de begrafenis van zijn vader, massamoordenaar en oorlogsmisdadiger
George H.W. Bush, gaf de nog grotere massamoordenaar en
oorlogsmisdadiger G.W. Bush, Michelle Obama een snoepje. Deze
handeling leidde tot een meer dan belachelijke en hysterische reactie
in de reguliere (massa-) media, waar men Bush als een geweldige en
gevoelige man afschilderde.
kontlikkerij van de reguliere media is niet alleen in het belang van
Bush, maar uiteraard ook van die media zelf, immers zij hebben
zonder enig onderzoek, laat staan kritiek de illegale oorlogen van die deze schoft begon van meet af aan gesteund (en zelfs nog daarvoor)....... Oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië, al
zijn de laatste 2 van die oorlogen aangegaan door de Obama administratie, zometeen meer
daarover. Oh nee, dom van mij, de
oorlogen in Afghanistan en Irak zijn in feite nog steeds gaande en
hebben intussen aan meer dan 2 miljoen mensen uit die 2 landen het leven
gekost (alleen in Irak al meer dan 1,5 miljoen doden.....)....
massamedia hebben 'uiteraard' ook de illegale oorlogen van de Obama
administratie uitentreuren gesteund. Het gaat dan om de illegale oorlogen tegen Libië en Syrië, naast een groot aantal geheime militaire operaties in
andere delen van Afrika, plus de opstand in Oekraïne, die door
Hillary Clinton, destijds minister van BuZa, werd georganiseerd
(i.s.m. de CIA) en waar de VS 4 miljard dollar aan spendeerde........
van de gelukte opzet van die opstand in Oekraïne, een staatsgreep tegen de
democratisch gekozen regering Janoekovytsj, heeft ervoor gezorgd dat
de neonazi-junta van Porosjenko een oorlog begon tegen de Oekraïners in het oosten van het land, daar deze mensen niet wensten te leven
onder de neonazi-junta van Porosjenko en terecht goed pissig waren over de coup
tegen een o.a. door hen gekozen regering en president........
leugens gefabriceerd door de VS over Oekraïne werden en worden zonder
enig commentaar overgenomen door de reguliere media, op aangeven van de geheime diensten van de VS en die van haar westerse partners..... Ga maar eens
na wat diezelfde media te vertellen zouden hebben als er bijvoorbeeld
eenzelfde staatsgreep zou hebben plaatsgevonden in een land als België...... De rapen zouden gaar zijn geweest en diezelfde media
zouden moord en brand hebben geschreeuwd...... (hoewel, zouden ze dat
ook doen als de VS ook in België de antidemocratische agressor zou
zijn geweest?)
zijn er nog de moorden die de VS pleegt op verdachten, dit middels
drones..... Dit terreurprogramma werd door Bush opgezet en in veel groter aantal door de Obama
administratie overgenomen, intussen heeft Trump deze terreuraanslagen nog verder uitgebreid...... Hoe is het mogelijk dat zogenaamd
onafhankelijke mediaorganen niet met hevige kritiek op deze
standrechtelijke executies zijn gekomen, zeker nadat een paar jaar
geleden al bekend werd gemaakt dat meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers van die
VS terreuraanslagen, niet eens werden verdacht, dus vooral vrouwen en
volgende artikel is van Caitlin Johnstone, vandaag gepubliceerd:
This Isn’t News. This Is War Crimes Apologia.
fact that George W Bush has given Michelle Obama two pieces of candy
is once again making headlines in mainstream outlets like Time, The
and Newsweek.
He has not given her any new pieces of candy since the last time he
did so at his father’s funeral. He also has not ceased to be the
man who facilitated the murder of a million Iraqis and inflicted a
whole new level of military expansionism and Orwellian surveillance
upon our world. As near as I can tell, the only reason this story is
once again making headlines is because Michelle Obama and the
mainstream media have decided to bring it up again.
has the presence of mind and the sense of humor to bring me a mint,
and he made it a point to give me that mint right then and there and
that’s the beauty of George Bush,” Obama said of the war criminal
in conversation at the SAP Center over the weekend, which we
apparently need to know about because the news is telling us about
all Americans. We all care about our family and our kids, and we’re
trying to get ahead,” Obama continued. “And that’s how I feel
about [Bush]. You know? He’s a beautiful, funny, kind, sweet man.”
