heeft de FBI de Russische oligarch Oleg Deripaska, een figuur die
in nauw contact staat met Putin, in de arm genomen en hem gevraagd 25
miljoen dollar beschikbaar te stellen om de oud-FBI agent Robert
Levinson vrij te krijgen. Levinson werkte voor de CIA toen hij in
2007 werd gearresteerd in Iran.....
waarvan wordt gezegd dat hij fungeerde als contact tussen Trump en
Putin via de voormalige Rusland 'connector' Paul Manafort,
stelt dat hij van 2009 tot de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016
samenwerkte met de VS regering....
ging de operatie niet door daar buitenlandse zaken o.l.v. Hillary
Clinton zich haastig terugtrok uit de deal met Iran die erop gericht was Levinson vrij
te krijgen.....
Lees het
artikel van Durden, waarin hij onder meer stelt dat de verbintenis
Trump – Putin bestond uit een door de FBI gerekruteerde Russische 'burger',
t.w. Deripaska. Hij stelt dan ook volkomen terecht dat het ministerie van
justitie in de VS beter zichzelf kan onderzoeken!
Russian Oligarch And Putin Pal Admits To Collusion, Secret Meetings
by Tyler
09/01/2018 - 19:30
Oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a close associate of Vladimir Putin,
has gone on record with The
John Solomon - admitting to colluding with Americans
leading up to the 2016 US election, except it might not be what
you're thinking.
rumored to be Donald Trump's "back
to Putin via the Russian's former association with Paul
Manafort, says he "colluded" with the US
Government between 2009
and 2016.
2009, when Robert
Mueller was running the FBI,
the agency asked Deripaska to spend $25 million of his own money to
bankroll an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent -
Robert Levinson, who was kidnapped in 2007 while working on a 2007
CIA contract in Iran. This in and of itself is more than a bit
agreed, however the Obama State Department, headed by Hillary
Clinton, scuttled a last-minute deal with Iran before Levinson
could be released. He hasn't been heard from since.
FBI agents courted Deripaska in 2009 in a series of secret hotel meetings in Paris; Vienna; Budapest, Hungary, and Washington. Agents persuaded the aluminum industry magnate to underwrite the mission. The Russian billionaire insisted the operation neither involve nor harm his homeland. -The Hill
other words - Trump's
alleged "back channel" to Putin was in fact an FBI
asset who
spent $25 million helping Obama's "scandal free"
administration find a kidnapped agent. Deripaska's admitted
Ohr and the 2016 US Election
As the New York Times frames it, distancing Deripaska from the FBI (no mention of the $25 million rescue effort, for example), the Russian aluminum magnate was just one of several Putin-linked Oligarchs the FBI tried to flip.
The attempt to flip Mr. Deripaska was part of a broader, clandestine American effort to gauge the possibility of gaining cooperation from roughly a half-dozen of Russia’s richest men, nearly all of whom, like Mr. Deripaska, depend on President Vladimir V. Putin to maintain their wealth, the officials said. -NYT
to the recruiting effort were two central players in the
Trump-Russia investigation; twice-demoted DOJ #4 official Bruce
Ohr and Christopher Steele -
the author of the largely unverified "Steele Dossier."
a longtime associate of Ohr's, worked for Deripaska beginning in 2012
researching a business rival - work which would evolve to the point
where the former British spy was interfacing with the Obama
administration on his behalf - resulting in Deripaska regaining entry
into the United States, where he visited numerous times between 2009
and 2017.
The State Department tried to keep him from getting a U.S. visa between 2006 and 2009 because they believed he had unspecified connections to criminal elements in Russia as he consolidated power in the aluminum industry. Deripaska has denied those allegations...
Whatever the case, it is irrefutable that after he began helping the FBI, Deripaska regained entry to the United States. And he visited numerous times between 2009 and 2017, visa entry records show. -The Hill
is now banned from the United States as one of several
Russians sanctioned in
April in response to alleged 2016 election meddling.
a September 2016 meeting, Deripaska
told FBI agents that it was "preposterous" that Paul
Manafort was colluding with Russia to help Trump win the 2016
This, despite the fact that Deripaska and Manafort's business
relationship "ended in lawsuits", per The
Hill -
and the Russian would have every reason to throw Manafort under the
bus if he wanted some revenge on his old associate.
the FBI
and DOJ secretly collaborated with Trump's alleged
backchannel over a seven-year period,
starting with Levinson, then on Deripaska's Visa, and finally
regarding whether Paul Manafort was an intermediary to Putin.
Deripaska vehemently denies the assertion, and even took out
newspaper advertisements in the US last year volunteering to testify
to Congress, refuting an AP
report that
he and Manafort secretly worked on a plan to "greatly benefit
the Putin government" a decade ago.
Soon after the advertisements ran, representatives for the House and Senate Intelligence Committees called a Washington-based lawyer for Mr. Deripaska, Adam Waldman, inquiring about taking his client up on the offer to testify, Mr. Waldman said in an interview.
