
donderdag 21 januari 2021

Russiagate: Trump heeft in zijn laatste dagen als president alle geheime FBI documenten over die leugen vrijgegeven

Een vreemde zet van Trump tijdens zijn laatste dagen in het Witte Huis: hij heeft een groot aantal geheime FBI documenten aangaande Russiagate vrijgegeven.

Wat iedereen al had kunnen weten (vooral de reguliere media en politici in zowel de VS als de rest van het westen) is dat de voormalige Britse agent Steele van MI6 expres zaken heeft gelekt die beschadigend waren voor Trump zoals Robert Mueller al had aangetoond.

Steele had 2 klanten, Hillary Clinton en de FBI, toen de CIA met de beschuldiging kwam dat Clinton een smerig spel had gespeeld in aanloop naar de presidentsverkiezingen in 2016 (wat Bernie Sanders de nominatie tot Democratisch presidentskandidaat kostte), heeft Steele zaken gelekt die beschadigend waren voor Trump, hij deed dat om het misdadig gedrag van Clinton uit de wind te houden.......

Zoals gezegd, iedereen die een beetje oplette (zoals D66 kwaadaardigheid Ollongren met opzet niet deed) had kunnen weten dat het hele Russiagate verhaal je reinste kul was. Echter de reguliere westerse (massa-) media en de meeste politici bleven (en blijven nog) vasthouden aan het Russiagate verhaal en dat heeft nogal wat gevolgen gehad, niet alleen voor Rusland, maar ook voor de burgers in westerse landen, bij wie haat en angst werd gezaaid tegen/voor de Russen..... Rusland werd overal van beschuldigd 'wat fout ging' (in de ogen van politici en de afhankelijke, niet objectieve westerse reguliere media), zoals het Oekraïne referendum, het Brexit referendum en het Catalaanse onafhankelijkheidsreferendum...... D66 oplichter en kwaadaardigheid Ollongren en anderen durfden een paar maanden geleden de Russen zelfs alweer te beschuldigen van het manipuleren van de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen a.s. 17 maart, zonder ook maar een flinter aan bewijs te geven........ (dat deed Ollongren overigens al veel eerder en dat in aanloop van de Gemeenteraardsverkiezingen van 21 maart 2018 en de Statenverkiezingen van 20 maart 2019........)

De laatste 4 jaar hebben diezelfde media en politici Trump en Rusland valselijk beschuldigd voor het manipuleren van de presidentsverkiezingen in 2016, wat plotseling stopte toen Biden werd gekozen tot Democratisch presidentskandidaat, terwijl die media en politici moord en brand schreeuwden toen Trump stelde dat de verkiezingen van afgelopen november werden gestoken ten voordele van Biden.......

Wat een zootje, ongelofelijk!!!

Onder het volgennde artikel eerder gepubliceerd op Just the News en nog eens Just the News, door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House, kan je klikken voor een 'Dutch vertaling', dit kost wel enige teintallen seconden tijd:

Trump declassifies all FBI documents in Russia probe

By John Solomon

January 16, 2021 "Information Clearing House" -   WASHINGTON, D.C. According to Fox Business News Lou Dobbs who today interviewed John Solomon, who was formerly an executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times, the remaining FBI documents on Russian collusion have been declassified and could be released as soon as Monday.

Solomon, an award-winning investigative journalist, said that the entire narrative of Trump Collusion was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton's concern that her email scandal had not gone away.

Solomon also said while confirming to Dobbs, that indeed "he can confirm" that the President has delivered, "in a big way" on one of his last remaining promises; to authorize the release of what he said is more than a "foot high stack of documents" - those which are the ones he said the FBI has tried to keep from the public for four years.  

Cover Image
(Klik op ART 19 voor audio)

Delivering in his final days on one of his last unfulfilled promises, President Trump is declassifying a massive trove of FBI documents showing the Russia collusion story was leaked in the final weeks of the 2016 election in an effort to counteract Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

The memos to be released as early as Friday include FBI interviews and human source evaluation reports for two of the main informants in the Russia case, former MI6 agent Christopher Steele and academic Stefan Halper.

The president authorized the release of a foot-high stack of internal FBI and DOJ* documents that detail significant flaws in the investigation and provide a detailed timeline of when the FBI first realized the Steele dossier was problematic, multiple government officials told Just the News.

