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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label Panetta. Alle posts tonen

zondag 6 juni 2021

UFO openbaringen VS ministerie 'van defensie' de manier om nog meer oorlogsbudget te verkrijgen

Het is intussen wel duidelijk waarom het Pentagon en het VS ministerie van defensie (lees: van oorlog) hebben besloten bepaalde gegevens en zelfs video's vrij te geven waarmee men het 'bewijs geeft' dat er wel degelijk 'ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten' ofwel UFO's bestaan. Niet om de gelovers in buitenaards leven te steunen in hun overtuiging, maar om het meer dan belachelijke grote budget voor defensie uh oorlogsvoering van 735 miljard dollar nog verder op te schroeven.... Zoals te verwachten: de reguliere media in de VS en bepaald niet de kleinste organen, gaan mee met de theorie dat UFO's van Russische en/of Chinese makelij moeten zijn, niet vreemd als je bedenkt dat de eigenaren grootaandeelhouders zijn van de wapenindustrie en de oliemaatschappijen (oorlog is goed voor een hoge olieprijs)

Men stelt dat als eerste moet worden aangenomen dat het niet om buitenaards leven gaat, maar dat de vliegend objecten van Russische of Chinese makelij zijn en dat daarmee tevens is bewezen dat de VS mijlenver achterloopt op technologie van Rusland en/of China......

Caitlin Johnstone haalt in het hieronder opgenomen artikel van haar hand Lue Elizondo aan, een veteraan van de militaire geheime dienst, die de huidige UFO openbaringen in 2017 aan het rollen bracht. In een gesprek bij 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' liet hij weten dat de Russisch/Chinese complottheorie je reinste kul is, ten eerste daar de verhalen over UFO's gezien door luchtmachtpiloten terug gaan tot 70 jaar geleden en toen kon China amper het hoofd boven water houden, laat staan dat ze zich bezig zouden hebben gehouden met degelijke geavanceerde techniek..... Ten tweede kan Rusland uitgesloten worden daar de Russen na de instorting van de Sovjet-Unie in 1991 hun kennis over UFO's hebben gedeeld met de VS.

Aan het voorgaande zou ik nog een derde punt willen toevoegen: als China of Rusland al lang over dergelijke technologie zouden beschikken, hadden ze de VS al lang kunnen aanvallen, immers deze UFO's vliegen met snelheden en wendingen die de luchtmacht van de VS volgens eigen zeggen het nakijken geven en deze luchtmacht zouden hebben kunnen wegvagen!! Verder zou ik nog willen toevoegen dat de mensheid ervan uitgaat dat buitenaards leven maar één ding wil: de mensheid uitroeien, een totaal belachelijk denken, immers als dat de opzet zou zijn, was de mensheid al lang weggevaagd, althans als je gelooft in UFO's en buitenaards leven..... Hier kan je nog aan toevoegen dat een buitenaardse beschaving die de kennis heeft om in feite in tijd te kunnen reizen (immers om de aarde te kunnen bereiken moet je enorme afstanden afleggen en met onze technologie zouden daar generaties overheen gaan), deze technologie alleen kunnen bereiken als het een beschaving is waar men elkaar niet naar het leven staat, anders gezegd: niet zoals wij met elkaar omgaan..... (zo is deze anti-Russische en Chinese propaganda niet anders dan een volgende stap in Koude Oorlog 2.0......)

Het is dan ook een schande dat men zelfs het geloof in UFO's misbruikt om anti-Russische en Chinese propaganda te maken en deze landen nog verder te demoniseren, terwijl de VS zelf NB de meest agressieve staat op onze planeet is, het gestolen land (verkregen met de grootste genocide ooit) dat alleen deze eeuw al meer dan 5 miljoen mensen heeft vermoord in illegale oorlogen en met standrechtelijke executies van verdachten middels drones, waarbij meer dan 90% van de vermoorde slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht..... Dit nog naast het feit dat de VS (CIA) opstanden organiseert en regisseert in landen die niet aan haar hand wensen te lopen, ook al zijn de regeringen van dergelijke landen democratisch gekozen.... Dan zijn er nog de illegale sancties die de VS landen oplegt die haar niet welgevallig zijn en waar de VS vanwege grondstoffen of strategische ligging een marionet in het zadel wil hebben, sancties die het volk in zo'n land opstandig moet maken........(het is een smerige leugen dat de VS voor de verspreiding van democratie en vrijheid is, zie haar banden met bloedige dictators, als die in Saoedi-Arabië, Egypte, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten [VAE], de Filipijnen en ga nog maar even door.........)

