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Posts tonen met het label J. Greenblatt. Alle posts tonen

maandag 1 april 2019

Christchurch aanslag: witte nationalistische terreur >> een uitvoerproduct van de VS

De terreuraanslag tegen 2 moskeeën in Christchruch (Nieuw-Zeeland) werd door witte nationalisten gepleegd. Volgens Paul J. Becker en Art Jipson is het witte nationalisme dat tot deze en andere terreuraanslagen tegen moslims heeft geleid, een product van de VS. De terrorist die in Christchurch schoot, ziet de witte nationalisten (fascisten) in de VS dan ook als groot voorbeeld....

Trump stelde eerder dat het nationalisme geen grote problemen oplevert*, echter de uitkomsten van een onderzoek door de Universiteit van Chicago en de VN laten het tegenovergestelde zien.....

Het geweld van witte nationalisten, wat mij betreft in veel gevallen niets anders dan fascisme, neemt toe in het westen. Niet vreemd als je ziet dat deze nationalisten de xenofobie die leeft bij een fiks deel van de diverse westerse bevolkingen en de bij deze groepen gekweekte anti-immigratie gevoelens voeden met haat- en angstzaaierij tegen/voor vreemdelingen, of die haat- en angstzaaierij nu tegen/voor hun geloof, huidskleur, of land van oorsprong wordt gevoerd......

Over fascisme gesproken: ook in de EU wordt deze 'ideologie' steeds groter en het is niet ondenkbaar dat fascisten binnen afzienbare tijd (10 tot 20 jaar) zelfs de grootste fractie in het EU parlement zullen vormen........

Het volgende artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op The Conversation en werd door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media (de tweede foto komt van The Conversation):

Born in the USA, White Nationalism is Now a Global Terror Threat

March 29, 2019 at 8:52 am
Written by The Conversation

(CONVERSATION) — The recent massacre of 50 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand is the latest confirmation that white supremacy is a danger to democratic societies across the globe.

Despite President Donald Trump’s suggestion that white nationalist terrorism is not a major problem, recent data from the United NationsUniversity of Chicago and other sources show the opposite.

As more people embrace a xenophobic and anti-immigrant worldview, it is fueling hostility and violence toward those deemed “outsiders” – whether because of their religion, skin color or national origin.

Transnational violence

Most of the Western world – from Switzerland and Germany to the United States, Scandinavia and New Zealand – has witnessed a potent nationalist strain infecting society in recent years.

Driven by fear over the loss of white primacy, white nationalists believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of Western society.

Every people in the world can have their own country except white people,” the American Freedom Party’s William Daniel Johnson told the Chicago Sun Times after the New Zealand attack. “We should have white ethno-states.”

In researching our upcoming book on extremism – our joint area of academic expertise – we found that hate crimes have risen alongside the global spread of white nationalism. Racist attacks on refugees, immigrants, Muslims and Jews are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate.

Scholars studying the internationalization of hate crimes call this dangerous phenomenon “violent transnationalism.”

Polish right-wing nationalists at a rally in Lodz, Sept. 12, 2015. Reuters/Marcin Stepien/Agencja Gazeta

In Europe, white violence appears to have been triggered by the sudden increase, in 2015, of refugees fleeing war in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Ultra-nationalists across the continent – including politicians at the highest rungs of power – used the influx as evidence of the imminent “cultural genocide” of white people.

White nationalism is a US export

This disturbing international trend, in its modern incarnation, was born in the United States.

Since the 1970s, a small, vocal cadre of American white supremacists have sought to export their ideology of hate. Avowed racists like Ku Klux Klan wizard David Duke, Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler and extremist author William Pierce believe the white race is under attack worldwide by a cultural invasion of immigrants and people of color.

The United States is diversifying, but it remains 77 percent white. White supremacists, however, have long contended that the country’s demographic changes will lead to an extermination of the white race and culture.

The “alt-right” – an umbrella term describing modern online white supremacist movement – uses the same language. And it has expanded this 20th-century xenophobic worldview to portray refugees, Muslims and progressives as a threat, too.

Alt-right leaders like Richard Spencer, extremist Jared Taylor and the Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin also use social media to share their ideology and recruit members across borders.

