publiceerde Caitlin Johnstone een artikel met een kop waarin ze stelt
dat de hysterische massamedia eindelijk openlijk erkennen dat propaganda werkt.
Ze legt dit verder uit met te zeggen dat de reguliere (massa-)
media hebben ontdekt dat propaganda werkt, dit door het dag in dag uit op de oorlogstrommel slaan met de leugen
dat Rusland de verkiezingen in de VS heeft gestolen van Hillary
het in deze niet eens met Johnstone, daar die reguliere media al ver
voor de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 volop propaganda maakten,
neem alleen al de leugens van die media over Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië, leugens die mede aan de wieg stonden van grootschalige VS terreur tegen die landen, dit in
de vorm van illegale oorlogen......
Ondanks dat voor een ieder en zeker voor journalisten van de massamedia, duidelijk zou moeten zijn dat men het publiek heeft voorgelogen (over de landen waartegen de VS illegale oorlogen begon), immers daar zijn stapels bewijzen voor, blijven die media (alsook het grootste deel van de westerse politici) dezelfde leugens herhalen..........
Vraag je je misschien af. Ja, in feite geldt dit ook voor Syrië,
immers de VS was al vanaf 2006, onder opperschoft G.W. Bush, bezig
met het opzetten van een opstand in Syrië, die tot de afzetting van
Assad had moeten leiden..... Met grote graagte herhaalden de massamedia de leugens van o.a. de CIA over Syrië en dat al ver voor 'de opstand.....'
Eén en ander zegt jammer genoeg niets over het in puin bombarderen van Syrië, waarvoor de VS als hoofdverantwoordelijke kan worden aangewezen..... 'Opstand' (middels buitenlandse
agitatoren en de CIA) geslaagd, coup mislukt, hetzelfde recept werkte overigens
wel in Oekraïne en als gevolg van die geslaagde staatsgreep tegen de
democratisch gekozen regering Janoekovytsj, voert de door de VS
geparachuteerde neonazi-junta Porosjenko oorlog tegen burgers, die het
terecht niet pikten dat de door hen gekozen regering werd
afgezet..... Ofwel de VS is ook verantwoordelijk voor de oorlog die de Porosjenko junta voert tegen de burgerbevolking van Oost-Oekraïne....
media hebben met hun propaganda het grootste deel van de westerse
bevolkingen overtuigd van de Russische bemoeienis met de
presidentsverkiezingen, het Brexit referendum en het Catalaanse
onafhankelijkheidsreferendum. Waar de media in de EU lidstaten de
Russen beschuldigden van zo ongeveer alles wat fout ging op
politiek-maatschappelijk gebied.....
beseft men bij die media dat men openlijk meewerkt aan anti-Russische
propaganda, immers waar zou men als eerste door moeten hebben dat
claims van Russische manipulaties je reinste kul zijn? Juist, bij die
reguliere media! Media die met een claim op nationale veiligheid
al lang zijn gestopt met het zetten van vraagtekens bij
beschuldigingen waarvoor zelfs na 2 jaar niet één steekhoudend
bewijs werd geleverd........
mijn bedenkingen geeft het artikel van Johnstone een duidelijk
(sarcastisch en bij tijd en wijle humoristisch) beeld van waar het om
gaat als je spreekt over Russiagate en de verdere anti-Russische propaganda
in de reguliere media. Nogmaals wijst Johnstone (volkomen terecht) op de minimale bedragen waarmee Rusland zogenaamd de VS presidentsverkiezingen zou hebben beïnvloed, terwijl de bedragen waarmee deze verkiezingen wel worden beïnvloed, de 'Russische bedragen voor eenzelfde invloed' volkomen in de schaduw stellen.....
Om nog maar te zwijgen (niet dus) over het optreden van de Israëlische Palestijnenslachter en premier Netanyahu in de VS senaat, maanden voor de presidentsverkiezingen, waar deze massamoordenaar de democraten afmaakte en de republikeinen (onder Trump) voor Israël als enig aanvaardbare toekomstige regering afschilderde...... Geen hond in de reguliere (massa-) media die hier grote ophef over maakte, terwijl dit toch echt veel verder ging dan de leugens over het kwaadaardige sprookje dat men 'Russiagate' noemt.......
Mass Media’s Russia Hysteria Is Openly Acknowledging the Power of Propaganda
17, 2018 at 9:30 pm
by Caitlin
(CJ Opinion) — “So
now the question becomes: how did Russia know to target African
American voters, and especially in certain key states,” asked popular
#Resistance pundit Amy Siskind in response to a New
York Times article claiming
Russian social media trolls targeted Sanders supporters and Black
voters during the 2016 election.
that’s a mighty good question there, Amy, and I think the answer is
pretty obvious. Clearly Russia knew to target African American voters
because Donald Trump called his boss Vladimir Putin and told him
about America’s secret racial issues, which nobody in any foreign
country could ever know about on their own. Then it was a simple
matter of sending the trolls of St Petersburg’s Internet Research
Agency to trick black people into thinking that the American
political system hasn’t been working for them, thereby ensuring the
defeat of the rightful heir to the presidential throne, Hillary
Rodham Clinton. It’s not disenfranchised voters’ fault that
Hillary’s coronation failed to take place, it’s the fault of
Russian memes on social media which confused their silly heads about
who they wanted to vote for!
