Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label NIST. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label NIST. Alle posts tonen

maandag 6 september 2021

'Novitsjok vergiftiging Skripals': officiële Britse documenten tonen aan dat de bloedstalen zijn gemanipuleerd

Beetje kort door de bocht de kop op dit bericht, maar niet te kort. De vergiftiging van de Skripals met novitsjok nadert na meer dan 3 jaar de ontknoping, al zullen er meer dan genoeg mensen zijn die dit verhaal van meet af aan niet geloofd hebben, daar ze weten dat elke blootstelling van dit gif zonder meer dodelijk is en volkomen terecht: een aanval met novitsjok is niet te overleven, in géén ziekenhuis op onze planeet.......Novitsjok is zelfs het dodelijkste bestaande chemische wapen.....

Naar nu blijkt is er gerommeld met de stalen bloed die bij de Skripals zijn afgenomen en dat volkomen illegaal daar het protocol dat in dit soort zaken gevolgd moet worden op meerder manieren werd overtreden..... Naar nu blijkt hebben niet alleen Oekraïne en Groot-Brittannië nog voorraden novitsjok maar ook de VS en Duitsland..... Alle tijdsprotocollen zijn overtreden in het onderzoek naar de bloedstalen, dit gecombineerd met de wetenschap dat zoals gezegd geen mens een aanraking met novitsjok zonder beschermende kleding kan overleven, geeft aan dat men de bloedstalen dusdanig heeft gemanipuleerd dat het lijkt alsof de Skripals met een novitsjok aanslag te maken hadden...... Niet alleen dat, maar al kort na de 'aanslag' werd bekend gemaakt dat men in Rusland weliswaar de formule heeft om novitsjok te maken, maar dat zelf nooit heeft gemaakt, daar men concludeerde dat deze chemische stof niet is te gebruiken tegen vijanden...... (het zou zich als bijvoorbeeld mosterdgas tegen de eigen militairen dan wel bevolking kunnen keren)

Either Russians Are The Dumbest Idiots On Earth, Or… –

Uiteraard zet dit nogmaals grote vraagtekens bij de novitsjok aanval op de fascistische misdadiger Navalny, waar sommige westerse media durfden te stellen dat Navalny 2 keer met novitsjok is aangevallen..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Na de eerste keer zou hij al morsdood zijn geweest, hoe kan je hem dan nog een keer vergiftigen met novitsjok??!!!

Het volgende artikel geschreven door Dilyana Gaytandzhieva werd gepubliceerd op Defend Democracy Press. De documenten zijn verkregen middels de Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), wat men hier een 'WOB procedure' noemt (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur), althans een procedure die is te vergelijken met deze in Nederland gebruikte procedure om zaken aan het licht te brengen....... 

De novitsjok die na manipulatie werd aangetroffen in de bloedstalen van de Skripals werd geproduceerd in de VS, aldus Dennis Rohrbaugh van de US Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command’s Edgewood Research Development and Engineering Center......

Gaytandzhieva stelt in de kop van haar artikel dat het Britse ministerie van defensie de bloedstalen van de Skripals zou hebben kunnen manipuleren, echter gezien deze documenten en eerdere onderzoeken van echte journalisten en uitlatingen van specialisten op het gebied van chemische wapens, kan je niet anders concluderen dan dat manipulatie op zeker heeft plaatsgevonden!!! 

Lees het artikel van Gaytandzhievaen geeft het door, daar de reguliere media deze info niet zullen brengen, daar kan je donder op zeggen, immers dat zou ten overvloede nog eens aantonen dat ze hun werk niet hebben gedaan, maar zich hebben laten oplichten door diverse instanties, waaronder de Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) en het Britse ministerie van defensie, terwijl die meermaals zijn betrapt op liegen en manipulatie van berichtgeving....... (o.a. door klokkenluiders van de OPCW, wat betreft de leugens van het Britse ministerie van defensie: daarmee kan je een fiks archief vullen....). Je kan dan ook concluderen dat de aanslag op de Skripals en de vermeende vergiftiging van Nalavlny niets anders zijn dan 'false flag operaties'*, waarmee Rusland werd en wordt gedemoniseerd, een heel smerige vorm van propaganda..... (waarop de smerige nazi Goebbels jaloers zou zijn geweest):

UK Defense ministry document reveals Skripals blood samples could have been manipulated

By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva

New evidence has emerged of gross violations during the UK investigation into the alleged poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury on 4th March 2018. The new revelations put into question the main evidence that the Skripals were poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok.