They have found a global audience of white supremacists who, in turn, have also used the internet to share their ideas, encourage violence and broadcast their hate crimes worldwide.

The hatred that led to violence in Pittsburgh and Charlottesville is finding new adherents around the world,” Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a civil liberties watchdog, told USA Today after the New Zealand attack.

Indeed, it appears that this attack was not just focused on New Zealand; it was intended to have a global impact.”

Rising racist violence

We know the alleged New Zealand mosque shooter’s hatred of Muslims was inspired by American white nationalism – he said so on Twitter.

His online “manifesto” includes references to cultural conflicts that the author believed would eventually lead the United States to separate along ethnic, political and racial lines.

The alleged attacker also wrote that he supports President Donald Trump“as a symbol of renewed white identity.”

Trump and other right-wing politicians like French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders have blamed the very real problems of modern life – growing economic instability, rising inequality and industrial decay – on immigrants and people of color.

That narrative has added further hostility into the existing undercurrent of intolerance in increasingly multicultural societies like the United States.

Hate crimes against Muslims, immigrants and people of color have been on the rise in the U.S. since 2014.

In 2015, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented 892 hate crimes. The next year, it counted 917 hate crimes. In 2017 – the year Trump took office stoking nationalist sentiment with promises to build walls, deport Mexicans and ban Muslims – the U.S. saw 954 white supremacist attacks.

One of them was a violent clash between counterprotesters and white nationalists over the removal of a confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia. The 2017 “Unite the Right” rally, which killed one person and injured dozens, amplified the ideas of modern white nationalists nationally and worldwide.

Last year, white nationalists killed at least 50 people in the United States. Their victims included 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagoguetwo elderly black shoppers in a Kroger parking lot in Kentucky and two women practicing yoga in Florida.

The years 2015, 2016 and 2018 were the United States’ deadliest years for extremist violence since 1970, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

All perpetrators of deadly extremist violence in the U.S. in 2018 had links to white nationalist groups. That made 2018 “a particularly active year for right-wing extremist murders,” the Anti-Defamation League says.

Nationalist terror is a danger to the domestic security of the United States and, evidence shows, a global terror threat that endangers the very nature of global democratic society.


* Niet zo vreemd dat Trump het nationalisme niet als een bedreiging ziet, immers hij is zelf een nationalist en gezien veel van zijn uitlatingen, zoals zijn haat- en angstzaaien tegen/voor vluchtelingen en de woorden van waardering die hij uitspreekt voor figuren als Bolsonaro, de fascistische president van Brazilië, kan je ook Trump als fascistisch aanduiden......

Zie ook:
'Christchurch terreuraanslag: de normalisatie van anti-moslim terreur en westerse oorlogsvoering in moslimlanden'

'Christchurch terreuraanslag: maatschappij niet gebaat bij censuur op fascisme'

'Christ Church >> fascistische terreuraanslag >> 49 doden......'

Thierry Baudet (FVD) ging ook na de terreuraanslag gisteren door met verkiezingscampagne' (met een verwijzing naar de aanslag in Christchurch)

Het label SPLC direct onder dit bericht staat voor 'Southern Poverty Law Center'.

donderdag 8 november 2018

Israël misbruikt de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh voor demonisering van steun aan de Palestijnen.......

Het fascistische apartheidsbewind in Israël heeft het gore lef om 'heel fijntjes' de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh te misbruiken voor verdere demonisering van de mensen, die zich inzetten voor het zwaar onderdrukte Palestijnse volk........ Sterker nog: het Israëlische oorlogsmisdadigers-kabinet heeft niet opgeroepen de neonazi's in de VS aan te pakken, neonazi's die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het manipuleren van anderen met hun antisemitische leugens, ofwel haatzaaierij die tot de aanslag* in Pittsburgh hebben geleid......

Werkelijk ongelofelijk hoe men kritiek op het bloedige bewind van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël af denkt te kunnen doen als antisemitisme....... Alsof kritiek hebben op de massamoorden die de staat Israël begaat te vergelijken is met de Holocaust, de vreselijke Jodenvervolging door de nazi's in WOII..... Hier draait men werkelijk de wereld op de kop!! Ofwel: je kan zonder meer zeggen dat de Israëlische terreur tegen de Palestijnen tot op bepaalde hoogte is te vergelijken met de massamoord (één van de zwaarste vormen van terreur) op de Joden tijdens WOII.....