Among the bombshell revelations is an admission by Steele that he violated his confidential human source agreement with the FBI and leaked information from his dossier to the news media in the final weeks of the election because he wanted to counteract new revelations in the Hillary Clinton email scandal that were hurting her election efforts. The former foreign intelligence officer made the confession in a fall 2017 interview with agents.

Steele, who was hired by Clinton's campaign law firm to compile anti-Trump dossiers attempting to link Trump to Russian influence, told agents he had two clients at the time — Clinton and the FBI — and chose the interests of the Democratic candidate over the bureau in leaking.

Steele told the bureau that then-FBI Director James Comey's decision to reopen the Clinton email probe in fall 2016 triggered him to leak his dossier details in what he described as a taking-the-gloves-off moment.

The FBI interview summary makes clear that Steele, a British citizen, was allegiant to Clinton, did not like Trump and believed a Trump presidency would be negative for his homeland and thus made a decision to meddle in the U.S. election by leaking information to the news media.

The leaks, which led to Steele's termination as an FBI informant, have been known for more than a year, but his motivation for leaking was hidden in the classified documents.

His admission that the Russia collusion narrative, later debunked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was injected into the public as a means of counteracting Clinton's email scandal corroborates other information obtained by the CIA.

Late last year, the Trump administration declassified evidence showing the CIA warned President Obama and the FBI that it had intercepted intelligence indicating Hillary Clinton had personally ordered up an operation to "vilify" Trump with a false story of collusion as a m

eans of distracting from the negative publicity of her email scandal.

Multiple investigations have concluded that much of Steele's dossier was debunked or never corroborated by the FBI and likely contained Russian disinformation planted with his sources.

The probes found the FBI wrongly continued to rely on the allegations of Russia collusion to target Trump campaign figures for investigation and failed to disclose major flaws in their investigations to the courts that had authorized surveillance warrants.

The investigation also found that Steele's primary source of Russian intel later disowned or distanced himself from the claims attributed to him in the Steele dossier and that U.S. intelligence had concerns the source was tied to Russian intelligence.

The soon-to-be-released records also expose a tantalizing connection between Steele, his primary source and one of the Democrats' key impeachment witnesses in the Ukraine scandal, former Trump National Security Council Russia expert Fiona Hill.

Steele divulged to the FBI that he was introduced by Hill to his primary sub-source of information for his anti-Trump dossier and that he later told Hill that the source had provided information for his now infamous memos.

The documents also will settle a long-debated question in Washington about whether the FBI's tactics amounted to spying on the Trump campaign.

Tasking instructions the FBI gave to Halper, an academic who long worked as an FBI informant, make clear he was instructed to infiltrate the Trump campaign by posing as someone who wanted to work for the GOP nominee and then targeting campaign advisers to find out what they knew about Trump or his campaign's ties to Russia.

Halper was specifically instructed by the FBI to focus on campaign advisers Sam Clovis, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, in some cases recording some of their conversations, the records are expected to show.

In her impeachment testimony in 2019, Hill acknowledged she knew Steele since 2006 when he worked for MI6 and she worked for the Bush administration.

She, however, did not make any mention of introducing Steele’s primary subsource and in fact expressed her own doubts about the Steele dossier, suggesting it could very well have been Russian disinformation. 

She said she held “misgivings and concern that he could have been played” by the Russians because they “would have an ax to grind against him given the job that he had previously.”

I don’t believe it’s appropriate for him to have been hired to do this,” she testified about Steele. “I almost fell over when I discovered that he was doing this report.”

- "Source" -  - "Source" -

Updated January 16, 2021

Senate panel releases declassified documents on Russia investigation

Click for Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.


* DOJ >> Department of Justice, ofwel het ministerie van justitie.

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'Russiagate: VS en buitenlandse geheime diensten hebben de VS presidentsverkiezingen in 2016 gemanipuleerd'

'Russiagate: nog overtuigd van bestaan daarvan? Lees dit!' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Julian Assanges vervolging is de genadeklap voor klokkenluiders en (echte) journalisten' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

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'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

''Russiagate' een complot van CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton en het DNC...........'

''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

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'WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia'

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En zie terzijde:

PS: zag nog een kop voorbijkomen waarin wordt gesteld dat opperhufter Leon de Winter nog steeds gelooft in Russiagate, hoe ongelofelijk dom moet je zijn?!!

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