The blood samples taken from the Skripals could have been tampered with so that they test positive for Novichok, newly disclosed information obtained from the UK Ministry of Defense reveals. Furthermore, documents show that Russia was not the only country in the world that could be linked to the nerve agent Novichok.

The US had covered up its own Novichok program masked as research on fourth generation nerve agents (FGAs) and muzzled the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) a decade before the Skripals attack.

Breach of chain of custody

Newly disclosed information obtained from the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) questions the integrity of the main evidence that the Skripals were poisoned with Novichok, namely their blood samples. The ministry is in charge of the British military laboratory DSTL Porton Down which analyzed the Skripals blood samples and reportedly identified Novichok.

“Our searches have failed to locate any information that provides the exact time that the samples were collected”, the ministry states. The information held by MOD therefore indicates that the samples were collected at some point between 16:15 on 4 March 2018 and 18:45 on 5 March 2018 (the approximate time according to MOD when the samples arrived at DSTL Porton Down). Even the time of arrival at Porton Down is indicated as “approximate”.

The lack of this information is gross violation and breach of the chain of custody. The UK NHS protocol requires that a request form accompany all specimens sent to the laboratory and clearly state the exact (not approximate) date and time of collection. This newly disclosed information questions the whole Skripals Novichok poisoning story. The fact that the chain of custody of these blood samples was broken directly suggests that they could have been manipulated and tampered with.



According to the UK Defense Ministry document, there is no information as to when exactly (date and time) the blood samples were collected. Hence, these samples are inadmissible evidence in court as without a proper chain of custody the samples could have been manipulated and contaminated with Novichok.

A British toxicologist with extensive knowledge in the field of organophosphate pesticide analysis who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons has reviewed the MOD document: “It is inconceivable that with such a visibility case, and the obvious significance of any and all biological samples, normal and expected sample logging and documentation did not take place. The person drawing the sample, in any clinical or forensic setting knows that the date and time must be recorded, and the donor positively identified. In a criminal case, evidence gleaned from these samples would be thrown out as inadmissible. Custody seals can be broken and re-applied. In a normal blood draw, the donor would sign the seal which is placed over the vials. In this case, with the donors apparently unconscious, then the phlebotomist would do the signing, and be able to later verify his/her signature on the seal. As we don’t know when, or possibly where the samples were taken, it would be difficult to prove that the seals were in fact the original seals. This lack of protocol is either very sloppy or clandestine.”

What is Chain of Custody and why is it important

The chain of custody is the most critical process of evidence documentation. Chain of Custody (CoC), in legal contexts, refers to the system of controls governing the collection, processing and storage of samples. These controls reduce the potential for samples to be accidentally or maliciously tampered with.

A template of Chain of Custody (CoC) form includes detailed information about each person handling the sample(s) from the time of collection to its receipt by the analyst. This essential information is missing in the Skripals case. Even the time of arrival at Porton Down is “approximate” not exact, according to the UK MoD document.

The chain of custody can be broken if:

  1. a custody form is labeled incorrectly or is missing information such as exact date and time of collection, transfer and receipt
  2. if a transfer of evidence takes an unreasonable amount of time, or
  3. if there is reason to believe the evidence was tampered with

Although even one of the above conditions is enough for the chain of custody to be broken, in the Skripals case all three are present:

  1. According to MoD, there is no information as to when the samples were collected and the time when they arrived at Porton Down is approximate (not exact)

2. The blood samples arrived at Porton Down 25 hours after the Skripals were admitted to hospital, according to MoD. For reference, the distance between the Salisbury district hospital and Porton Down is only 13 km or an 18-minute drive which means that the transfer of evidence took an unreasonable amount of time.

Porton Down is located 13 km from the Salisbury District Hospital.