I have always respected Michelle Obama. But continuing to glorify a mass murderer responsible for the death of over a million defenseless innocent civilians, reflects more on her own character than on that of that despicable war criminal.
you’re starting to feel like attempts to rehabilitate George W
Bush’s image are being aggressively shoved down your throat by the
mass media at every opportunity, it’s because that is exactly what
is happening. Every few weeks there’s a new deluge of headlines
explaining to consumers of mainstream media why they should love the
43rd president because he’s such a cutesy wootsey cuddle pie, and
completely forget about the piles upon piles of human corpses he is
responsible for creating for no legitimate reason at all. The last
Bush appreciation blitz was less
than two weeks ago.
there is a reason for this. Make no mistake, this relentless,
aggressive campaign to rehabilitate George W Bush whether you like it
or not is actually a campaign to rehabilitate what he did and the
mass media’s unforgivable complicity in it.
mass media failed spectacularly to
practice due diligence and hold power to account in the lead-up to
the illegal and unconscionable Iraq invasion, not
just the ghouls at Fox News but
respected centrist outlets like CNN, the New
York Times and
the Washington
Post as
well. Bogus government reports were passed on uncritically and
unquestioned, antiwar demonstrations with hundreds of thousands of
protesters were ignored and downplayed, and the words “Saddam
Hussein” and “9/11” were deliberately mentioned in the same
breath so frequently that seven out of ten Americans still
believed Saddam was responsible for the September 11 attacks months
after the Iraq invasion had occurred.
an environment where the New
York Times is
instructing its readers how to “help
fight the information wars”
against Russia, the BBC is coaching
its audience to
scream the word “whataboutism” whenever a skeptic of
establishment Russia narratives brings up Iraq, and the US Secretary
of Defense is claiming that Putin is trying to “undermine
America’s moral authority,”
the massive credibility hit that imperial media and institutions took
by deceiving the world into the destruction of Iraq matters.
Propaganda is a lot more important in cold war than in hot war since
avoiding direct military confrontation limits the options of the
participants, and Iraq is a giant bullet hole in the narrative of US
moral authority which Moscow is rightly all too happy to point out.
Exactly this. This is a war on both morality & objective reality. People are rebranded “good” or “bad” not based on their actions, but whether or not they subscribe to a state mandated list of opinions.
the claim of moral authority, none of America’s manipulations
against Russia make any sense. It’s absurd for America to spend
years shrieking about Russian election meddling after it openly
rigged Russia’s elections in
the nineties, unless America claims that it rigged Russia’s
elections for moral reasons while Russia rigged America’s elections
for immoral reasons. It makes no sense to have mainstream western
media outlets uncritically manufacturing support for wars and
coaching their audiences on how to help government agencies fight
“information wars” against Russia while also criticizing RT as
“state media”, unless you can say that western media functions as
an arm of the US government for moral reasons while RT does so for
immoral reasons. It makes no sense for the US to criticize Russian
military interventionism when the US is vastly more guilty of vastly
more egregious forms of military interventionism, unless the US can
claim its interventionism is moral while Russia’s is immoral.
this reason it’s been necessary to rehabilitate the image of the
Iraq invasion, and since there is no aspect of the Iraq invasion
itself that isn’t soaked in blood and gore, they are rehabilitating
its most recognizable face instead. Mainstream media outlets are
doing this both to restore their own credibility and the credibility
of the US world order they serve, in order to help secure crucial
narrative control as we slide ever closer to a direct
military confrontation with Russia and/or China.
controls the narrative controls the world, and Iraq is a major weak
point in the US-centralized empire’s narrative control. When you
see a political insider like Michelle Obama constantly facilitating
the mass media’s fixation on how cuddly wuddly George W Bush has
become, you are not witnessing a heartwarming moment, you are not
witnessing redemption, and you are most certainly not witnessing the
news. You are witnessing war propaganda, plain and simple.
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======================================'George H.W. Bush overleden: weer wordt een grote oorlogsmisdadiger de hemel in geprezen'
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