Craig Roberts, econoom, anti-oorlog opiniemaker en voormalig
assistent van de minister van financiën onder het bewind van namaak 'cojboj' Reagan, is door Twitter in de ban gedaan.... Nooit heeft
Roberts in zijn tijd als opiniemaker/columnist een leugen gepubliceerd, dit in
tegenstelling tot de reguliere (massa-) media en toch worden niet die
media, maar mensen als Roberts in de ban gedaan.......
Roberts haalt overigens
steeds meer zijn gelijk met z'n stelling dat de ideologie van de
neoconservatieven, naar wie de reguliere (massa-) media en Twitter (en Facebook) de oren
laten hangen, steeds meer begint te lijken op de ideologie van
de nazi's..... Jammer dat Roberts dit niet ook over de democraten
zegt, immers er is maar bitter weinig verschil tussen de democraten en
republikeinen als men aan het bewind is........ Waar ik nog aan toe wil voegen dat het neoconservatisme m.i. niets anders is dan ijskoud, inhumaan neoliberalisme, de ideologie die door de meeste westerse landen (en ook door de democraten als zij in de VS aan de macht zijn) wordt bediend in het regeringsbeleid.......
Lees het beknopte artikel van Tyler Durden over deze zaak en verbaas je net als ik over de stap van Twitter...... (hoewel verbazen, ik sta intussen nergens meer van te kijken)
Twitter Bans Former Asst. Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts
10/26/2018 - 05:22
has suspended noted anti-war commentator, economist and former
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts.
suspension came without warning and was noted by journalist Caitlin
Johnstone and others Thursday evening:
79, served in the Reagan administration from 1981 to 1982. He was
formerly a distinguished fellow at the Cato Institute and a senior
research fellow at the Hoover Institution, and has written for
the Wall
Street Journal and Businessweek. Roberts maintains
an active
also vehemently
against interventionary wars around the world,
and spoke with Russia's state-owned Sputnik news
in a Tuesday article - in which Roberts said that President
Trump's decision to pull out of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces
(INF) treaty was a handout
to the military-security complex.
The former Reagan administration official clarified that he does not think "that the military-security complex itself wants a war with Russia, but it does want an enemy that can be used to justify more spending." He explained that the withdrawing from the INF Treaty "gives the military-security complex a justification for a larger budget and new money to spend: manufacturing the formerly banned missiles."
The economist highlighted that "enormous sums spent on 'defense' enabled the armaments corporations to control election outcomes with campaign contributions," adding that in addition, "the military has bases and the armaments corporations have factories in almost every state so that the population, dependent on the jobs, support high amounts of 'defense' spending."
"That was 57 years ago," he underscored. "You can imagine how much stronger the military-security complex is today." -Sputnik
also suggested that "The
Zionist Neoconservatives are responsible for Washington's
unilateral abandonment of the INF treaty, just as they were
responsible for Washington's unilateral abandonment of the
ABM Treaty [in 2002], the Iran nuclear agreement, and the promise not
to move NATO one inch to the East."
this what got him suspended?
goes on to say that the ideology of US neoconservatives is "akin
to the German Nazy Party last century"
in their ideology of American supremacy and exceptionalism.
over-confidence about their ability to quickly defeat
Israel's enemies and open the Middle East to Israeli expansion
got the US bogged down in wars in the Middle East for 17
years ... During
this time, both Russia and China rose much more quickly than the
neoconservatives thought possible."
Dr. Roberts opined that US policy makers are seeking to weaponize the Russian opposition and "pro-Western elements" to exert pressure on Moscow into "accommodating Washington in order to have the sanctions removed." On the other hand, the Trump administration's new arms race could force Russia into spending more on defense, according to the author. -Sputnik
we don't know if Roberts' Sputnik interview resulted in his Twitter
ban 48 hours later, it's entirely possible.
Wat betreft de laatste zin van het artikel hierboven, zojuist zag ik dat het Twitteraccount van Roberts nog steeds is geblokkeerd, waar volgens mij intussen de 48 uur is verstreken........ (zaterdagmiddag 27 oktober 2018: 15.30 u.)
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