Source: Google Map

3.There are four reasons to believe the samples were tampered with since:

3.1. None of the people who were in direct contact with the Skripas tested positive for Novichok. According to the UK government, the nerve agent had been sprayed on the door handle of the Skripals house.  Yulia and her father Sergei touched the door handle and few hours later the two collapsed simultaneously on a bench in Salisbury. Meanwhile, few minutes after they had reportedly been poisoned by touching the door handle, the Skripals handed bread to three children to feed ducks. One of the children even ate the bread. This was documented by CCTV footage which the police showed to their parents. Despite the direct contact, no one of the children developed any symptoms of poisoning and their blood tests showed no traces of Novichok.

3.2. We have been told that Novichok is the deadliest nerve agent ever developed. However, none of the alleged “Kremlin targets” (the Skripals and Alexei Navalny) died and all made full recovery without any damage to their health or permanent harm. How is it possible that the deadliest nerve agent in the world has caused no harm to any of the targeted victims and they all fully recovered?

3.3. Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with the drug Fentanyl, not the Novichok nerve agent, the initial report on the incident reveals. After I published this report on my Twitter account the information was immediately redacted and the drug Fentanyl was deleted from the original version.

3.4 Porton Down, which received and analyzed the blood samples, had already had Novichok prior to the alleged Skripals poisoning, according to British prime minister Boris Johnson. Although the UK Government publicly lied that only Russia could have been the source of the Novichok nerve agent, as it turns out, Porton Down could have also been the source of the Novichok agent identified coincidentally exactly by Porton Down in the Skripals blood samples.

The Navalny case

The chain of custody can be broken if a transfer of evidence takes an unreasonable amount of time. Such is the case with another alleged nerve agent victim – Alexey Navalny. His biological samples were collected in a German hospital and were delayed by 5 days before being transferred to OPCW designated laboratories, an OPCW document reveals.

Alexey Navalny fell sick during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow on 20th August 2020 and was taken to a hospital in Omsk following an emergency landing. The Russian hospital identified no poison in his blood and attributed his condition to metabolic disorder. At the request of Navalny’s wife Yulia, Russia allowed the patient to be transported for medical treatment in Germany two days later. Germany announced that Russia had poisoned Navalny with Novichock and requested assistance from OPCW.  The following timeline of events as described by OPCW clearly shows that the biomedical samples taken from Navalny were inexplicably delayed by 5 days (working days according to the calendar) before being transferred to OPCW designated laboratories:

According to the OPCW report, biomedical samples were taken from Navalny on 6th September. On 11th of September OPCW received a request from Germany (5 working days after the samples were collected) and sent them to OPCW designated labs for analyses. According to recently declassified correspondence between Germany and OPCW about the Navalny alleged poisoning, “the samples’ transmission to OPCW reference laboratories should only take place after the consent by Germany”. Although the samples had already been collected, Germany delayed its permission by 5 days (working days according to the calendar.) There is no explanation as to why Germany delayed its permission for so many days.



Like the UK, Germany also possessed Novichok prior to the Navalny alleged poisoning. The sample was obtained in the 1990s, according to German media. In a joint report, German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, the weekly Die Zeit and broadcasters NDR and WDR said Germany’s BND spy agency had secured the sample of the Novichok nerve agent from a Russian scientist. The German media report said the BND had informed the U.S. and British intelligence agencies about the case following the analysis, and small amounts of the poison were later produced in several NATO member states. One of these NATO member states was the US.

Documents reveal how US covered up its own Novichok program as research on FGAs

The US Army produced Novichok A-234 (the same nerve agent identified in the Skripals blood samples) in 1998 and in 2002 launched a special Novichok research program masked as research on Fourth generation agents (FGAs), documents reveal.

Dennis Rohrbaugh from the US Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command’s Edgewood Research Development and Engineering Center added the mass spectrometry profile of the Novichok nerve agent A-234 to the 1998-2001 version (NIST 98) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Mass Spectral Library. The Biochemical facility at Edgewood was making, synthesizing and analysing A-234 for some 20 years before the Skripal attack in Salisbury.

Voor de rest van het artikel zie het origineel.


* Zie: ''False flag terror' bestaat wel degelijk: bekentenissen en feiten over heel smerige zaken.........' (en zie de links in dat artikel!!)


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'Novitsjok onzin: de feiten doen er niet meer toe als Rusland maar hangt voor de 'vergiftiging van Navalny'' en zie:

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'Rusland schuldig verklaard voor aanslag op Skripal, echter onafhankelijke controle van 'het bewijsmateriaal' wordt geweigerd......' (!!!!!)

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