Russian 2016 Influence Operation Targeted African-Americans on Social Media
whole story is unbelievably idiotic. Not just because it’s based on
a report by a private cybersecurity company that was founded
by an NSA veteran,
a company which would have every incentive to bend its findings in
the most sensational way possible to attract clients with a viral new
“bombshell” story about Russian election meddling. Not just
because it infantilizes voters by implying that a smattering of
cutesy memes deprived them of independent agency and caused the
failure of Hillary Clinton’s historically awful presidential
campaign. Not just because of the sleazy gaslighting element inherent
in a narrative which insinuates that a populace meant to elect a
different candidate but got confused. By far the dumbest thing about
this story is the implicit suggestion that only Russian propaganda
was at play during the 2016 election, and no other propaganda.
often claimed that the dastardly Russians had a $1.2 million monthly
budget for US social media influence in the lead-up to the 2016
election, but that’s false. As Aaron Maté noted
back in February,
this figure actually covers the Russian troll farm’s total
operating budget, which was for “domestic audiences within the
Russian Federation and others targeting foreign audiences in various
countries, including the United States.” So the actual monthly
budget was some thousands of dollars, and most of the troll farm’s
posts weren’t
even about the election.
Contrast that with Hillary Clinton’s $1.2
billion campaign budget and
the untold billions of dollars worth of free mass media coverage she
received, and even if everything we’re being told about Russia’s
“influence campaign” is completely true, that’s a microscopic
drop in the bucket.
editor-in-chief Nate Silver, a fairly reliable establishment
loyalist, tweeted
today about
the new Russia report saying “If you wrote out a list of the most
important factors in the 2016 election, I’m not sure that Russian
social media memes would be among the top 100. The scale was quite
small and there’s not much evidence that they were effective.”
instance, this story makes a big deal about a (post-election) Russian
social media disinformation campaign on Bob Mueller based on… 5,000
tweets? That’s **nothing**. Platform-wide, there are something like
500,000,000 tweets posted each day,” Silver continued.
What fraction of overall social media impressions on the 2016 election were generated by Russian troll farms? 0.1%? I'm not sure what the answer is, but suspect it's low, and it says something that none of the reports that hype up the importance of them address that question.
all the fearmongering we see in the mass media about “Russian
propaganda”, propaganda from Russia actually constitutes an almost
nonexistent percentage of the media westerners consume which is
designed to influence the way they think, act and vote. You can go
your whole life without ever encountering any propaganda that was
cooked up by the Kremlin, yet every day you are surrounded
by screens,
billboards and literature aimed at manipulating you into supporting
the corporatist oligarchy that rules the nation you live in. The only
reason anyone thinks Russian psyops have any kind of meaningful
influence on people’s minds is because the mass media have been
shrieking about it day in and day out for two years without ever
contrasting it with the rest of the propaganda they consume.
within all the hysterical hand-wringing about Russian propaganda
there is an important admission: these mass media talking heads are
all openly acknowledging that there exists a science for manipulating
the minds of the public, and that it is very effective. Now if they
could only admit that they are the world’s greatest practitioners
of this science, they’d be telling the full story.
course, that’s the part of the story they’ll never tell you. They
tell you their concern is that Russians are trying to manipulate your
mind with propaganda, but really their concern is that they want to
be the only ones manipulating your mind with propaganda. They tell
you Russian propaganda is so dangerous that it’s necessary to
censor the internet and hide all narratives which aren’t in line
with the ruling establishment in order to protect democracy, but
really all they want is to have full control of the narratives you
consume. This is evidenced in the
article by the Washington
Post which
kicked off this latest round of Russia panic, which reports the
The report expressed concern about the overall threat social media poses to political discourse within nations and among them, warning that companies once viewed as tools for liberation in the Arab world and elsewhere are now threats to democracy.
“Social media have gone from being the natural infrastructure for sharing collective grievances and coordinating civic engagement to being a computational tool for social control, manipulated by canny political consultants and available to politicians in democracies and dictatorships alike,” the report said.
Of all the absolute mountains of propaganda produced every election cycle, we're supposed to believe the minuscule fraction of Russian stuff (probably .000001% of total propaganda produced) was somehow decisive. No one has *ever* explained how that even remotely makes sense.
does indeed exist a science for manipulating the minds of the people.
It is indeed very effective, and it has been developed, refined and
perfected for
over a century.
Propaganda works, and even establishment mouthpieces like the New
York Times and
the Washington
Post admit
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