Caitlin stelt terecht dat UFO gelovers rekening moeten houden met de houding van het Pentagon en het VS ministerie van oorlog >> het misbruiken van ontmoetingen met UFO's om een nog groter budget te verkrijgen..........

Media Converges On The Narrative That UFOs May Be Russian/Chinese Threat


by Caitlin Johnstone


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So in case you haven't been keeping up it's been pretty thoroughly confirmed that the US government's highly anticipated UFO report due this month won't contain any significant revelations and certainly won't verify anyone's ideas about these phenomena being extraterrestrial in origin, but it absolutely will contain fearmongering that UFOs could be evidence that the US has fallen dangerously behind Russian and Chinese technological development in the cold war arms race.

Unknown US officials have done a print media tour speaking to the press on condition of anonymity (of course), with first The New York Times reporting their statements about the contents of the UFO report and then CNN and The Washington Post. Each of these outlets reported the same thing: the US government doesn't know what these things are but is very concerned they constitute evidence that Russia and/or China have somehow managed to technologically leapfrog US military development by light years. All three mention these two nations explicitly.

This narrative was then picked up by cable news, with MSNBC inviting former CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta on to explain to their audience that the US government should assume UFOs are Russian or Chinese in origin until that possibility has been exhausted.

"Is it your assumption that it is Russia or China testing some crazy technology that we somehow don't have, or are we sort of over-assuming the abilities of China and Russia and that the only other explanation is that if it is not us ourselves then it is something otherworldly?" MSNBC's Chuck Todd asked Panetta.

"I believe a lot of this stuff probably could be countries like Russia, like China, like others, who are using now drones, using the kind of sophisticated weaponry that could very well be involved in a lot of these sightings," Panetta replied. "I think that's the area to go to very frankly in order to identify what's happening."

"It sounds like you think we should exhaust that out, exhaust that hypothesis first before you start dealing with other hypotheses," Todd said.

"Yeah, absolutely," said Panetta, who for the record is every bit as much of a tyrannical, thuggish imperialist cold warrior as any other CIA director.

This UFOs-as-Chinese/Russian-threat narrative has quickly been picked up and thrust into mainstream orthodoxy by all the major branches of the mass media, from Fox News to Reuters to The Guardian to Today to the BBC to USA Today. Whenever you see the imperial media converge to this extent upon a single narrative, that's the Official Narrative of the empire. We can expect to see a lot more of this going forward.

Interestingly, the only mass media segment I've seen on this topic since the New York Times story broke which doesn't promote the UFOs-as-Chinese/Russian-threat narrative is a guest appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight by Lue Elizondo, the military intelligence veteran who got the ball rolling on the new UFO narrative which emerged in 2017. Elizondo goes out of his way to tell Carlson (who himself has been promoting the idea that UFOs may be a foreign adversarial threat with cartoonish melodrama) that there's no way these could be Russian or Chinese aircraft.

Elizondo, who seems to favor the UFOs-as-extraterrestrials narrative, argues that there are extensive records of military encounters with these phenomena stretching back seventy years, which rules out China since it could barely keep its head above water back then and rules out Russia because it shared its UFO knowledge with the US after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I don't know what's going on with that last bit; I see no reason to trust that an American spook is acting in good faith on such an easily manipulated topic, but it is entirely possible that Elizondo set out on this road out of a sincere desire for government disclosure on UFOs and is now trying to regain control of the narrative now that he sees the cold war arms race direction it has taken.