Wat een geteisem, allemachtig!!!

Hier een bericht van Mondoweiss over deze zaak, geschreven door Scott Roth:

The Israeli government is using the Pittsburgh synagogue attack to demonize those who support Palestinian rights

The aftermath of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre has been depressing. Instead of calling out the sort of right-wing white nationalist racism that led to the horrific scene last week, the Israeli government has instead used the attack to demonize those who support Palestinian rights.

It’s a pathetic and rather disgusting attempt to draw equivalence between real, classical anti-Semitism and principled criticism of Israeli policy. Rather than examine the very real and problematic relationship between Zionism and white nationalism, self-appointed anti-Semitism hunters would rather use Pittsburgh to further their own political ends - protecting Israel, at any cost. And this is what the Lobby is protecting,at the cost of excusing homicidal anti-Semitism. Anything beyond lukewarm criticism of Israel that doesn't mention "Palestinians" seems to be enough to register as anti-Semitism for these people.

Hier een ander artikel van Mondoweiss geschreven door Adam Horowitz, onder dezelfde titel als het artikel hierboven:

Yesterday during an interview on MSNBC, Ron Dermer, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, placed the blame for the attack on both white supremacists and the “radical left,” which is clearly code for BDS activists.
Dermer said
One of the big forces in college campuses today is anti-Semitism. And those anti-Semites are usually not neo-Nazis, on college campuses. They’re coming from the radical left. We have to stand against anti-Semitism whether it comes from the right or whether it comes from the left.”
This is a disgusting lie. But it is part and parcel with the recent push by the Israeli government and its supporters in the West to redefine the meaning of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel.
When faced the most blatant example of antisemitic violence imaginable, Dermer can’t bring himself to criticize the actual accomplices who made this violence possible. Donald Trump, who declared himself a “nationalist” earlier in the week, and the forces of white supremacy in this country have created the atmosphere where this type of violence is possible, even predictable. Yet during the MSNBC interview Dermer said Trump is to be praised for his statements on antisemitism, in no large part because the Trump administration has been a strong supporter of the rightwing Netanyahu government that Dermer represents.
This is where Israel finds itself in 2018. The same “nationalist” voices attacking George Soros and the “globalists” are also some of Israel’s greatest supporters in the U.S.
But it’s not just the Israeli government looking to use Pittsburgh.
Writing in the New York Times ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt did the same thing, equating the ideology behind the deadly attack on the 11 American Jews who were killed while praying with criticism of the state of Israel.

The both sidesism in this Greenblatt piece is a disgrace. Head of @ADL_National can't even bring himself to name the Republican party as the chief American exporters of anti-Semitic incitement.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach did the same yesterday:
Statement by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on the Jewish Mass Murder in Pittsburgh

Same with the Israel Project’s Josh Block:

In light of today’s shooting in Pittsburgh, re-upping this thread. It is important to talk about how growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are creating a toxic brew coming from both the fringe right & left.

The murderous rampage at the Tree of Life synagogue had absolutely nothing to do with the struggle for Palestinian rights. And anyone who is telling you there is is shamelessly trying to use the murder of 11 innocent people to further their own racist agenda to dehumanize Palestinians and justify their ongoing oppression by the state of Israel.

* ongelofelijk maar waar: een aantal mediaorganen als AD en noemen deze aanslag een 'synagoge moord', i.p.v. deze moorden aan te duiden als een terroristische aanslag.......

Zie ook:
'Kritiek op Israël wordt door een leger van Israëlische trollen bevochten'

'Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart'

'De film over de pro-Israëlische lobby in de VS, die Israël verboden wil zien.........'

'Israël zet snelle reactiemacht op poten tegen anti-Israëlische kritiek'

'Jeremy Corbyn wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet.......'

'Britse justitie gaat 'hate crimes' van Labour onderzoeken'

'Israël en VS werken samen in tegenwerken van critici op beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen'