never took place.

More generally on the question of Iraq and al-Qaeda, on September 18, 2001, Rice received a memo summarizing intelligence on the relationship, which concluded there was little evidence of links. Nonetheless Bush continued to claim that Hussein was “a threat because he’s dealing with al-Qaeda” more than a year later. 

In August 2002, Dick Cheney declared, “Simply stated, there’s no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.” But as Corn notes, at that time there was “no confirmed intelligence at this point establishing that Saddam had revived a major WMD operation.” Gen. Anthony Zinni, who had heard the same intelligence and attended Cheney’s speech, would later say in a documentary, “It was a total shock. I couldn’t believe the vice president was saying this, you know? In doing work with the CIA on Iraq WMD, through all the briefings I heard at Langley, I never saw one piece of credible evidence that there was an ongoing program.”

In 2007 General Wesley Clark told Democracy Now that he'd actually been informed of the decision to invade Iraq immediately after 9/11, while the crosshairs were turning on Afghanistan and well before the public narrative was being amped up in demand of an invasion of Iraq. His comments read as follows:
About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. 
He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail." 
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!"

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. If you've been following the behaviors of the US war machine, Iraq won't be the only painfully familiar name on that list.

It remains important to learn what we’ve attacked and where. How widespread?
In addition to military targets, I hope we targeted Assad’s palace in Damascus. Leave him alive but destroy his prestige. Leave him without a home, as Assad has left millions of Syrians w/o theirs.

“In the last few months of 2018, Iran officially entered a deep recession.” Time to step up the sanctions... 

Iran's Official Figures Indicate Alarming Unemployment Rate Later This Year

The official unemployment rate has reached 27 percent among young Iranians and over 40 percent among university graduates, says Omid Ali Parsai, chairman of the Iranian Statistical Center.

Ari Fleischer is a liar. He was in the thick of the Bush administration's campaign to sell the Iraq war to the American public, and to this day he continues trying to sell them on new acts of depraved US interventionism. He's just as much a warmongering neocon inside as he was when he was behind a podium defending Bush's wars in the press room, so it's no wonder he wants to preserve the image of his insatiable death cult. Fleischer wants to preserve his legacy, yes, but he also wants to preserve support for the war machine whose feet he worships at, hence his ham-fisted attempt at narrative manipulation regarding the unforgivable Iraq invasion.

The responses to Fleischer's Twitter thread have been overwhelmingly negative, though, so it doesn't look like anyone's buying it. In our new political landscape, where the image of George W Bush is being continually rehabilitated, that gives me a bit of hope.

These monsters lied to start a war which snuffed out a million human lives and destabilized an entire region, and they did it right in front of our faces. The fact that they're now trying to lie about the thing we all watched them do is as insulting as it is infuriating. Never let them pull the wool over your eyes, and never forget what they did. Forgiveness is highly overrated.

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Caitlin Johnstone | March 20, 2019 at 3:25 pm | Tags: Ari Fleisherbushgeorge w bushinvasioniraqliednewsPoliticswar | Categories: ArticleNews | URL:

* NIE: National Intelligence Estimate
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