Chris Melon, another major player in the new UFO narrative, recently complained on Twitter that "some important information was not shared" with the public in the UFO report. So who knows, maybe the initiators of this new UFO narrative were acting in good faith and their efforts were just swiftly hijacked by forces beyond their control to advance preexisting cold war agendas.

Clearest indication yet that the Imminent UAP report to Congress was neutered by access problems, this from @ChristopherKMe4: “Undoubtedly, some important information was not shared, potentially for a variety of reasons. Congress should inquire about that” 

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Regardless of whether or not that's true, it was always inevitable that this strange new rabbit hole of UFOs going mainstream was going to lead to more cold war propaganda. I've been interacting a bit with the online UFO community for the first time ever, and it seems like they're mostly decent people with good intentions and a lot of hope for this new governmental investigation. But it also seems like they're largely a community which mostly just talks to itself and is only just beginning to meet the cold harsh light of day that is the impenetrable depravity of the US war machine.

The US government is pure swamp; you can't use the swamp to fix the swamp. Democrats were never going to use a Special Counsel to remove Trump, Trump was never going to take down the Deep State, and the US government isn't going to investigate itself and tell everyone that aliens are real.

If there are indeed extraterrestrials and they are indeed flying around our world in strange aircraft, we are more likely to get the truth about this from the extraterrestrials themselves than from the US military. The war machine only does killing and destruction; it's not going to suddenly develop an interest in truth and transparency. The sooner UFO enthusiasts realize this the better.


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Caitlin Johnstone | June 6, 2021 at 1:10 am | Tags: china, cold war, media, MSM, propaganda, Russia, UFOs | Categories: Article, News | URL:

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Moet nog toevoegen dat ik zeker ben dat de mensheid in de gaten wordt gehouden door beschavingen die technologisch gezien duizenden jaren voorlopen op ons, niets om bang voor te zijn, integendeel zo hoop ik dat een dergelijke beschaving in zal grijpen voordat we de wereld werkelijk de nek omdraaien (waar we hard mee bezig zijn....).....

Zie ook: 'Pentagon geeft toe onderzoek naar UFO's te doen'

Terzijde, zie ook: 'Wetenschappers denken werkelijk dat je door een zwart gat kan reizen naar een ander universum

zaterdag 29 juni 2019

Joe Biden zegt de illegale oorlog tegen Irak te hebben gestopt

Tijdens het debat voor de democratische voorverkiezing van de kandidaat voor de presidentsverkiezingen in 2020, stelde Joe Biden plompverloren dat hij verantwoordelijk was voor de terugtrekking van de VS troepen uit Irak in 2011 en dat hij daarmee een eind had gemaakt aan de illegale oorlog die de VS in 2003 tegen dat land begon, een oorlog waar hij NB voor stemde.........

Deze terugtrekking van troepen, 150.000 militairen in totaal, was al gepland door de Bush administratie en niet de Obama administratie, waarvan Biden deel uitmaakte.....

Lees het ontluisterende verhaal over Biden, in feite een oorlogsmisdadiger, immers hij was als vicepresident van de VS mede verantwoordelijk voor de illegale oorlogen die Obama begon, zoals die tegen Libië en Syrië, voorts droeg hij mede verantwoordelijkheid voor de gewelddadige opstand in Oekraïne en de daarop volgende oorlog tegen de burgers van Oost-Oekraïne........ Burgers die terecht boos waren dat de door hen democratisch gekozen president Janoekovytsj werd afgezet en NB werd vervangen door een neonazi-junta onder Porosjenko, de door de VS geparachuteerde leider, die geen bondgenootschap wenste met Rusland, maar met de EU en de VS........

Een paar kanttekeningen: van een daadwerkelijk einde aan de oorlog in Irak is nog steeds geen sprake en voorts zijn er nog steeds VS militairen in Irak..... Verder is de VS mede verantwoordelijk voor de vorming van IS en de steun voor terreurgroepen die tekeergingen tegen sjiieten en aanhangers van andere geloven in Irak en Syrië, waar deze terroristen (naast IS o.a. Al Qaida) in dat laatste land m.n. streden en nog strijden tegen het democratisch gekozen bewind Assad...... 