What happened after that has been in dispute. Mr. Waldman, who stopped working for Mr. Deripaska after the sanctions were levied, said he told the committee staff that his client would be willing to testify without any grant of immunity, but would not testify about any Russian collusion with the Trump campaign because “he doesn’t know anything about that theory and actually doesn’t believe it occurred.” -NYT
short, Deripaska wants it known that he worked with the FBI and
DOJ, and that he had nothing to do with the Steele dossier.
Today, Deripaska is banned anew from the United States, one of several Russians sanctioned in April by the Trump administration as a way to punish Putin for 2016 election meddling. But he wants to be clear about a few things, according to a statement provided by his team. First, he did collude with Americans in the form of voluntarily assisting and meeting with the FBI, the DOJ and people such as Ohr between 2009 and 2016.
He also wants Americans to know he did not cooperate or assist with Steele’s dossier, and he tried to dispel the FBI notion that Russia and the Trump campaign colluded during the 2016 election. -The Hill
Steele's dossier which was partially funded by the Clinton campaign,
relied on senior
Kremlin officials.
would be most helpful if the Department of Justice could please
investigate and then prosecute themselves and/or members of the
previous administration, so that journalists like John Solomon,
Sara Carter, Luke Rosiak, Chuck Ross and others don't have to
continue to break stories that are seemingly ignored by all but a
handful of Congressional investigators.
================================Zie ook wat betreft de belachelijke claim dat Rusland de VS presidentsverkiezingen zou hebben gemanipuleerd:
'Russiagate: de westerse massamedia gebruiken propaganda om het volk te manipuleren, precies waar ze Rusland van beschuldigen'
'Uitgelekte telefoongesprekken tussen Trump en Putin bewijzen dat 'Russiagaters gelijk hebben......''
'Russiagate en Assange: The Guardian wordt nu zelfs door collega's voor zot uitgemaakt'
'The Guardian: ondanks een enorme misser (fake news) gaat men door met de valse beschuldigingen t.a.v. Assange......
'WikiLeaks belooft The Guardian 1 miljoen dollar als het haar leugens i.z. Assange en Russiagate kan bewijzen.......'
'Russiagate? Britaingate zal je bedoelen!'
'New York Times 'bewijzen' voor Russiagate vallen door de mand......'
'Facebook gebruikte 'fake news' beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden'
'Politico rapport bevestigt: Russiagate is een hoax'
'Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van aankoop Steele dossier over Trump........'
'Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump'
'Murray, ex-ambassadeur van GB: de Russen hebben de VS verkiezingen niet gemanipuleerd'
''Russische manipulaties uitgevoerd' door later vermoord staflid Clintons campagneteam Seth Rich......... AIVD en MIVD moeten hiervan weten!!'
'VS 'democratie' aan het werk, een onthutsende en uitermate humoristische video!'
'Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election'
'Volkskrant en Nieuwsuur Fake News over 'Russische hacks.....''
'VS sluit een nucleaire aanval niet uit als een mogelijke reactie op een 'cyberaanval.......''
'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'
'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'
'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........'
'Russia Is Trolling the Shit out of Hillary Clinton and the Mainstream Media'
'CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
'Russische 'hacks' door deskundigen nogmaals als fake news doorgeprikt >> Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence'
'Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''
'Rusland zou onafhankelijkheid Californië willen uitlokken met reclame voor borsjt.......'
'Clinton te kakken gezet: Donna Brazile (Democratische Partij VS) draagt haar boek op aan Seth Rich, het vermoorde lid van DNC die belastende documenten lekte'
'Pompeo (CIA opperhoofd met koperen fluit): heeft alle aanwijzingen dat Rusland de midterm verkiezingen zal manipuleren......'
'CIA deed zich voor als het Russische Kaspersky Lab, aldus Wikileaks Vault 8.....' (zie ook de andere links onder dat bericht)
'Kajsa Ollongren (D66 vicepremier): Nederland staat in het vizier van Russische inlichtingendiensten....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
'Ollongren gesteund door Thomas Boesgaard (AD), 'Rusland verpakt het nepnieuws gekoppeld aan echt nieuws.....' Oei!!'
'Wall Street Journal wil punt achter Russiagate'
'Massamedia VS vergeven van CIA 'veteranen', alsof die media nog niet genoeg 'fake news' ofwel leugens brengen........'
'Rusland heeft niets van doen met manipulaties van de VS presidentsverkiezingen via Facebook, wel maakt Facebook meer kapot dan je lief is.......'
''Russiagate' een complot van CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton en het DNC...........'
'Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election'
'FBI Director Comey Leaked Trump Memos Containing Classified Information'
''Russiagate': Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou'
Watch: Professor Stephen Cohen Schools Neocon in CNN Debate on Russiagate
'De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers.........'
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