Het is
wel duidelijk dat men in de VS niet veel weet over de rol van het
(Duitse*) bedrijfsleven tijdens WOII, bijvoorbeeld het feit dat Bayer
tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog Joodse concentratiekampgevangenen
gebruikte als proefdier.......
spreekt dan ook niet over de vreselijke oorlogsmisdaden begaan onder
de naam Bayer, maar alleen over de vele misdaden begaan onder de naam
verder niets af aan de misdaden van Monsanto die Shroff beschrijft
(en zoals op deze plek vaak beschreven).
wist al lang dat glyfosaat kankerverwekkend is en ondanks dat heeft
het bedrijf 'wetenschappers' betaald om de stelling dat glyfosaat en
daarmee de nummer één hit in de 'pesticide wereld', Roundup niet
kankerverwekkend is en geen noemenswaardig gevaar vormt voor de
Het kan
nog gekker: Monsanto heeft het voor elkaar gekregen dat glyfosaat nog
5 jaar lang gebruikt mag worden in de EU, iets waar zelfs Bas
Eickhout, 'GroenLinks' EU grofgraaier mee akkoord ging......**
Lees het
artikel van Shroff en verbaas je over de brutaliteit van een bedrijf
als Monsanto..... Overigens: ook Bayer heeft zich (na WOII) schuldig gemaakt
aan veel zaken waar Monsanto zich schuldig aan heeft gemaakt en
Monsanto-Bayer: Eliminating the Name Will Not Erase the Criminal History

30, 2018 at 11:00 pm
by Common
(CD Opinion) — Cancelling
out Monsanto’s
name and
keeping only that of Bayer, does not mean forgetting
the wrongdoings of
a company which, according to the verdict
of the Monsanto Tribunal of
The Hague, is stained with crimes of ecocide. With Bayer’s official
takeover of Monsanto,
the giant multinational also inherits its liabilities.
the eve of the start of the integration
Monsanto has
been held liable for
causing cancer through the use of its glyphosate-based weedkiller
Roundup and ordered to pay $289 million of damages to the plaintiff
Dewayne Lee Johnson in the first landmark case, settled in California
in mid August 2018. The jury also found that Monsanto “acted with
malice or oppression.”
to Reuters,
the number of lawsuits brought against Bayer’s newly acquired
Monsanto is approximately 8000 in the US alone. UN experts Ms Hilal
Elver, Special Rapporteur on the right
to food and
Mr. Dainius Pūras, Special Rapporteur on the right
to physical and mental health, defined
the ruling “a
significant recognition of the human rights of victims, and the
responsibilities of chemical companies.”
in reports published last year, most notably the “Monsanto
and the “Poison
have shed light on strategies of big agrochemical groups to expand
their empires: from lobbying, interference
in government agencies’ proceedings,
attacks in collusion with institutions on independent science, to
mega mergers and acquisitions. For the first time part of these
documents were shown to a jury, which were able, among other things
to also see that, “at least starting 20 years ago, Monsanto has
known that their product can cause cancer, and has gone out of its
way to ignore it and/or fight any science that suggests a link”,
as declared
to Democracy Now by Brent Wisner,
the lead trial counsel for Dewayne Lee Johnson in his lawsuit against
Monsanto. Added to this, in the same week, California’s Supreme
Court rejected
a challenge by
Monsanto to the state’s decision to include glyphosate in its
Proposition 65 list of carcinogens.
other fronts, other
lawsuits have
been filed in the US by farmers’groups, and seed
sellers are
pushing environmental regulators to bar farmers from spraying dicamba
weed killer, key ingredient of the new Monsanto-Bayer and Basf
products, which has been causing drift-related crop injuries sweeping
across rural America in the last 2 years; in
the special committee on pesticides authorization process reacted to
the US court’s decision by calling once again for a ban of
glyphosate in the continent; in
Sri Lanka,
where a fatal chronic kidney disease (CKDu) has been linked to
glyphosate use, a group formed by farmers’ organizations,
scientists and affected families declared that they are ready to take
Bayer/Monsanto and other glyphosate herbicide manufacturers to
the Supreme Court.
Vietnam is
also demanding compensation for victims of exposure to the Agent
the chemical produced by Monsanto for the US military during the
Vietnam War. A clear signal of the fact that Monsanto’s past is set
to haunt Bayer in spite of all efforts to eliminate the brand name,
is that the week following the verdict, Bayer’s
shares fell sharply,
approximately by 10 – 12% ($12.5
It is interesting to note that the stock exchange, the very core of
today’s globalized economy, seems to be quite unforgiving.
along with civil society organizations around the world, will
continue to monitor, report and protest so that the
transition also recently discussed at
the FAO‘s
Symposium on Agroecology, becomes a reality and that local, circular
and inclusive economies, nutritious and healthy food, become the norm
once again After fifty years of an intensive, unhealthy food
production model that has devastated our agriculture system by
polluting the environment, producing poisonous food and without
remotely solving the hunger problem, has instead further undermined
people’s food sovereignty. Industrial agriculture in fact can claim
only a relatively small portion of the global food production. The
majority of the food we consume is, actually, still produced
by small and medium farmers,
while the vast majority of crops coming from the industrial sector,
such as maize and soya, is mainly used as animal feed or to produce
International has
invited leading experts from around the world for
the drafting of the Manifesto “Food
for Health. Cultivating Biodiversity, Cultivating Health.” The
Manifesto, which will be widely disseminated to farmers and citizens,
governments and stakeholders, aims at highlighting the inseparable
link between food and health, developing comprehensive strategies to
overcome the model of industrial agriculture, encouraging the
convergence and action of the movement for Agroecology and
Public Health movements to reach a common vision of sustainable
development, which must be equitable and inclusive, based on
biodiversity and poison-free
food and farming systems.