Overigens laat het hieronder opgenomen artikel nog eens zien, hoe belangrijk het klokkenluiden door Chelsea Manning was en is, en dat we blij mogen zijn met Wikileaks, zodat we een groot deel van de uiterst smerige machinaties door de VS hebben kunnen achterhalen, zoals de moord in 2006 op een aantal Irakezen, t.w, 5 kinderen en 4 vrouwen die in 2006 geboeid standrechtelijk werden geëxecuteerd door VS militairen en niet zoals de VS verklaarde waren omgekomen bij een (lucht-) bombardement....... De wereld heeft er totaal geen baat bij dergelijke zware oorlogsmisdaden van de VS onder de pet te houden, integendeel!! Yankee go home!!!

Het  hieronder weergegeven artikel werd geschreven door Kevin Gosztola, verscheen eerder op Shadow Proof (SP) en werd door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Joe Biden Took Credit for Ending the Iraq War During the Debate

June 28, 2019 at 6:37 pm
Written by Kevin Gosztola

(SP) — Former vice president Joe Biden took credit for withdrawing 150,000 United States troops from Iraq during the Democratic presidential debate. But the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq was part of a status of forces agreement (SOFA) President George W. Bush established with the Iraqi government.

As the Washington Post reported in November 2008, “The Bush administration agreed to a total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011.” The agreement also placed “additional restrictions on how U.S. troops conducted missions,” and required a “pullout from Iraqi urban areas by July 2009.”

In fact, in early 2011, Obama and his advisers planned to keep a residual force in Iraq, but they didn’t tell Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki or the American people.

According to James F. Jeffrey, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey and Iraq, “Washington had to determine the size of a residual force. That dragged on, with the military pushing for a larger force, and the White House for a small presence at or below 10,000, due to costs and the president’s prior ‘all troops out’ position. In June, the president decided on the force level (eventually 5,000) and obtained Mr. Maliki’s assent to new SOFA talks.”

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said to Biden, “You made your decades of experience in foreign policy a pillar of your campaign, but when the time came to say yes or no on one of the most consequential foreign policy decisions of the last century, you voted for the Iraq War.”

You have since said you regret that vote. But why should voters trust your judgment when it comes to making a decision about taking the country to war the next time?” Maddow asked.

Once Bush abused that power, what happened was, we got elected after that. I made sure—the president turned to me and said, Joe, get our combat troops out of Iraq. I was responsible for getting 150,000 combat troops out of Iraq, and my son was one of them,” Biden declared.

Biden was referring to this moment, which Antony Blinken, Biden’s national security adviser, recounted for The Atlantic. “We were sitting in the Oval Office one day and talking about [the troop presence], and Obama looked at Biden and said, ‘Joe, I think you should do this. We need sustained focus from the White House. You know Iraq better than anyone.’”

But what he oversaw was meetings and negotiations within the framework of the SOFA from the Bush administration.

In October 2011, it was reported the Obama administration would stick to a December 31 withdrawal deadline set in 2008. The administration would not leave thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq.

The reason U.S. troops did not stay in Iraq past the withdrawal deadline had nothing to do with ending the war. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and other top military officials demanded a deal that included immunity for personnel from prosecution for war crimes.

CNN reported, “The Iraqis refused to agree to that, opening up the prospect of Americans being tried in Iraqi courts and subjected to Iraqi punishment.”

The negotiations were strained following WikiLeaks’ release of a diplomatic cable that alleged Iraqi civilians, including children, were killed in a 2006 raid by American troops rather than in an airstrike as the U.S. military initially reported,” CNN additionally reported.

A diplomatic cable disclosed by Chelsea Manning and published by WikiLeaks revealed details of a U.S. military raid that killed several women and children.

