hoor je vooral in het buitenland dat rechters verkrachters beschermen
en hen weg laten komen met belachelijk lage straffen, of zelfs zonder
straf..... De Franse 'rechtspraak' is op dit gebied een 'mooi voorbeeld......' (dit verandert overigens als de dader moslim is en het tegengestelde als de dader uit een 'beter gesitueerd' gezin stamt...)
ook in de VS kan men er wat van, neem het geval Kavanaugh.
heb geen zin om de smerige misdaden tegen vrouwen te herhalen die in het hieronder
opgenomen artikel van het Care2 team aan bod komen.....
de tekst van Lauren Longo, zoals weergegeven bij de petitie en geeft
het door, het is 2018 en het seksuele geweld tegen vrouwen (en
mannen) moet eindelijk afgelopen zijn!!
5 Judges Whose Sexual Assault Rulings Land Them in The Hall Of Shame

- December 18, 2018
- Follow Lauren at @llongo510
are a lot of decent, fair judges out there, but there are a
lot of terrible ones too,
especially when it comes to sexual assault cases. Far too often,
judges are making headlines for giving rapists shockingly lenient
sentences or blaming victims for their own assaults. Around the
world, judges are letting rapists off the hook and treating victims
with horrible disrespect.
Mexican judge cleared a man of rape because he didn’t orgasm
during the assault. In Italy, a judge acquitted a man of sexual
assault because the victim didn’t “betray emotion” during the
assault. In several cases, judges have dismissed cases because they
believed the young victims looked or acted older than they were or
that their bodies were “well-developed.”
were a lot of contenders for worst judges on sexual assault cases,
but these are five whose actions should land them in the Hall of
last week, Texas Judge
Ralph Strother allowed
accused rapist and 23-year-old former frat boy Jacob
Walter Anderson to plead no contest to
the lesser charge of unlawful restraint.
was accused of repeatedly raping his then 19-year-old victim his
fraternity threw in 2016. He then left her outside, unconscious,
face-down in her own vomit. Despite this, Anderson was offered a
plea deal which judge Strother then accepted, ignoring pleas from
the victim.
has been lenient toward rapists in at least two other cases. Earlier
this year, Strother sentenced a rapist to 30 days of jail but said he
could leave on the weekends. Another time, he allowed a rapist to
avoid jail time altogether, if he payed for his victim’s
Canadian teenager sexually
assaulted a girl in a bathroom stall,
injuring her so severely she was rushed to the hospital in critical
condition. The perpetrator was also convicted of sexually assaulting
another girl just a few months earlier. Judge Paul Meyers sentenced
him to two weeks behind bars, saying that the teen already faced
“social ramifications” and will not be able to graduate with his
could forget Judge Aaron Persky, who let convicted rapist Brock
Turner serve only three months in jail?
A jury found Turner guilty of three felony sexual assault charges, and as a result the prosecution recommended a sentence of six years in prison, stating Turner posed a “continued threat to the community.” Instead, Judge Persky sentenced him to only six months in county jail because “a prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.” Perksy has since been removed from the bench following a recall vote.
A jury found Turner guilty of three felony sexual assault charges, and as a result the prosecution recommended a sentence of six years in prison, stating Turner posed a “continued threat to the community.” Instead, Judge Persky sentenced him to only six months in county jail because “a prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.” Perksy has since been removed from the bench following a recall vote.
this case, the Hall of Shame nominee is both the judge and the
Kavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court, Dr.
Christine Blasey Ford came forward with
allegations of sexual misconduct. Ford claimed Kavanaugh assaulted
her when they were teenagers. Following this news, several
other women came forward with
allegations against Kavanaugh. Despite decent people (and many
others) all agreeing that Ford was credible, Kavanaugh was still
confirmed as a Supreme Court justice.
year Canadian judge
Robin Camp submitted
his resignation because of a 2014 case in which he asked a
19-year-old rape victim, “Why couldn’t you just keep your knees
together?” He also later told her “sex and pain sometimes go
together.” When the victim told the court that the assault occurred
in a bathroom sink, the judge asked her why she hadn’t put her
“bottom down into the basin so he couldn’t penetrate you.”
Credit: Getty Images
============================Zie ook:
'Kavanaugh: dus een vrouwvijandige smeerlap word aangewezen als opperrechter door een andere vrouwvijandige schoft.........' (het woord opperrechter in deze kop klopt niet, Kavanaugh is lid van het hooggerechtshof, waar een ander de functie van opperrechter bekleedt, e.e.a. doet verder niets af aan de strekking)
'Bovenklasse ontloopt elke verantwoording, waar de onderlaag zoveel mogelijk verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor elke misstap' (in het artikel van Caitlin Johnstone dat is opgenomen in dat bericht, wordt over Kavanaugh gesproken)
'Brett Kavanaugh heeft lak aan internationaal recht en mensenrechten, dus ook aan seksueel geweld tegen vrouwen.......' In dit bericht vooral aandacht op de andere foute kanten van psychopaat Kavanaugh.
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