work of Navdanya International, from the creation of the
International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, and
the publication of four Manifestos,
has focused on promoting a new
agricultural and economic paradigm,
and the belief that solutions to the multiple crises facing humanity
today can come from a determined shift away from the present profit
and competitive-based paradigm to a model that has at its keystone
the protection of the earth and environment and respect of the rights
and dignity of people. In biodiverse organic farming, in Seed
Freedom for
farmers and citizens, in circular economies based on meaningful work,
we can find solutions to the environmental, climate, social
and economic crisis.
We will continue to reclaim citizens’ rights, as well as those of
small and medium producers, who, despite being crushed by the current
market mechanisms, are the only ones providing us with healthy and
nutritious food.
we will not stop fighting this attempt of multinationals to
takeover of our food, health and democracy which,
instead of being regulated by our elected representatives, are
increasingly able to take on the role of regulators through heavy
lobbying actions, thus posing a serious threat to our own democratic
* Dit
geldt overigens ook voor bedrijven in door nazi-Duitsland bezette
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'Glyfosaat, kankerverwekkend gif in Roundup, gevonden in bijna alle bier en wijn'
'Tweejarig onderzoek toont aan dat regen in Argentinië tot 100% glyfosaat bevat, Monsanto weigert ieder commentaar.......'
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'Monsanto wordt eindelijk vervolgd voor de verkoop van kankerverwekkend glyfosaat'
'Obama, 'kampioen natuur en milieu' tekent lobbydocument Monsanto........'
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'Van Dam (PvdA staatssecretaris), Monsanto lobbyist..... EU tekent waarschijnlijk voor nog 7 jaar lang vergiftiging mens en dier met glyfosaat.........'
'Monsanto 'liefdadigheidsorganisatie die zich inzet voor wereldvoedselprobleem......''
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'Timmermans' Europese Commissie dreigt in strijd met de regels het kankerverwekkend glyfosaat, opnieuw toe te laten op de EU markt.............'
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'Glyfosaat, de leugens van Monsanto over dit kankerverwekkend gif..........'
'Op aardbei zes keer meer landbouwgif dan op ander fruit.........'
'EPA tegenstrijdig over glyfosaat >> EU 'politici' laten als ware lobbyisten van o.a. gifmenger Monsanto het kankerverwekkende Roundup nog eens 5 jaar op ons los....'
'Corruptie: Europese Commissie maakt gemene zaak met Monsanto (over toestaan glyfosaat!')
'Monsanto heeft moeite zich in Armenië te vestigen door de bemoeienis van System of a Down voorman!'
'Vietnam eist genoegdoening voor gebruik Agent Orange door VS in Vietnam oorlog'
Zie daarnaast ook: Verbied gebruik glyfosaat tot er bewijzen zijn (De Standaard): http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20170426_02852617 en Monsanto koopt wetenschap die de onschuld van glyfosaat bewijst:
'Bayer oefent druk uit op Nederland voor nieuw 'bijengif.......''
'TTIP: wat ons te wachten staat >> verboden labeling van o.a. genetisch gemanipuleerde voeding......'
'Van Dam (PvdA staatssecretaris), Monsanto lobbyist..... EU tekent waarschijnlijk voor nog 7 jaar lang vergiftiging mens en dier met glyfosaat.........'
'Monsanto 'liefdadigheidsorganisatie die zich inzet voor wereldvoedselprobleem......''
'Monsanto en EPA hebben samen Roundup veilig verklaart >> Alweer een 'samenzweringstheorie' verheven tot waarheid'
'Timmermans' Europese Commissie dreigt in strijd met de regels het kankerverwekkend glyfosaat, opnieuw toe te laten op de EU markt.............'
'EU: verbiedt het uiterst gevaarlijke glyfosaat voorgoed!' (Helaas, te vroeg gejuicht...)
'Glyfosaat, de leugens van Monsanto over dit kankerverwekkend gif..........'
'Op aardbei zes keer meer landbouwgif dan op ander fruit.........'
'EPA tegenstrijdig over glyfosaat >> EU 'politici' laten als ware lobbyisten van o.a. gifmenger Monsanto het kankerverwekkende Roundup nog eens 5 jaar op ons los....'
'Corruptie: Europese Commissie maakt gemene zaak met Monsanto (over toestaan glyfosaat!')
'Monsanto heeft moeite zich in Armenië te vestigen door de bemoeienis van System of a Down voorman!'
'Vietnam eist genoegdoening voor gebruik Agent Orange door VS in Vietnam oorlog'
Zie daarnaast ook: Verbied gebruik glyfosaat tot er bewijzen zijn (De Standaard): http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20170426_02852617 en Monsanto koopt wetenschap die de onschuld van glyfosaat bewijst:
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