The classified U.S. State Embassy communications log from Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, detailed how American troops approached an Iraqi man’s home on March 15, 2006. They handcuffed residents and executed all of them. An air raid was called in to destroy the house.

Iraqi TV stations broadcast from the scene and showed bodies of the victims (i.e. five children and four women) in the morgue of Tikrit. Autopsies carried out at the Tikrit Hospital’s morgue revealed that all corpses were shot in the head and handcuffed,” the cable indicated.

The Bush administration avoided responding to any communication related to the matter, Alston told The Guardian, as the cable impacted negotiations with Iraq.

Given that, the credit for forcing the completion of the withdrawal of U.S. troops should also go to Chelsea Manning, who is in jail for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks, and WikiLeaks and their founder Julian Assange, who faces extradition for publishing classified information.

Manning and WikiLeaks sparked a moment that led to the end of the Iraq War. It is unclear what Biden did to ensure troops did not remain in Iraq past the 2011 withdrawal deadline.

By Kevin Gosztola / Republished with permission / Shadow Proof / Report a typo
Voor meer berichten over de illegale VS oorlog tegen Irak, klik op het label 'Irak', direct onder dit bericht. Let wel: het is mogelijk dat na een aantal berichten het laatst gelezen bericht telkens wordt herhaald, dan onder dat laatst gelezen bericht even opnieuw op het label Irak klikken, enz. enz.

woensdag 6 december 2017

CIA erkent dat Israël samen met Saoedi-Arabië 'vecht tegen terreur', die ze NB zelf hebben georganiseerd........

Seriemoordenaar en psychopaat Pompeo heeft afgelopen zaterdag toegegeven dat Israël en Saoedi-Arabië nauw 'samenwerken in de strijd tegen terreur......' Let wel terreur die op poten werd gezet door diezelfde landen in samenwerking met de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, de VS, waarvan zoals je begrijpt, Pompeo een vertegenwoordiger is.......

Pompeo herhaalde uiteraard alle leugens die door de CIA en NSA zijn gefabriceerd, zoals die over 'het gevaarlijke Iran....' Iran valt geen andere landen aan, omdat ze daar niet sjiitisch zijn, Iran valt geen landen aan zoals de VS om de oliebelangen veilig te stellen....... Iran valt geen landen aan om daar de regering tot afdwingen te dwingen...... Noch organiseert Iran opstanden in andere landen, om via die weg een staatsgreep te plegen (onder regie en financiering van de VS).......

Al die zaken zijn wel van toepassing op de VS en dat op een enorme schaal...... Ook zijn die zaken wel van toepassing op Saoedi-Arabië, nu bezig met een genocide op de sjiieten in Jemen, hetzelfde S-A dat zelfs in Europa de jihad laat preken (al is dat niet nodig, gezien de barbaarse terreur die de VS, veelal met hulp van NAVO landen, her en der breng, plus dezelfde terreur-inzet van Israël, dat creëert op zich al een heel leger 'terroristen...')

Dat Israël enorme terreur uitoefent op de Palestijnen, mag intussen als algemeen bekend worden geacht, hoe de reguliere westerse media ook hun best doen dit keer op keer te ontkennen........ Ook de aanvallen van Israël tegen Syrië zijn zonder meer enorme terreurdaden, die volgens het verdrag van Genève worden aangemerkt als oorlogsmisdaden........ Dezelfde reguliere westerse (massa-) media komen zelfs niet met één letter van kritiek op deze smerige oorlogsmisdaden, terwijl elke scheet die Putin en Assad laten, breed worden uitgemeten door die media en dat in een dikke brij van (aantoonbare) leugens.......

Je zou bijna zeggen, dat het een zegen is dat Trump Jeruzalem als hoofdstad ziet van Israël, later vandaag zal hij dan ook bekend maken dat de VS haar ambassade van Tel Aviv zal verhuizen naar Jeruzalem. Immers deze zet zal een fikse wig drijven in deze coalitie van psychopathische moordenaars en pathologische leugenaars.......

Hier een artikel over de uitlatingen van Pompeo met daaronder een al wat ouder artikel van Jonas E. Alexis, over het organiseren van IS terreur door Israël, Saoedi-Arabië en de VS:

CIA Director Admits Saudi Arabia Is Working Directly With Israel to ‘Fight Terror’

December 5, 2017 at 7:36 am

(MEMO) — Israel is working directly with Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations in the fight against terrorism, CIA Director Mike Pompeo said on Saturday, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The comments were made at the Reagan National Defense Forum in California, where Pompeo cited the danger Iran posed not just to the US, but to other states in the region, as a unifying factor.

We’ve seen them [Saudi Arabia] work with the Israelis to push back against terrorism throughout the Middle East, to the extent we can continue to develop those relationships and work alongside them – the Gulf states and broader Middle East will likely be more secure,” Pompeo told the audience.

Former CIA Director and former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was also a speaker at the event and took his speech as an opportunity to call on Arab countries to form a coalition with Israel, the US and Turkey, and even to run a joint military operations center.

It is incredibly important that in the Middle East, where we have failed states, where you have ISIS [Daesh], where you have Iran, that we have got to develop a stronger coalition of countries that are willing to work together to confront these challenges,” he said.

I think with a joint military headquarters, that can… target the terrorists in that region, that can basically work together to try to provide stability where is necessary in these countries,” Panetta concluded.

Rumors of Saudi Arabia normalizing relations with Israel were brought to the fore once again last month after Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz confessed that Tel Aviv had covert contacts with Riyadh amid common concerns over Iran.

Just days before, Saudi news agency Elaph, which is close to the decision-making circles in Riyadh, published an interview with the Israeli army chief of staff, Gadi Eisenkot; a step described by Israeli sources as a move to bring Saudi and Israeli relations into the public sphere.

The reports reignited the controversy in September when whistleblower Mujtahidd leaked reports stating the alleged desire of the Kingdom to accept Israel “as a brotherly state.”

The Saudi public have strongly rejected any attempts at normalizing relations with Israel in the past, and such reports prompted concern among many.

Saudi officials have maintained that any relations with Israel hinge on Israeli withdrawal from Arab lands captured in the 1967 Middle East war, territory Palestinians seek for a future state. However, rumors of existing cooperation persist, including alleged Saudi backing for the US proposed Israel-Palestine peace plan to be released next year.


The United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia Created and Funded ISIS

November 4, 2017

Western-backed militants are in retreat, Bashar al-Assad remains president, Hezbollah has stretched its wings regionally, Israeli power is in decline, and Iran is on the rise. Not a pretty result for Washington’s multi-billion dollar investment in the Syrian conflict, especially if it was intended to change the map of the region to favor U.S. interests.”

Mark Dankof nailed it again. In his recent interview with Press TV, he said unflinchingly:

The CIA needs to spend more time investigating terrorists and a lot less time recruiting them and financing them. The United States and Israel, and secondarily Saudi Arabia, have created the very monsters that they are decrying.”

This is just brute facts, and no reputable or serious scholar would put his credibility on the line denying this. (I am excluding the Neoconservative ideologues and New World Order agents here because I don’t think they are serious about truth.)

One can call the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia “the axis of evil” when it comes to perpetual wars, creating terrorist organs in the Middle East, and torturing civilians.[1]And if you want concrete evidence, consider the fact that George W. Bush himself trained MEK right in the United States!

Noted journalist Seymour Hersh was one of the first individuals to document that the Bush administration trained terrorist organizations such as the MEK in America, most specifically in Nevada.[2]

A few years ago, Hersh went even deeper. He declared that American journalism has been captured by a powerful force, one which seeks to destroy serious reporting. Hersh has actually gone deep into the dark thoughts and psychology that permeate the Zionist subconscious and came back with a glooming result: “Fire 90% of the editors and promote ones you can’t control.”[3]

By making this stunning statement, Hersh has literally tarnished the reputation of the Zionist media, New World Order agents and ethnic cleansers like Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg. He moved on to argue that news outlets like the New York Times have been sheltering the powers that be for a long time.

Hersh blew the whistle back in 2004 when he declared that children were literally sodomized in front of women at Abu Ghraib—and the Pentagon had the tape!

This is at Abu Ghraib … The women were passing messages out saying ‘Please come and kill me, because of what’s happened’ and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It’s going to come out.”

I can tell you some of the personal stories by some of the people who were in these units witnessed this. I can also tell you written complaints were made to the highest officers and so we’re dealing with an enormous massive amount of criminal wrongdoing that was covered up at the highest command out there and higher, and we have to get to it and we will. We will.”[4]

The evidence seemed to suggest that the “women who witnessed these young boys being raped were actually their mothers… Other stories at the London Guardian also talked of young Iraqi detainees getting violently raped by US soldiers.”[5]

Sodomy at Abu Ghraib notwithstanding, the Israelis and the United States continue to support diabolical activities in the Middle East. Hersh wrote a long article in the London Review of Books arguing that the United States knew very well that they were arming ISIS in Syria. That’s not all. Hersh moved on to say that the United States knew perfectly well that if Assad were removed from power, then terrorist cells would have invaded the region, like vampires ready to strike innocent preys.

Hersh quoted one individual who said that the administration “did not want to hear the truth.”[6] Well, the administration did not want to hear the truth because they embraced the Israeli ideology which basically says that truth is what they can perpetuate and get away with. Hersh did not help Satanists and New World Order agents when he said that the Israelis fabricated the so-called evidence that Assad was using chemical weapons on his own people.[7]

As we have pointed out in the past, the Israelis wanted to overthrow the Assad government since the beginning of time,[8] and any dumb excuse will do, including supporting terrorist cells in the region. That’s why even the Wall Street Journal itself reluctantly pointed out that Israel has been supporting the bad guys in Syria.[9]

Dankof was correct: the United States needs to stop supporting “Wahhabi-inspired extremist groups” in the Middle East. Dankof said:

The Unites States that can essentially pull the rug out of the extremist groups and stopping the supporting for them logistically, militarily and financially supporting stable governments in the Middle East, getting out of the regime change business, getting out of the arms-selling business and first and foremost insisting that Netanyahu has to come to a legitimate agreement with the Palestinians as a prelude to any significant peace.

Until Trump does those things, and leads the American government and the American people in that direction, there is going to be nothing but death and destruction ahead keeping in mind once again that the United States has created the very monster of now claims to be destroyed.”

The Israelis obviously fear that much of the world is no longer taking orders from them, despite the fact that they continue to exert an enormously powerful influence on the West. As Middle East analyst Sharmine Narwani has pointed out,

Western-backed militants are in retreat, Bashar al-Assad remains president, Hezbollah has stretched its wings regionally, Israeli power is in decline, and Iran is on the rise. Not a pretty result for Washington’s multi-billion dollar investment in the Syrian conflict, especially if it was intended to change the map of the region to favor U.S. interests.”

  • [1] For scholarly studies on similar issues, see Rebecca Gordon, Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014); Peter Dale Scott, American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2014); Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998); Douglas Valentine, The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World (Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2016); David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government (New York: Harper Perennial, 2015).
  • [2] Seymour Hersh, “Our Men in Iran?,” New Yorker, April 5, 2012.
  • [3] “Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and the ‘Pathetic’ American Media,” Guardian, September 27, 2013.
  • [4] Geraldine Sealey, “Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape,” Salon, July 16, 2004.
  • [5] See Julian Borger, “US general linked to Abu Ghraib abuse,” Guardian, May 22, 2004.
  • [6] Seymour M. Hersh, “Military to Military,” London Review of Books, January 2016, Vol. 38, NO 1.
  • [7] Seymour M. Hersh, “Whose Sarin?,” London Review of Books, December 8, 2013.
  • [8] Herb Keinon, “Israel wanted Assad gone since start of Syria civil war,” Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2013.
  • [9] “Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels,” Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2017.


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